
What should children with autism do? Smart parents are using the method!

What if your child finds autism? In addition to scientific rehabilitation, we should also give children emotional and intellectual support.

Emotional support means that parents should embrace autistic children with sincere love, eliminate their inner tension, let them feel caring, friendship and warmth in life, gradually stop timidity, learn to communicate with others, and integrate into the world around them.

Specific measures include the following aspects.

Respect and understand children

In the face of all kinds of inexplicable, unbelievable and embarrassing behaviors of autistic children, even if parents have absolutely good reasons, they should not lose their temper with their children.

What should children with autism do? Smart parents are using the method!

Because the card is not enough to make the child understand that this behavior is wrong. Instead, it can cause more harm to children.

Parents should find back the long-lost childlike heart, change the tone of adults and adult thinking in the face of autistic children, approach them gently, cautiously and slowly, turn themselves into children's playmates and close friends, let autistic children accept you, pay attention to you, be close to you, accept your help and education, and help children grow up healthily.

The mother of an autistic child said: "We should fully understand the difficulties that children show in the learning process.

For an autistic child who is severely lacking in various abilities, it is not justified to complain about his stupidity when he encounters difficulties in learning. "

What should children with autism do? Smart parents are using the method!

Pay attention to the child's inner world, in order to truly help children with autism, parents must consider the child's psychological needs, especially emotional needs.

Since parent-child relationships are largely formed by sharing experiences, we should pay attention to sharing emotions and experiences with children with autism when communicating with them

Don't skimp on your child's encouragement and praise

Compared to normal children, it is not easy to praise an autistic child.

However, parents must learn to appreciate their strengths and praise them with their hearts. Maybe most of what they show is flaws, but as long as parents have the eyes to find beautiful, they can find the cuteness of autistic children.

What should children with autism do? Smart parents are using the method!

When a child makes progress, even if it is only a small step forward, parents should sincerely encourage and praise him: "You are amazing! You did very well! In this way, children will take pleasure from their parents' words and build self-confidence.

Parents who don't understand anything else can tell me in the comments section!

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