
Mercedes welcomes seven-time champion Hamilton back on February 18 will officially debut at the new car launch The return of the seven-time winner after weeks of silence, Mercedes driver Hamilton seems to have been

author:Gabriel the Skunk

Mercedes welcomes the return of seven-time champion Hamilton on February 18, which will officially debut at the new car launch

The Seven Crowns return

After weeks of silence, Mercedes driver Hamilton appears to have come out of the shadow of last season's defeat.

Hamilton broke his personal social media silence on Sunday, posting for the first time that he was "back", and mercedes teams later posted a warm welcome to the superstar's return.

"I used to leave, but now I'm back again."

Hamilton's Instagram post received more than 2 million likes in two days, more than any other post in the past few months.

German media said Hamilton had resumed his job at the Mercedes team, and on Monday he had returned to the team's base camp and attended different meetings.

The new car was released on February 18

The Mercedes team's new car launch is scheduled for February 18, and Hamilton will join Russell in the debut.

Even if a return has been confirmed, Hamilton should not appear in public until the new car launch.

New team-mate Russell has officially joined Mercedes, with russell, 23, having completed an inaugural visit to Mercedes' UK factory last week and meeting with team staff.

Two-year, $108 million contract

Hamilton has a two-year contract with Mercedes and he will have $54 million a year in revenue. In addition to the pursuit of personal records, the huge financial gains may be an important reason why Hamilton chose to return.

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Mercedes welcomes seven-time champion Hamilton back on February 18 will officially debut at the new car launch The return of the seven-time winner after weeks of silence, Mercedes driver Hamilton seems to have been

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