
Her parents' sentence "I gave birth to you, just to give your brother a pension and send you to the end" determined her life

author:Wind Whisperer Story

Looking at the success of the career and the children of the Xiaoyan family, because the parents' sentence "Born you, is to give your brother a pension to send the end", Xiaoyan has provoked the beams of the family since she was a child.


Her parents' sentence "I gave birth to you, just to give your brother a pension and send you to the end" determined her life

Xiao Yan's parents are both businessmen, starting from a small business department from scratch, and finally made a large-scale trading company, every time they are mentioned, Xiao Yan is full of pride.

Unfortunately, her brother, who is three years older than her, has Down syndrome, the level of intelligence is not high, the situation is better, life can take care of itself, the situation is not good, and it needs to be accompanied for life, and there is no way to cure this disease.

Xiao Yan's birth is a decision made by her parents after repeated consideration, worried that she is old and dead, and her son has no one to take care of what to do? And remind Xiao Yan at any time: "I gave birth to you in order to give your brother a pension and send him to the end." ”

Since Xiao Yan remembered, her parents repeatedly warned her that she must let her brother play with her brother and not let others bully her brother.

Once, my brother was playing in the yard, and at first a group of children of the same age came to play together, but as they played, they began to laugh at their brother, and the brother knew that they were laughing at him, and they laughed silly.

At this point, the bear children are even more energetic, and you start pushing and shoving your brother with one hand and one foot, and you don't know how to resist when you wrestle.

Xiao Yan, who was only 3 years old, did not know where the momentum came from, rushed up to push away all those who pushed and shoved his brother, and said fiercely: "Don't bully my brother." ”

The bear children looked like a little girl younger than them, and they were bullied together, and as a result, both brothers and sisters were pushed to the ground, and their clothes were full of dirt.

Fortunately, the aunt next door came back from grocery shopping and saw them and pulled them away.

The aunt told Xiaoyan's parents about this matter, and the parents were busy praising Xiaoyan for doing a good job.

In this way of education, Xiao Yan developed the personality of rushing up to fight as long as her brother was not bullied, as long as her brother was treated.

The teacher was very troubled by her love of fighting, and saw that her academic performance was good, so she did not complain to her parents.

Xiao Yan's entire reading career was spent in this way, on the one hand, she studied the other hand, she vigorously defended her brother.


Her parents' sentence "I gave birth to you, just to give your brother a pension and send you to the end" determined her life

After finishing college, Xiaoyan did not enter the unit to work, but came out to start a business. Her business acumen began to play a role, and the business was booming!

When Xiao Yan was 25 years old, her mother was overworked and died.

The responsibility of caring for his brother and elderly father fell on his shoulders alone.

At this time, Xiao Yan's long hair is fluttering, her literary and artistic temperament is outstanding, and she also has a career, and the boys who pursue her are like carp crossing the river.

Xiao Yan's habit of fighting since she was a child has created her to play with boys often, and her personality is alive and well, like a boy.

Seeing that it is almost 30 years old, Xiao Yan chose the best one among the boys in this group to talk about love, and ended the couple.

The days look calm and calm, but Xiao Yan's married life is a chicken feather, because her brother's life is semi-self-care.

After marriage, Xiao Yan took her brother and old father to take care of her.

But after a long time, Xiao Yan's husband began to complain about his brother.

After all, the conjugal life of ordinary people is a two-person world, and there is always a brother who smirks all day long, so what is the matter?

He tried to discuss with Xiao Yan: "We will always have our own children in the future, and it is always inconvenient to take my brother and father like this." ”

Xiao Yan said, "But this is my dearest person, and I don't feel at ease to let others take care of me!" ”

Communication is ineffective, and Xiao Yan's husband can only continue to be patient with Xiao Yan.

After all, it is a new marriage, Xiao Yan's husband wants to go on a honeymoon trip with her, Xiao Yan refuses on the grounds of taking care of her brother and old father.

Xiao Yan went out to run the business is also in a hurry, and will leave after talking with customers, because she still has to go home to cook and take care of her brother's living.

Xiao Yan's husband looked in his eyes and hurt in his heart.

However, the communication barrier between the husband and his brother completely broke the walls of the marriage.

Such a life made Xiao Yan's husband feel miserable.

The best ending is divorce, Xiao Yan is a cheerful person, and she agrees without saying a word.


Her parents' sentence "I gave birth to you, just to give your brother a pension and send you to the end" determined her life

After the divorce, Xiao Yan took care of her brother and old father more distractedly, of course, Xiao Yan's career was not affected.

Xiao Yan felt that she needed someone to take care of her brother now. Such a person was really found by her, her name was Oretsuki.

Orizuki is gentle and lovely, and works full-time to illustrate the novel online. Her time is very free, and she can help Xiao yan to take care of her brother together.

Orizuki is now alone, she and her ex-husband have no children, and are tired of living like thieves all day. After hearing that her ex-husband had a 6-year-old child outside, he resolutely left the house.

They had not known each other for a long time, and The soft and weak-looking Weaving Moon said to Xiao Yan, "It is also quite hard for you to take care of your brother alone, so let me take care of him with you in the future." At least I don't have to worry all day like I used to. ”

Hearing this, Xiao Yan tightly closed Zhiyue's small hand in his own small hand, and the two of them lived together.

In the days of living together, the careful Weaver Moon found that her brother had something he liked to do.

My brother especially likes to write brush characters, and he can't write very neat brush words, only one poem.

The poem was written by Weaving Moon, and Xiao Yan framed it and hung it on the wall of her home, and her brother watched day and night, and everything was drawing with his fingers.

One day, my brother used the brush on the weaving moon desk to describe the poem. Although it is still crooked, it has a special meaning in looking at it.

This discovery surprised Xiaoyan very much. In addition to writing, my brother also likes to write horizontally and vertically as he pleases, which looks like it has some artistic meaning.

Xiao Yan also brought a poem for his brother to write, but his brother only liked the word, and he repeatedly described it and wrote one after another.

Xiao Yan's business acumen quickly discovered the business opportunities. She framed these childish-looking characters and sold them online, and they actually sold well.

So she considered packaging her brother well, and maybe she could become the first Tang calligrapher.


Her parents' sentence "I gave birth to you, just to give your brother a pension and send you to the end" determined her life

However, such a plan was cut off by the sudden epidemic, and because of his age, his brother's health was getting worse and worse, and he had a small ulcer on his hand, which could not be cured repeatedly, and slowly became more and more serious.

Although Xiao Yan was also very worried, she had already made preparations. Born with the burden of taking care of her brother, her fate seems to have long been destined not to be an ordinary person.

Like Xiao Yan, who is burdened with the children of her elder brother or sister who is sick and disabled at home, their lives often have no will of their own.

Parents love their children and think long for them. Many families with disabled children will choose to have another one, on the one hand, to make up for the lack of happiness in the family, on the other hand, to hope that they can support their sick and disabled brother or sister to complete their lives.

Is this really fair? I really hope that Xiaoyan can have more autonomy and more happiness in her life.

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