
Latest feature of Microsoft Win11 taskbar: Quickly turn on your phone

IT House February 10 news that Microsoft Windows 11 will receive its first major update this fall, there is some evidence that the taskbar drag-and-drop functionality is underway. In addition to supporting drag-and-drop functionality, other major improvements will also emerge, including features such as better overlay menus that many users have requested.

Latest feature of Microsoft Win11 taskbar: Quickly turn on your phone

Microsoft also appears to be working on a new taskbar switch that allows users to quickly view recently opened apps on their phones directly from Windows 11. This feature was quietly foretold at the Samsung S22 launch event, and we have already discovered more details.

The new "Recent Apps" feature of your Phone app is based on the existing Apps feature, which allows users to open their Android apps on Windows. Thanks to this new feature and the taskbar integration of your Phone app, you now have easy access to the three most recently used apps.

Latest feature of Microsoft Win11 taskbar: Quickly turn on your phone

As you can see in the screenshot, the icon for your phone app will appear on the right side of the taskbar, next to options like WiFi or Audio. Currently, Your Phone's taskbar switch can only manage three recent apps, but Microsoft will improve integration in future releases.

The feature is gradually being rolled out to the Windows Insider community on selected Samsung devices.

To try out the new features of your Phone app, simply tap ^ (small up arrow) on the taskbar in the lower right corner. In the pop-up window, you can launch the application or access the most recent application directly from the desktop.

You can also manage recent apps from the Recently Used section, which currently shows the three most recently used apps.

This feature will also begin rolling out to Windows 10 PC devices in the coming weeks.

Other requirements for using your Phone app include:

Samsung devices running Android 9.0 or later are linked to Windows.

Both devices should be connected to the same Wi-Fi network.

Your Phone app v1.21092.145.0 or later. Older versions of your Phone apps don't support recent apps.

Link to Windows version 1.21083.49.0 or later.

The recently used Your Phone app feature is currently only available on some Samsung phones. It's also worth pointing out that the integration of your Phone apps will be enabled through the Microsoft Store.

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