
Hunan girl has been deaf and mute for 22 years, and on Valentine's Day, she was angry with her husband and spoke directly

Hello everyone, I take the time out of my busy schedule today to bring you the following article, welcome to taste it together!

Every normal person has the ability to listen, speak, read, see, and write, which is the most basic ability that people have to survive in society.

But a small number of people are born with defects, unable to perceive outside sounds and unable to speak. The world is wonderful and often gives unexpected surprises.

There is such a girl in Hunan named Chen Lang, born deaf and dumb, and the first Valentine's Day with her husband, her husband wants to go out and play cards with friends.

Chen Lang originally thought that her husband would remember this important day, but her husband insisted on going out. Taking his clothes and walking toward the door, suddenly there was a "no" from behind, which stunned her husband. My wife has not spoken for 22 years, how did she suddenly open her mouth today? Had she been pretending to be deaf and dumb for 22 years?

Hunan girl has been deaf and mute for 22 years, and on Valentine's Day, she was angry with her husband and spoke directly

Mr. and Mrs. Chen Lang

A different world

Chen Lang was born into an ordinary family in Hunan, which is a little different from other families. Because the only person in this family who can talk is Chen Lang's father. His mother, including her siblings, could not speak or hear.

Chen Lang's father has been working outside for many years, so the family has always been quiet.

The conditions at home are not good, and Chen Lang cannot go to a regular school for the deaf and dumb, and can only stay at home every day. At home, I have nothing to do to learn embroidery on my own, and I can also draw.

Although no one taught it, Chen Lang had his own opinion.

It is said that God will open a window for you by closing a door for you. Chen Lang showed a strong learning ability, and the village's aunt taught embroidery or something. It didn't take long for his craft to be well known in the village.

Hunan girl has been deaf and mute for 22 years, and on Valentine's Day, she was angry with her husband and spoke directly

The name of the village is praised

Chen Lang grew up day by day, people looked very tall, and his personality was also very gentle, if it were not for his physical defects, he might not be more sought-after.

Women in this world still can't get married without worrying, Chen Lang has a good reputation in the village, and he will clean up the housework. There are also many suitors in the village. Husband Jin Jianguo is one of them.

Jin Jianguo and Chen Lang are from the same village, because of the language, the two have rarely communicated before, and Jin Jianguo only stayed at home when he went to school.

Seeing that he had also reached marriageable age, Jin Jianguo looked at Chen Lang who was not bad, good looking, although he could not speak, but he could learn sign language, and it was a big deal to communicate like this for a lifetime.

Hunan girl has been deaf and mute for 22 years, and on Valentine's Day, she was angry with her husband and spoke directly

Jin Jianguo

Jin Jianguo stood out among many suitors and successfully won chen lang's heart. The families of both sides were also very satisfied with the marriage, and the two soon entered the palace of marriage.

After marriage, the relationship between the two is still very stable, and it is inevitable to occasionally make small conflicts, and Jin Jianguo will also let Chen Lang.

Even in this exchange, there are still some problems, Jin Jianguo has been very serious about learning sign language, but many still can't learn. Every time I communicate with Chen Lang, I am blindly compared, and I can understand the normal comparison, and the rest can only rely on Chen Lang to understand it himself.

At the same time, Jin Jianguo couldn't help but say that although he couldn't hear it, he couldn't help but want to say two words.

Jin Jianguo originally wanted to teach Chen Lang to communicate in words, so he also bought a mobile phone. In the end, Jin Jianguo gave up. Because Chen had never read a book for a day, let alone written, that is, 26 letters could not be recognized.

Hunan girl has been deaf and mute for 22 years, and on Valentine's Day, she was angry with her husband and spoke directly

Chen Lang

For two people who really love each other, these are nothing, the two people are in love with each other, and mutual tolerance is the most important.

The wife began to speak, and the husband was stunned

On the eighth day of the first lunar month in 2008, Jin Jianguo was watching TV with Chen Lang. It's still the New Year, and it's still normal for the big guys to have nothing to do to play cards or anything.

Chen Lang also knew that Jin Jianguo usually had a hobby of playing cards and drinking, but he always knew how to control it, and he had never delayed anything. Chen Lang didn't say anything, his own man only needed to take care of his family.

When Jin Jianguo saw Chen Lang's appearance, he thought he was angry, so he said that he had made an appointment with his friends. But Chen Lang still refused to ask him to leave. It turned out that today was February 24th, which is Valentine's Day in the West, and Chen Lang originally thought that her husband would remember this special day. This is the first Valentine's Day that the two have spent together, and Chen Lang does not want to give him to others, but only wants to live in the world of two.

Hunan girl has been deaf and mute for 22 years, and on Valentine's Day, she was angry with her husband and spoke directly

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But how could Jin Jianguo, a big old man, know about this festival, and think that Chen Lang was deliberately throwing a tantrum today, and he wanted to go directly when he picked up his clothes. But the moment he opened the door, there was a sudden "no" from behind, which frightened Jin Jianguo.

In this room, except for herself is Chen Lang, her wife can't speak, so who made this voice? Jin Jianguo was confused.

He guessed that this sentence was said by Chen Lang, and he immediately compared the sign language to ask if he had just spoken. At this time, Chen Lang was also very confused and asked rhetorically; "Did I just speak?" ”

I was extremely surprised that my wife could speak, but watching Chen Lang's response Chen Jianguo gradually lost.

He asked himself repeatedly, was he hallucinating? I obviously heard a woman talking just now. This incident suddenly evoked his memories. When the firecrackers were set off years ago, Chen Lang subconsciously covered his ears, and he didn't care much at that time. Combined with the current situation, Chen Lang definitely has a problem.

Hunan girl has been deaf and mute for 22 years, and on Valentine's Day, she was angry with her husband and spoke directly


Jin Jianguo usually likes to listen to music, once Jin Jianguo brought headphones to Chen Lang, Chen Lang would actually twist his body according to the melody of the music. This discovery surprised Jin Jianguo, and his wife would definitely speak.

Hunan girl has been deaf and mute for 22 years, and on Valentine's Day, she was angry with her husband and spoke directly

Listen to music

Jin Jianguo looks like a big boss, but his mind is still very delicate. Discovering these problems, Jin Jianguo tirelessly taught Chen Lang to pronounce, and after thousands of times of training, Chen Lang could finally say some simple words. For example: Dad, Mom. etc., to achieve normal communication or OK.

Jin Jianguo, whose wife can make a sound, is already very happy, which is already a very happy thing. But in the eyes of outsiders, it is a version of a transmission,

Everyone knows that the rural aunt likes to talk about gossip news together without doing anything, and the news that Chen Lang can talk is naturally also the talk of everyone after tea.

The big guys were very curious at first, and what had been silent in the house had now become very lively.

Deaf and dumb people can talk, which is simply a fantasy, and some superstitious old people even say that Chen Lang is possessed by a demon, otherwise how can he speak.

As the rumors spread and the family was uncomfortable listening, Jin Jianguo decided to take Chen Lang to the hospital for a check-up. Science can confirm all this.

Hunan girl has been deaf and mute for 22 years, and on Valentine's Day, she was angry with her husband and spoke directly

Hearing could have been restored, but it was too late

He took his wife to the ENT department of Hunan Provincial People's Hospital and found Xiao Xuping, the chief physician, to solve the puzzle.

Unexpectedly, Director Xiao had just made a simple examination of Chen Lang and found strange places - Chen Lang's eardrums, external ear canals and auditory pathways, and even the language organs were completely normal, that is, under normal circumstances, she could hear people talking and talking.

Hunan girl has been deaf and mute for 22 years, and on Valentine's Day, she was angry with her husband and spoke directly


Jin Jianguo, who learned of this news, still did not understand, since Chen Lang could hear it himself, then why did he have to compare saying that he could not hear it?

In order to verify Chen Lang's hearing system, Director Xiao gave her a more comprehensive examination. Soon the test results came out, but this test showed that Chen Lang's left ear was completely deaf, and only the right ear still had some residual hearing.

Moreover, this remaining hearing is also ineffective due to the abnormality of the inner ear hair cells. Inner ear hair cells are a vital part of hearing, determining whether the sounds heard by humans can be converted into electrical energy, and if not, they cannot conduct sound.

The damage to Chen Lang's inner ear hair cells is likely caused by genetic factors and the fact that her mother took drugs when she was pregnant.

So why would Chen Lang himself say a "no" word? No one had taught her at all.

Xiao Xuping explained, "This is all your credit." ”

The so-called environment can shape people or change people, because the people in Chen Lang's family are basically deaf and mute. Her only talking father was still away from home for many years, so he had been living in a quiet environment, and no one had told her that he could hear her. Over time, Chen Lang thought that he was originally hearing impaired.

After marrying you, you will talk to him every day, play music, and the hearing system will be stimulated by the outside world to recover a little. Valentine's Day was too important for Chen Lang, so he shouted out in a hurry.

After Jin Jianguo listened, he realized that it was so important to Chen Lang that day, or he was too careless.

Hunan girl has been deaf and mute for 22 years, and on Valentine's Day, she was angry with her husband and spoke directly

Immediately after that, Jin Jianguo asked the doctor: "Can Chen Lang recover now?" ”

Xiao Xuping said: "It may be a little too late now, if you find out about this situation earlier, you can put on a hearing aid for her, and there is no problem in communicating." But now that I am 22 years old, even if I wear a hearing aid now, I still can't do it without learning. Even if you start learning now, it may not be as good as a baby's learning ability. Language learning is all about hearing about it. ”

Looking at Jin Jianguo a little decadent and lost, Dr. Xiao continued: "But don't be too pessimistic, although the hope of full recovery is not particularly great, as long as Chen Langken works hard and has perseverance, there will be no problem with normal communication with his family in the future." ”

Jin Jianguo also showed a happy smile when he heard the doctor say this.

From then on, whenever I passed by Jin Jianguo's home, I would hear Jin Jianguo tirelessly teaching his wife to speak. Watching his wife progress day by day, Jin Jianguo believes that language communication can still be achieved in the near future.

Hunan girl has been deaf and mute for 22 years, and on Valentine's Day, she was angry with her husband and spoke directly

Say your own name

Jin Jianguo wants to communicate with his wife in language is an expectation, how long have we not communicated with our relatives?

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