
【Special attention】With the start of school imminent, 35 points of 7 major matters for young children to return to kindergarten!

The kindergarten is about to start in the new semester, and when children come to the kindergarten for the first time, due to changes in the environment and personnel, there will be fear and various adaptations, which is a normal phenomenon, and parents do not have to panic, so as not to affect the children's emotions. Before the start of school, the most important thing is to be mentally prepared and basic life skills before entering the kindergarten. When entering the kindergarten for the first time, the child will cry non-stop due to the uneasiness of separation anxiety, and each child has an adaptation period of about a week, hoping that parents can trust the teacher and can insist on sending their children to the kindergarten.

1. Parents are the child's first teachers

1. Parents need to tell your children that there are many children in kindergarten, and it is a place to play games with children happily. Due to the initial group life, children will feel nervous and tired, and even uneasy, please ask parents to pick up the child on time. After going back, I talk to my children every day about the kindergarten teachers and children. (Which kid in the class has a new change?) Who did you become good friends with? What should you learn from your best friends? Wait a minute...... )

2. Before the child comes to the kindergarten, parents should help the child to make psychological preparations according to the characteristics of the child, do not scare the child, and make the child have a fear psychology.

3, life should begin to have regularity, go to bed early and get up early, to ensure that children can come to the park with a happy mood every day.

4. Introduce your child's daily living habits to the teacher in advance, and if you need help, you can discuss with the teacher.

5. Before coming to the kindergarten, please help your child develop the habit of doing things independently and learn simple life skills.

6. Guide young children to correctly communicate with their peers, avoid conflicts with their peers, and be able to get along with each other. This will have more friends.

7. When children clash with children for any reason, parents should give correct and positive guidance to avoid conflicts between children and other children.

8. Contact the teacher in individual cases, and the teacher will pay attention to it in time.

Second, dress precautions

In early spring, the temperature difference between morning and evening is large, and children are not easy to adapt to, so I would like to put forward the following suggestions on clothing, hoping to help you.

1, clothing should be light, not too cumbersome, to avoid children into the toilet and inconvenience of activities.

2. Due to the large temperature difference between morning and evening, it is recommended to wear a thick coat for children when coming to the kindergarten, and then bring a slightly thinner coat and pants.

3, listen to the weather forecast every night, which is of great help for young children's dress, avoid wearing too much or too little clothes.

4. Pay attention to observing young children, take medicine in time with uncomfortable symptoms, and prevent spring colds.

5. Contact the teacher in time with special circumstances or special physique of young children to avoid accidents.

Third, dietary precautions

After the rest of the holiday, the child restarts the collective life of the kindergarten, and there are many discomforts in terms of diet, combined with the previous experience, it is recommended as follows, I hope it will be helpful to you.

1, children's adaptation to the environment needs a process, in the kindergarten will appear poor diet, not enough to eat, may be on fire, it is recommended that parents can be at home to supplement the child, such as: milk, fruit, easy to digest food, etc., and timely feedback to the teacher.

2. It is recommended that young children eat some clean food at home, which can not only ensure the normal consumption of the body, but also digest and absorb to prevent fire. If you give too many cold foods to young children, it will especially cause adverse reactions to young children who are on fire and cause physical discomfort.

3. Increase the amount of activity, timely supplement the diet of young children, adjust the diet structure, and ensure that children's bodies are consumed normally in recent times. Young children may have dry stools due to unadaptability of life, and parents can eat some bananas and drink honey water for young children.

4. Contact the teacher in time for the situation of the child in order to guide and educate in time.

Fourth, pick-up and drop-off safety precautions

1, in order to protect the safety of young children, please consciously abide by the kindergarten pick-up system, if there are special circumstances, please ask others to pick up the child instead, but also must be strictly in accordance with the kindergarten regulations, please be sure to greet the teacher when picking up, and then pick up the child.

2. According to your child's actual situation, please bring a change of clothes and pants.

3. On the way to pick up and drop off young children, consciously abide by traffic rules and do not jump or run on the road.

4. Remind children to go up and down the stairs to the right, do not jump and run on the stairs, do not climb the handrails of the stairs, and care for the health facilities and wall decorations in the corridors.

5. In order to protect the safety of young children, children should wear clothes to facilitate movement when they enter the kindergarten, and the shoes they wear are convenient for children to wear and take off. Young children should not wear various hairpins on their heads, and they should not wear various ornaments on their bodies. Check the children's clothing and clothing every day, and do not bring sharp, easy-to-swallow, and easy-to-lose ornaments and supplies to the kindergarten.

6. Pick up and drop off young children to personally do a good job with the receiving teacher, do not chat with the reception teacher for a long time, affecting the work.

7. Parents are requested to pick up and drop off young children on time according to the prescribed time. If there are special circumstances, please call the class teacher!

5. Precautions for health and hygiene

1. If the immediate family of the child suffers from hepatitis and other infectious diseases, the teacher should be informed and the admission to the kindergarten should be suspended, and only after examination is no infection can they enter the kindergarten.

2. Treat the disease in time and enter the park after recovery. If children have allergy history, smoking history and other medical history, they need to clarify with the kindergarten and make a good record; if they conceal their medical history and cause adverse consequences, they shall bear the responsibility.

3. If the child finds physical discomfort before coming to the kindergarten, (such as fever, vomiting, colic, medication at home, and medication must be taken after hospital treatment), the situation should be introduced in detail with the teacher of the class during the morning examination, explaining the child's condition, medication and medication requirements. If a child has medicines to bring into the kindergarten, parents must personally explain the dosage method with the teacher on duty and register the medicines.

4. When the child is found to be unwell when entering the kindergarten, he or she will be taken to the hospital by the parents for treatment, or stay in the kindergarten for observation. When staying in the kindergarten for observation, parents should take the initiative to call the kindergarten to get in touch with the kindergarten to understand the child's physical condition in time.

5. If the following circumstances occur, they cannot enter the kindergarten: children with fever above 38 degrees, stitches, fractures that have not healed, asthma attacks, and infectious diseases that have not healed for the full period cannot enter the kindergarten.

6. Parents who find that their children have infectious diseases (such as hand, foot and mouth, dysentery, mumps, hepatitis, eczema, pink eye, etc.) should contact the kindergarten immediately and isolate them in accordance with the provisions of the epidemic prevention station, so as to facilitate the prevention of the whole park.

7. The kindergarten provides reasonable meals for children every day, and attaches great importance to health and nutrition! In order to prevent children from developing bad eating habits, try not to bring other types of snacks.

Sixth, young children's emotional management precautions

At the beginning of the new semester, children will have some mood swings, and it is recommended as follows:

1, parents show positive emotions, like kindergarten, like kindergarten teachers, which can have a positive impact on children.

2. Insist on sending children to the kindergarten to prevent children from having difficulties in entering the kindergarten due to excuses from coming to the kindergarten, and children's emotions will also be affected.

3. When young children are unhappy, they should give their children a correct and positive emotional channeling, and avoid blindly blaming others and causing emotional instability in children.

4. Give positive encouragement to children's happy emotions to ensure that children can come to the kindergarten happily.

5. Communicate the happy things of kindergarten with children every day, so that children can experience success from kindergarten life, which will enhance children's happy mood in the kindergarten so that they can come to the kindergarten smoothly.

6. Parents who are difficult to soothe the emotions of young children contact teachers in time to achieve common education in their homes to ensure that children come to the kindergarten happily.

7. Precautions for Parents' Behavior

1. Parents should be neat and tidy when entering and leaving the kindergarten, pay attention to civility and courtesy in words and deeds, and make a good example for their children.

2. Love the facilities in the park, maintain the environmental hygiene in the park, do not smoke, do not spit, and do not throw confetti casually.

3. Only when parents study well, children can improve every day.

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