
When you are pregnant, do you want to drink pregnant milk powder, and when is it better to drink?

During pregnancy, pregnant mothers are more concerned about nutrition, because if there is insufficient nutrition, it will affect the normal development of the fetus, which will lead to slow fetal development, insufficient weight, etc., so during pregnancy, they will find ways to supplement themselves with more nutrition. Pregnant women's milk powder is a good choice, of course, there are many people who want to know, pregnant women's milk powder, when is it better to start drinking?

When you are pregnant, do you want to drink pregnant milk powder, and when is it better to drink?

Let's take a look!

1. Do you have to drink pregnant milk powder when you are pregnant?


Milk powder for pregnant women, as the name suggests, is suitable for pregnant women who intend to eat during pregnancy and pregnancy. It is rich in folic acid, DHA, calcium and iron and other minerals and vitamins, which can supplement the nutrients needed by pregnant women and fetuses.

Although a small fetus absorbs nutrients during pregnancy, if the pregnant mother can eat normally and achieve nutritional balance, even if she does not drink pregnant milk powder, she can provide enough nutrition for herself and the fetus.

When you are pregnant, do you want to drink pregnant milk powder, and when is it better to drink?

However, some pregnant mothers have severe morning sickness after pregnancy, and it lasts for a long time, resulting in a normal diet during the entire pregnancy, and pregnant mothers in this situation can supplement a part of nutrition by drinking pregnant milk powder.

There are also some pregnant mothers whose taste changes after pregnancy is relatively large, and they become particularly picky, so that nutrition is not balanced enough, which can easily lead to a certain lack of nutrition, and this type of pregnant mother can also supplement nutrition through pregnant milk powder.

There are also some pregnant mothers after pregnancy, although there is no great change in diet and appetite, but because the fetus resists the stomach, resulting in a smaller appetite, the intake of nutrients is insufficient, this type of pregnant mothers in addition to eating some more delicate and nutritious food, you can also properly drink some pregnant women's milk powder to supplement nutrition.

When you are pregnant, do you want to drink pregnant milk powder, and when is it better to drink?

It is not necessary to drink pregnant women's milk powder after pregnancy, if the nutrition of pregnant mothers in all aspects has been sufficient, there is no need to drink deliberately, otherwise it is easy to cause overnutrition to lead to obesity in pregnant women or too large fetuses, and some nutrients are not good for the fetus, there is an idiom called: too much!

Lazy mother pregnant with the first child when the morning sickness is particularly severe, and the morning sickness time is also very long, until the end of the morning sickness before childbirth, at that time was also afraid of fetal malnutrition, bought fresh milk, the result can not drink, and then also bought pregnant women's milk powder, or can not drink. The whole pregnancy period because of morning sickness is not very good, resulting in the baby was born when only more than five pounds, looking a small one, at that time they complained about why they did not eat more when pregnant, even if they drank milk powder every day.

Therefore, lazy mothers feel that it is still good to drink some pregnant milk powder appropriately during pregnancy, especially pregnant mothers with poor appetites.

When you are pregnant, do you want to drink pregnant milk powder, and when is it better to drink?

2. When is it better to drink milk powder for pregnant women?

In fact, when pregnant women start to drink milk powder is not very clear regulations, you can start drinking in the first trimester, you can also start drinking in the second trimester, this depends on their own needs and preferences.

If the early pregnancy reaction is more serious and has affected the normal diet, in order to maintain the nutrition needed by the body, pregnant mothers can start drinking pregnant milk powder in the first trimester.

If the first trimester is not affected, the pregnant mother can postpone it to the second trimester and then drink, because the second trimester, the fetus's brain, bones, hearing, vision and other aspects are developing rapidly, and more nutrients are also needed.

When you are pregnant, do you want to drink pregnant milk powder, and when is it better to drink?

As for how to drink, pregnant mothers can look at the advice on the milk powder can, generally recommended to have a cup in the morning and evening, about 200 ml each time, just said, drinking too much is not a good thing.

If the pregnant mother does not have the habit of drinking milk in the morning and evening, then it is also okay to put the time of drinking milk in the middle of two meals, and drink 1-2 hours after the meal, which is a small snack for lunch.

If it is a pregnant woman with high calcium milk powder, you can drink it at night, because calcium supplementation at night is more conducive to the absorption of calcium, but it is necessary to avoid iron supplementation at the same time, because this will affect the absorption of calcium iron. And drinking a cup of hot milk at night can make pregnant mothers sleep better!

When you are pregnant, do you want to drink pregnant milk powder, and when is it better to drink?

3. How should I choose maternity milk powder?

Choose the one that suits you

There are all kinds of pregnant women's milk powder on the market, which is really difficult to start. But pregnant mothers can first understand which kind of milk powder they are suitable for. For example, if you want to alleviate morning sickness, or to supplement calcium, or to high-speed rail or especially like a certain taste. Knowing these, you can choose a more suitable milk powder for pregnant women.

Choose the big brands

There are also many manufacturers that produce milk powder, each with its own advantages, and each point is so attractive that people feel that each one wants to buy. If you do not know how to choose, it is recommended to choose a large brand, the quality is more assured.

When you are pregnant, do you want to drink pregnant milk powder, and when is it better to drink?

Recommended by friends around

No matter how bad it is, you can also ask your relatives and friends around you, and there are many pregnant mothers, because there is no conflict of interest, it will be your own personal experience. But because everyone's needs are different, this can only be used as a reference.

Purchased through formal channels

No matter what kind of pregnant milk powder you choose, you must not be greedy and cheap when you buy, buy from some unknown small shops or individuals, and must buy from formal channels to ensure the quality of the product.

When you are pregnant, do you want to drink pregnant milk powder, and when is it better to drink?

Drink or not to drink pregnant women's milk powder lies in their own choice, if you feel that there is no need to drink, feel that there is a need to drink, is to remember not to drink milk as water, so as not to cause excess nutrition, and pregnant women milk powder can not supplement all the nutrition required by pregnant women, pregnant mothers should still pay attention to their own diet, and obtain the corresponding nutrition from it.

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