
How to drink milk, yogurt vs pregnant women's milk powder during pregnancy to drink more nutritious?

Many pregnant mothers will supplement some nutrition by drinking milk during pregnancy, but it is easy to ignore some problems, can milk be drunk casually? What kind of milk should I drink during pregnancy?

On these issues, let's take a look at it with Xiaojing in this issue!

How to drink milk, yogurt vs pregnant women's milk powder during pregnancy to drink more nutritious?

First of all, we need to be clear that it is necessary to drink milk during pregnancy, such as milk contains high-quality protein and calcium needed by the human body, and its absorption rate is also the highest among other foods.

Especially during pregnancy, mothers will mostly be deficient in calcium, and when calcium intake is insufficient, the fetus will absorb part of the calcium in the mother. Over time, the increase in calcium loss in the mother's body can lead to leg cramps during pregnancy, decreased bone density, and may even increase the risk of osteoporosis.

How to determine whether there is calcium deficiency during pregnancy?

Usually during pregnancy, calcium deficiency will cause symptoms such as loose teeth, limb weakness, back pain, anemia, dizziness, etc., and in severe cases, muscle cramps, calf cramps or numbness of hands and feet will occur.

Is it okay to supplement calcium during pregnancy and eat calcium tablets?

Yes! However, it should be noted that most of the calcium tablets on the market are mainly based on calcium carbonate, and the absorption rate is not as good as milk, which is easier to absorb than eating calcium tablets to supplement calcium.

At the same time, milk also contains vitamin D, high-quality protein, vitamin B2, etc., which can provide richer nutrition for mothers during pregnancy.

The Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents recommend that the baby's growth and development gradually accelerates from the second trimester (13 weeks of pregnancy), at which time pregnant mothers need to consume 1,000 mg of calcium per day.

In other words, in addition to the calcium obtained in the daily diet, the total amount of milk drunk by pregnant mothers every day should reach 500g.

Of course, there are different types of milk, how to choose during pregnancy?

Skim milk

Some pregnant mothers choose skim milk because they can not only supplement the baby's nutrition, but also reduce fat.

It is reported that the fat content of skim milk ≤ 0.5%, while the fat content of low-fat milk is between 1% and 1.5%, and the fat content of whole milk is between 3% and 4%.

A common carton of milk is almost 250 ml, in other words, drinking a box of skim milk is less than full milk to consume 75 kcal of energy, but in fact, less than 1 calorie of codole oil (calculated at 10 grams, equivalent to 90 kcal), that is to say, skim milk is not as great as we think.

Compared with skim milk, whole milk tastes better, has more nutrients, and can retain the rich vitamins A, D, E, K and so on in milk to the greatest extent. These substances contribute to the absorption and utilization of minerals in milk.

How to drink milk, yogurt vs pregnant women's milk powder during pregnancy to drink more nutritious?

However, it is particularly important to note that there is a group of people who still recommend choosing skim milk or low-fat milk as much as possible, that is, people who have too much weight gain during pregnancy or who have high blood sugar.


Another dairy product, yogurt, can also be drunk during pregnancy, especially for pregnant mothers who are lactose intolerant. It should be known that yogurt contains lactic acid bacteria, which are easy to digest and are also helpful for alleviating constipation during pregnancy.

However, here is a reminder not to treat lactic acid bacteria drinks as yogurt, compared to yogurt, it is only a milk drink, and it does not have too high nutritional value.

Milk powder for pregnant women

Pregnant women's milk powder for people with balanced nutrition during pregnancy does not have to be supplemented, but if the appetite during pregnancy is not good and nutrition is seriously insufficient, pregnant women's milk powder can also be used as a supplementary food.

Pregnant women's milk powder itself belongs to the modulated milk powder, the nutritional components are mainly from cow or goat milk and its products, some pregnant women on the market milk powder will add sugar, edible flavors, etc., so if it is not necessary or recommended that pregnant mothers pay attention to daily dietary balance.

How to drink milk, yogurt vs pregnant women's milk powder during pregnancy to drink more nutritious?

Then when it comes to calcium supplementation during pregnancy, there are some rumors of calcium supplementation during pregnancy Xiaojing also wants to give you science popularization here to avoid stepping on the pit:

Drink bone broth to supplement calcium

Folk popular drinking big bone broth calcium supplement, but in fact, the calcium in big bone broth is not easy to absorb, but there is a lot of fat, easy to drink more and more fat.

Here it is recommended that if pregnant mothers want to supplement calcium through food supplements, it is better to pay attention to a balanced diet every day, eat more tofu, crucian carp, shrimp skin, eggs, milk, yogurt...

Calcium supplementation in the third trimester of pregnancy affects production

Calcium supplementation in the third trimester of pregnancy will cause the fetal head to be too hard and affect production?

Calcium deficiency fetal head during pregnancy will indeed be relatively soft, but it does not mean that more calcium will cause the fetal head to be too hard and affect production. Because the fetal cranial suture is not closed, after the birth canal squeeze, the cranial suture can overlap and will not affect the delivery, and mothers do not have to worry too much about calcium supplementation affecting production.

Calcium supplementation can lead to placental calcification

Of course not! Placental calcification is not directly related to calcium supplementation, and placental calcification is a normal aging process and a natural stage of experience.

Finally, what other questions do you have about calcium supplementation during pregnancy? You can also leave a comment in the comment area to discuss!

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