
Those who drive a BMW are not necessarily rich, but those who drive these "4 cars" will not be bad! Are there you?


Buying a car on the mainland seems to have become a must, everyone will go to the driver's license test when they are old, and the first bucket of gold saved by many young people will be used to buy a car.

In daily life, it seems that every household cannot do without a car. Cars do bring convenience to many people's travel, but they also make many people experience a lot of bad things when buying a car.

Most people who buy a car will choose some of the better brands of vehicles. Even if the price will be slightly more expensive, the quality will be better, and it will be more reassuring in the process of driving.

In the concept of many people, similar to Mercedes-Benz, Audi, BMW and other brand-name cars, their performance must be very good. But most people can't afford such expensive vehicles. And these cars are also divided into the ranks that can only be driven by rich people in the eyes of most people.

But in fact, the idea that Mercedes-Benz is a luxury car is actually not rigorous, and even a little ridiculous. Because Mercedes-Benz, as a company, does not blindly operate luxury cars. In its full range of products, in addition to the higher price of the car, there are also many models suitable for the general public.

Especially in the mainland's economic development to the present, many families can afford to buy Mercedes-Benz cars. Even if you are an ordinary office worker, you can save a salary for one or two years and you can afford to buy a Mercedes-Benz. At the same time, Audi and BMW have also launched models suitable for ordinary people to buy.

From these aspects, people who look at Mercedes-Benz and Audi are not necessarily rich. But if you meet people who drive these 4 kinds of cars, then their economic strength must not be too bad.

First of all, the first kind of car is volkswagen Phaeton. Although Volkswagen in the eyes of many people, can not be counted as the ranks of luxury cars, and even some are too common.

But Volkswagen Phaeton and Volkswagen are very different, Volkswagen as a German company, each model quality is very good, but also very popular with Chinese consumers. At the same time, Volkswagen's cars are generally fairly priced, so sales have been good.

Those who drive a BMW are not necessarily rich, but those who drive these "4 cars" will not be bad! Are there you?

Although Phaeton is also a Volkswagen car, it does serve high-end people, whether it is the overall design or performance, it is also much more than ordinary Volkswagen. Of course, relatively speaking, the price is also unimaginable to ordinary people.

It must be mentioned that the shape of the Phaeton car is very low-key, whether it is the interior or the appearance, if you do not look closely, it is difficult to find that it is Phaeton. Many people will recognize Phaeton as Pasteur, but in fact, Paste and Phaeton are not a level.

The second car is the Maybach S-Class. Maybach was once known as a must-have vehicle for business people. Although the brand has now been incorporated into the Mercedes-Benz umbrella, it is still a model that ordinary people cannot afford. Moreover, Maybach's previous publicity in the mainland market has always been a high-end route, and now it is also facing high-end people.

You know, a low-end version of the Maybach, at least 1.5 million to get down. If you want to ask a little about the appearance, interior, etc., let alone 2 million yuan, the price of the high-end version is higher. If you see this car on the road, it is best to stay away, and a little scratching is not affordable for ordinary people.

The third type of car is the Lexus. This car is actually not common in the domestic market, if you want to buy this kind of car, either the money is too hard, or it is familiar with the owner of the car dealership, otherwise it is rare to get it down. This car is compared to BBA by many vehicle enthusiasts.

At the same time, this car is on the market, and many people may not be able to buy it even if they buy it at a higher price. The price of this car is there, and it can be seen that the configuration in all aspects is very high. Especially in terms of power system and internal design, people can't fault it.

Those who drive a BMW are not necessarily rich, but those who drive these "4 cars" will not be bad! Are there you?

The fourth car is the Nachijet, which is less common than the Lexus and is more popular. Generally only the rich second generation, or people who like to play with cars will consider it. For ordinary people, when they want to buy a car, they don't think about this kind of car at all.

Although this car is very smart and the route it takes is very high-end, it has a very interesting feature. That's because this car needs to be maintained frequently, once the maintenance is not in place, there will be problems, and it must be repaired. So many people also laughed that the people who bought this car may not be very rich, but the people who keep this car must be very rich.

At the same time, this car is very fuel-intensive, basically every two or three days, you have to add oil once. Therefore, few people will generally buy this car, and just refueling will make people consume a lot of energy.

Those who drive a BMW are not necessarily rich, but those who drive these "4 cars" will not be bad! Are there you?


In summary, the people who buy these four cars are generally really rich people. If a relative in the family suddenly buys any of these cars one day, you can give each other a few more glasses of wine during the New Year. If you are rich one day, you can also choose one of the cars to buy, low-key to show your identity. What do you think about these 4 types of cars?

Today's hot discussion: Mercedes-Benz can be seen everywhere on the road, but the owner of this "4 cars" must not be bad, is there you

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