
#Zhang Yimou wife posted a distressed husband ##Beijing Winter Olympics #At 4:49 on the day of Valentine's Day 2022, the famous director, Beijing 2008 Summer Olympics, 20

author:Film and television copyright observation

#Zhang Yimou's wife posted a distressed husband # #Beijing Winter Olympics # At 4:49 on the day of Valentine's Day in 2022, Chen Ting, the wife of the famous director, Zhang Yimou, the general director of the opening and closing ceremonies of the two Olympic Games, sent out a 769-word long text through personal social media, expressing her love and admiration for her husband in the "Seventy Ancient Rare Years" in this way. She said in the article that although she was particularly reluctant to carry out this glorious and arduous task, the whole family silently supported his work, because she and her children understood that this was a "national task" and she felt happy to live in China, a big country and a prosperous country.

Zhang Yimou and Chen Ting fell in love in 1999 and registered for marriage in 2011, and now they have three children: the eldest son Zhang Yinan is 21 years old, the second son Zhang Yiding is 18 years old, and the younger daughter Zhang Yijiao is 16 years old.

The great success of the opening ceremony of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games is actually the exchange of Zhang Dao and his team with rest time, health and even life, for this kind of "self-harm" work, Chen Ting, as a wife, is very afraid of her husband's sudden collapse, this worry is not superfluous, after all, Zhang Dao is 72 years old this year, for such an age is still working desperately, the three-child fucking Chen Ting's heartache is also a natural expression of emotion. We should wish them a happy Valentine's Day 2022 and a healthy and happy family forever!

#Zhang Yimou wife posted a distressed husband ##Beijing Winter Olympics #At 4:49 on the day of Valentine's Day 2022, the famous director, Beijing 2008 Summer Olympics, 20
#Zhang Yimou wife posted a distressed husband ##Beijing Winter Olympics #At 4:49 on the day of Valentine's Day 2022, the famous director, Beijing 2008 Summer Olympics, 20
#Zhang Yimou wife posted a distressed husband ##Beijing Winter Olympics #At 4:49 on the day of Valentine's Day 2022, the famous director, Beijing 2008 Summer Olympics, 20

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