
Milk, soy milk, coconut milk, how big is the difference? Come and listen to the scientific explanations

▎ WuXi AppTec content team editor

Milk and its products, such as yogurt, milk powder, etc., are common drinks in people's daily lives, which can provide human beings with high-quality protein, vitamin B2 and calcium and other nutrients.

However, due to milk allergies, lactose intolerance, dislike of milk and other reasons, many people will choose to use "plant milk" made of soybeans, nuts, coconuts and grains in their lives to replace milk and its products.

However, the nutritional differences between plant milk and milk are very large, and some also contain a lot of added sugar, so it is necessary to pay attention to these differences when choosing.

What is the nutritional difference between milk and plant milk? Which is better for you? Let's talk about it today.


Milk contains important nutrients such as calcium, protein, vitamin B12, vitamin A, vitamin D, riboflavin (vitamin B2), zinc, phosphorus and iodine.

The average protein content in milk is 3%, and both whey and casein contain all 9 essential amino acids, the proportion of which is in line with the needs of the human body and belongs to high-quality protein.

Milk, soy milk, coconut milk, how big is the difference? Come and listen to the scientific explanations

Image credit: 123RF

Milk is rich in calcium, which plays an important role in bone health, and more intake can increase bone density and is a rich source of calcium in the diet.

While milk and its products contain some saturated fats, a large study published in 2018 in populations in 21 countries found that consuming dairy products, especially full-fat dairy products, may help prevent death and major cardiovascular diseases. However, there is currently no conclusive conclusion on the effects of dairy products on heart health.

soy milk

Soy milk is made from soy or soy protein powder, water and vegetable oils, and usually contains vitamins, plant proteins, carbohydrates, and minerals such as calcium. Some fortified soy milk, such as zinc fortified soy milk and calcium fortified soy milk, have relatively high zinc and calcium content.

Milk, soy milk, coconut milk, how big is the difference? Come and listen to the scientific explanations

Image credit: 123RF

Compared to other plant-based milks, soy milk contains more protein and contains healthy unsaturated fats and fiber. A 2017 study found that soy milk is far superior in nutrients to other milk substitutes such as almonds, rice and coconut.

Soy milk also contains compounds called phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens are natural plant compounds that are similar to the body's own estrogens, but to a lesser extent.

Initially, some studies based on earlier animal studies speculated that phytoestrogens have adverse potential reactions to breast cancer and hyperthyroidism, however, studies in humans do not support this.

Conversely, there is some evidence that soy milk may have a protective effect against certain cancers.

A study from 2019 found that the benefits of eating soy outweighed the disadvantages. In a statement on soy, phytoestrogens and cancer prevention, the Australian Cancer Council supports the intake of soy foods in the diet, but does not recommend high-dose supplementation of phytoestrogens, especially in women with breast cancer.

For people who are intolerant to soybeans, it is not advisable to eat soybeans and their products.

Almond milk

Almond milk is mainly made from almonds and water. Although almonds are a good plant source of protein, almond milk contains significantly less protein and calcium than milk.

A survey of widely marketed almond milk found that water in almond milk is the main ingredient, containing only 2%-14% almonds, as well as some healthy unsaturated fats as well as vitaminS E, manganese, zinc and potassium.

Milk, soy milk, coconut milk, how big is the difference? Come and listen to the scientific explanations

Image credit: 123RF

Almond milk often contains added sugars, so it's important to pay close attention to the added ingredients in almond milk, such as organic rice syrup, agave syrup, raw sugar, or corn maltodextrin. If you can, it's best to drink almond milk without added sugar.

Almond milk may be suitable for those who are intolerant to milk and soy, but not for those who are allergic to nuts.

Oat milk

Oat milk is made by mixing oats with water and filtering out the liquid and is rich in fiber, vitamin E, folic acid and riboflavin. Oat milk is low in fat and naturally sweet, containing twice as many carbohydrates as milk, so it may not be suitable for diabetics.

At the same time, oat milk is low in protein and calcium, it is not suitable for people with gluten intolerance, nor is it a substitute for nutritional supplementation for infants and young children.

Milk, soy milk, coconut milk, how big is the difference? Come and listen to the scientific explanations

Image credit: 123RF

Coconut milk

Coconut milk is made from coconut water and ground processed mature coconut meat, which is low in protein and carbohydrates, and is high in saturated fat, some with added sugars.

Coconut milk does not contain natural calcium and is not nutritionally a suitable substitute for milk.

Rice milk

Rice milk is made from ground rice and water, containing natural high carbohydrates and high sugar, so like rice porridge and rice soup, it has a high glycemic index -

This means that after drinking, glucose will be quickly released into the bloodstream, which may not be suitable for diabetics, and the protein content is relatively low.

Rice milk is the milk substitute that is least likely to trigger allergies. However, due to the low nutritional quality, it is not a suitable substitute for milk, especially for children in the growth and development period.

Finally, what factors should be considered when choosing milk or plant milk?

If plant milk is chosen as a substitute for milk, fortified (e.g., fortified calcium, vitamin D, etc.) should be chosen, and it is best to avoid excessive sugar and calorie intake without added sugar.

At the same time, it is more important to consider overall dietary and nutritional needs, especially among children, adolescents, the elderly and those who restrict diets.

Finally, the flavor, texture and texture of plant milk are also factors that need to be considered.

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