
Myopia rate of 52.7%, how to alleviate the adverse effects of playing mobile phones on the eyes?

According to CCTV News, the results of the 18th National National Reading Survey found that the average contact time of mobile phones in 2020 was 100.75 minutes. With the exception of the elderly who do not use mobile phones frequently, infants in infancy, and students who are forced to use mobile phones by schools, most people use mobile phones for much longer than this time. The emergence of electronic products such as mobile phones has brought great convenience to our lives, and at the same time, it has also caused great harm to the important organs of our bodies, the eyes. According to the survey, the myopia rate of mainland teenagers will reach 52.7% in 2020, and the harm brought to us by mobile phones is far more serious than we think.

Myopia rate of 52.7%, how to alleviate the adverse effects of playing mobile phones on the eyes?

First play mobile phone will form or aggravate myopia, mobile phone in order to facilitate people's carrying is designed to be small and exquisite, we in order to see the content of the phone will often put the screen close to our eyes, because the eyes are closer to the electronic screen, and stay on the screen for a long time, so that the ciliary muscle is long-term contraction, not only easy to produce visual fatigue and make the intraocular pressure rise, and high intraocular pressure will make the scleral wall gradually thin, resulting in eye expansion, and eventually form myopia [1]; there is also a situation that we ourselves have myopia Playing with the phone for a long time makes our eyes in a state of tension, can not be relaxed, and aggravates the degree of myopia.

Secondly, most people like to go home and turn off the lights after lying on the bed to play mobile phones, the eyes of the dark light adaptability is poor, the dark surrounding environment and the bright light of the mobile phone screen form a sharp contrast between light and dark, so that the eye light and shade adjustment ability to strengthen, aggravate eye fatigue, so that vision decline.

Myopia rate of 52.7%, how to alleviate the adverse effects of playing mobile phones on the eyes?

In addition, as an electronic product, the blue light emitted by mobile phones will also radiate to our eyes, which will have a certain adverse effect on our eyes. [2]

Preliminary understanding of the impact of mobile phones on myopia, so how to alleviate the adverse effects of playing mobile phones on the eyes? 10 Healthy Eye Tips to Help You Reduce the Harm Caused by Myopia:

(1) Attach importance to the popularization of myopia education, most people now do not understand the current myopia situation and the degree of adverse effects of mobile phones on myopia. Relevant departments can strengthen myopia health education and increase people's attention to the eyes.

(2) Reduce the time and frequency of playing mobile phones, avoid indulging in mobile phone content, and increase the burden on the eyes. The National Health Commission issued the "Core Information and Interpretation of Adolescent Health Education in China (2018 Edition)", which clearly stipulates the use of electronic products by adolescents, and the cumulative use of non-learning purposes should not exceed 1 hour per day.

(3) Choose the correct posture to play the mobile phone, do not lie down or play with the mobile phone on your stomach, the best posture is to straighten the chest and abdomen, and the center of the mobile phone screen is at the same height as the eyes, so that it is parallel to the line of sight. You can look down about 15° to 20° with your eyes, that is, the phone is located slightly below the horizontal line. Between playing with the phone, pay attention to the movement of the wrist and fingers to avoid causing stiffness of the wrist and fingers.

(4) Try to use a mobile phone with a large screen, which can reduce the pressure on the eyes.

(5) You can wear anti-blue light glasses to reduce the radiation of the mobile phone to the eyes.

(6) Try not to bring the mobile phone to the bed, reduce the time and frequency of playing the mobile phone in bed.

(7) When the eyes appear photophobia, dryness, itching and other symptoms, go to the hospital in time for relevant eye examinations.

(8) Actively exercise outdoor sports, especially can choose badminton, tennis, table tennis and other sports activities that can exercise eye muscles.

(9) Often do eye exercises and eye exercises to ensure adequate sleep, relax the eyes, and fully rest the eyes. Behind your eyes, you can look into the distance and see more green vegetation.

Myopia rate of 52.7%, how to alleviate the adverse effects of playing mobile phones on the eyes?

(10) Balanced diet, not partial to food, picky eaters, can eat carrots, blueberries, kiwi fruit and other vegetables and fruits that are beneficial to the eyes.

Protecting the eyes is not just talk, it needs each of us to put into action, the eyes are our only organ that feels light, and it is our responsibility to protect it. The World Health Organization in the "2020, enjoy the right to see" action listed myopia as one of the five key prevention and treatment of one of the eye diseases, indicating that the prevention of myopia has been the world's attention, so please start now, turn off the mobile phone screen, strengthen eye hygiene, prevent myopia formation!


Wang Limeng,He Xianggui,Xie Hui,Xu Wenyan,Pan Chenwei,Wang Xiangdong. The correlation between myopia-related health beliefs and screen time in primary and secondary school students[J].China School Health,2021,42(02):181-184.DOI:10.16835/j.cnki.1000-9817.2021.02.006.

Cui Xingyi,Peng Li. "Mobile phone disease", which ones have you hit[N]. Guangming Daily, 2021-08-22(006). DOI:10.28273/n.cnki.ngmrb.2021.004303.

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