
Is your baby's poop normal? This poop color card you deserve!

Mommy And Daddy, you know

Babies of different months of age

Different feeding styles

Your baby's poop will be different

So there is not only one kind of normal poop

Yellow, yellow-green, dark brown...

It's impossible to think like that every day

Take it easy, don't worry

Today Xiaobian will take you to "poop" to know health!


Normal poop for a full-term baby

Is your baby's poop normal? This poop color card you deserve!

— Breastfeeding —

Healthy breastfed stools are yellow or golden yellow, yellow-green, mostly uniformly creamy or with a little yellow stool particles, or thinner, this is because breast milk contains oligosaccharide fiber, so breast milk babies generally do not constipation.

Slightly sour or no obvious odor, with an average of 2 to 4 bowel movements per day. Exclusively breastfed babies sometimes do not have much bowel movements for 6 or 7 days, and the stool after using Kaiser dew appears ointment-like, which is a stomach saver, not constipation, and moms and dads do not need special attention and intervention

— Formula feeding —

Poop is generally not too thin, relatively dry and thick, and the color is generally yellow, light yellow or grayish yellow, and occasionally pale green. Usually the number of stools is 1-4 times a day.

There is a pronounced odor and may sometimes be mixed with milk flaps.

Is your baby's poop normal? This poop color card you deserve!

— Mixed feeding —

Mixed-feeding babies mainly eat breast milk and formula, and the shape of their poop is related to the food they eat.

Poop is sometimes a little yellow, sometimes a little green, sometimes there are bubbles, sometimes a little milk flap or food scrap... These are normal.

Is your baby's poop normal? This poop color card you deserve!

— Complementary feeding —

After adding starchy foods, the baby's stool will increase, slightly dark brown, you will see the residue of the food, and the odor will increase.

After adding various types of vegetables, fruits and other complementary foods, the appearance of the baby's poop is similar to that of adults, and when the vegetable puree is first added, a small amount of green stool will be discharged. Usually your baby does not have more than 4 bowel movements per day.

Is your baby's poop normal? This poop color card you deserve!


Breastfed baby poop is ideal

Is your baby's poop normal? This poop color card you deserve!

— Proteins in breast milk are easier to digest —

Breast milk protein is divided into two parts: whey protein and casein, of which the content of α-whey protein in whey protein is the highest, and the content of casein β-casein is the highest.

The highest content of milk proteins is β-lactoglobulin and α-casein, the main milk proteins that cause allergies in infants and young children, and these two proteins are almost absent in breast milk.

— Proteins in breast milk are more easily absorbed —

More than 98% of breast milk fat is triglycerides, providing at least 50% of the energy for your baby's growth. From the perspective of fatty acids, the highest content of unsaturated fatty acids in breast milk is oleic acid, and the highest saturated fatty acid is palmitic acid, which is easier to absorb, so breastfeeding healthy term babies will hardly have dry stools.

Oligosaccharides in breast milk can soften stool At present, more than 200 kinds of oligosaccharide molecules have been found in breast milk, which can soften the baby's stool and also have a positive effect on the baby's intestinal microecology.

Breast milk helps the establishment of the baby's intestinal flora The biggest breakthrough in the consensus of breast milk in this century is that breast milk is bacterial, and the composition of the breast milk flora is diverse, and the microorganisms in breast milk play an important role in the establishment of the baby's intestinal flora.

Poop is a "color card" that reflects the health of the intestines

After summer, your baby's intestines are prone to health problems

Diarrhea, flatulence, indigestion...

It is even more necessary to master the method of "convenience" to know health

While being alert to abnormal poop

Also pay attention to your baby's diet and sleep

Is your baby's poop normal? This poop color card you deserve!


February solar term massage is arranged in advance

Temperance to massage and do twice as effectively

Is your baby's poop normal? This poop color card you deserve!
Is your baby's poop normal? This poop color card you deserve!
Is your baby's poop normal? This poop color card you deserve!
Is your baby's poop normal? This poop color card you deserve!
Is your baby's poop normal? This poop color card you deserve!

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