
Visit relatives and friends to give gifts to prevent lightning guidance! Teach you to see through "pseudo-healthy" foods at a glance

There are only a few days left before the New Year, the express delivery will be stopped immediately, and you have bought all the gifts for relatives and friends for the New Year?

In the past, when giving gifts, everyone valued "face" the most - gorgeous packaging and expensive prices, which is a good gift. Now, gift giving is more about "going to the heart" - what the other party needs to give. Regardless of men, women and children, sending health is not a wrong choice.

Visit relatives and friends to give gifts to prevent lightning guidance! Teach you to see through "pseudo-healthy" foods at a glance

/Image from the Internet/

However, some gifts that claim to be "healthy" and "nutritious" are not only not good for the body, but may also cause harm! How to avoid "pseudo-health" gifts and purchase without stepping on the thunder? We have sorted out 4 types and 8 minefields, and everyone who sees it saves money!


Dairy products, represented by milk, are rich in protein and calcium, and are one of the least error-prone gifts. However, before buying milk, in addition to checking the production date, don't forget to take a closer look at the ingredient list and nutrition facts list! When you encounter the following, spend less money.

(1) Modulation of milk

According to national regulations, the milk content of modulated milk cannot be less than 80%, and the milk protein content is not less than 2.3 grams / 100 grams, so the main ingredient is generally milk. However, in order to improve the taste, the prepared milk often adds sugar, flavors, pigments and other ingredients.

Visit relatives and friends to give gifts to prevent lightning guidance! Teach you to see through "pseudo-healthy" foods at a glance

In contrast, modulated milk tends to have much higher calories than pure milk, and the price is sometimes more expensive. If you really want to be nutritious and healthy, it is better to avoid it.

(2) Milk drinks

Although milk drinks carry the word "milk", the top two ingredients on the ingredient list are mostly water and sugar. You know, the higher the ingredients in the ingredient list, the more content. Therefore, the presence of milk in milk drinks is weak, as if it is soy sauce.

Visit relatives and friends to give gifts to prevent lightning guidance! Teach you to see through "pseudo-healthy" foods at a glance

According to national regulations, the protein content of formulated milk drinks and fermented milk drinks is greater than or equal to 1.0%, and the protein content of lactic acid bacteria drinks is greater than or equal to 0.7%. The most common pure milk, the protein content can also reach more than 3 times that of milk drinks.

Visit relatives and friends to give gifts to prevent lightning guidance! Teach you to see through "pseudo-healthy" foods at a glance

A large amount of added sugar is even more harmful to the body. According to the Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents, the recommended daily sugar intake is 25g. The essence is a milk drink of sweet drinks, drinking protein and calcium does not absorb much, accidentally sugar will be taken in excess, it is really not cost-effective!


Nuts, rich in protein, dietary fiber and trace elements, have become increasingly popular as leisure snacks in recent years. The benefits of eating a handful of nuts a day are numerous: nuts are rich in dietary fiber and magnesium ions, which help stabilize blood sugar; Unsaturated fat, vitamin E and other nutrients are very good for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular products.

However, before buying a variety of nut gift boxes, we recommend that you take a look at the ingredient list and nutrition facts list. There are also no less nut pits!

(1) Flavored nuts

Visit relatives and friends to give gifts to prevent lightning guidance! Teach you to see through "pseudo-healthy" foods at a glance

/Image from the Internet/

The many benefits of nuts mentioned earlier refer to unseasoned nuts. However, many nuts on the market are flavored nuts. For example, some sweeter nuts, the ingredient list actually includes white sugar, condensed milk, honey, sweeteners and other ingredients. Such seasoned nuts make the already high calorie nuts directly become calorie bomblets, and will also make people unconsciously eat sugar that is not good for health!

The ingredient list for salted baked nuts is relatively simple, with only nuts, oil and salt. However, the sodium content of salted baked nuts is often high, and people with high blood pressure need to avoid it as much as possible.

Therefore, if the person you are giving as a gift has three higher health problems, do not choose seasoned nuts.

(2) Combine nuts

Visit relatives and friends to give gifts to prevent lightning guidance! Teach you to see through "pseudo-healthy" foods at a glance

/Image from the Internet/

In addition to single-category nuts, there are now many combination nut gift boxes that mix a variety of nuts and sell them together. When buying this nut, how to buy the best value for money? The trick is to look at the proportion of peanuts and dried fruits in the combination.

Visit relatives and friends to give gifts to prevent lightning guidance! Teach you to see through "pseudo-healthy" foods at a glance

/Image from the Internet/

The unit price of peanuts and dried fruits is lower than that of nuts, but the nutritional value is not as good as that of nuts. If there are many dried peanuts and fruits in the combination, and the price is still expensive, then it is proper to pit money!

Whole grains

Eating more refined rice noodles and eating some grains appropriately is indeed a healthier diet. However, not all ways to eat whole grains are "healthier".

(1) Instant cereal

Visit relatives and friends to give gifts to prevent lightning guidance! Teach you to see through "pseudo-healthy" foods at a glance

/Image from the Internet/

Convenient, fast, sweet and delicious instant cereal has always been a very popular "nutritional product". In everyone's impression, cereal should be a whole grain rich in dietary fiber. However, most instant cereals are actually more like desserts.

Visit relatives and friends to give gifts to prevent lightning guidance! Teach you to see through "pseudo-healthy" foods at a glance

Looking at the ingredient list, the main ingredient of instant cereal is refined grain powder, and the sweetness mainly comes from white sugar, vegetable fat powder and food flavor. No matter how much calcium, iron, zinc and selenium are added, eating such instant cereal will cause a sharp rise and drop in blood sugar, which will do more harm than good to health.

Not to mention the infamous vegetable fat, a representative of hydrogenated vegetable oils, known for containing trans fatty acids that are harmful to vascular health. Such "nutrients", everyone still eats less.

(2) No sucrose

Many of the polygrain brewed and ready-to-eat eight-treasure porridge on the market will introduce a sucrose-free taste that is claimed to be "healthier". However, sucrose-free and sugar-free are not a concept!

Take a closer look at the ingredient list, if starch sugar, glucose, maltose syrup, fructose syrup, honey, etc. appear, then the essence is still added sugar, no healthier than adding sucrose! It is also not recommended for people who need to control blood sugar.


When it comes to tonics, the most common are brown sugar and honey. Many people have the habit of drinking a glass of honey water a day, or use brown sugar as an artifact to replenish blood and qi.

Visit relatives and friends to give gifts to prevent lightning guidance! Teach you to see through "pseudo-healthy" foods at a glance

/Image from the Internet/

In fact, honey, like brown sugar, accounts for the largest proportion of nutrients is sugar. 100 grams of honey contains about 82.12 grams of sugar, 17.10 grams of water, and other nutrients account for only 0.78 grams; more than 90% of the composition of brown sugar is sugar.

Visit relatives and friends to give gifts to prevent lightning guidance! Teach you to see through "pseudo-healthy" foods at a glance

/Image from the Internet/

In short, drinking honey water or drinking brown sugar water is easier to gain weight because of excessive sugar intake than the effect of health preservation.

Having said that, have you learned how to identify "pseudo-health" gifts? Then start this year, do not give gifts during the holidays, and only give real healthy nutrition for gifts!

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