
How to train your baby's left and right brains at the same time!

A normally developed child has unlimited potential, and within two years of the child's birth, it is necessary to develop the right brain abilities such as inspiration, intuition, creativity, and sensibility. The left brain, also known as "its own brain" and "rational brain", mainly carries out abstract thinking based on language and calculation, has strong mathematical concepts and logical analysis capabilities, and is good at organizing complex things. The right brain, also known as "ancestral brain", "intuitive brain" and "image brain", mainly carries out image thinking, which is the driving force of imagination and creativity. How do you develop your baby's right brain function?"

How to train your baby's left and right brains at the same time!

The first is the cognitive power of the right brain image, also known as the ability to recognize types. The newborn can recognize the mother's face, and his memory is mostly recognized by the concept of the image. This concept is something that can be captured in an instant, also known as type recognition. Telling a story to a baby while he is half asleep is using his image memory.

The second is the cognitive power of the graphic, that is, the ability to recognize the image. When talking to the baby, point to the corresponding object, the baby's right brain will reflect the image of the object. In daily life, the habit of using graphics to take notes can stimulate the right brain and gradually activate it.

Again, spatial recognition capabilities. From a young age, let the baby shoot the hanging ball, and can't shoot it at first, and after practicing for a few months, he can catch the ball. You can also let your child walk back and forth in the dark of their own home until they can walk freely and improve their spatial recognition ability.

Some people say that China's natural landscape is right-brain-shaped, and to activate the right brain, you should always take your children to appreciate beautiful crafts, buildings, statues, stamps and natural landscapes. Cultivating children's interest in drawing is more obvious to stimulate the right brain.

The mind is not a container to be filled, but a torch that needs to be lit. In the process of educating children, play more games with the baby, give them happy and free imagination space, so that the baby develops the potential of the right brain in ease, trains the skills of the left brain, and maximizes the comprehensive ability of the brain, then, our baby is the leader in the development of wisdom potential in the 21st century.

Exercise your baby's whole brain thinking in your daily life

Option 1: Educate quietly.

How to train your baby's left and right brains at the same time!

Every baby will have a lack of love behavior, but this is not their subjective motivation, but the reason for imperfect physical and mental development, but if education can not keep up, accidental behavior will form a solid habit, and it will be difficult to correct later. Therefore, when the baby has unfriendly behavior, parents should stop the child immediately, and can interrupt the baby's inappropriate behavior by taking the child away, diverting attention, and discussing solutions with the child. Then stick it in the child's ear and whisper, the content of the whisper is to tell the child what is wrong. Why whisper? Because the child has self-esteem, maintaining his self-esteem while criticizing is the guarantee of his healthy growth.

Option 2: Strengthen friendly behavior.

"At the beginning of man, nature is good." Baby should pay attention to the child's performance in daily life, once the child's friendly behavior is found, it is necessary to kiss, hug or praise the child in time, and can also take the way of rewarding the child with small gifts to encourage him, and the encouraged child is more likely to have similar behavior again. If parents turn a blind eye to their child's "flashpoint," the baby will behave the same way much less often.

Option 3: Expand the scope of communication and develop the ability to express love.

Always keeping children at home cannot cultivate true love. Because at home, the baby belongs to the "vulnerable group" and should enjoy a lot of "privileges" and "preferences", and adults always unconsciously let the child go. It is necessary to take the child out, meet with people in the community, and interact with children of the same age, and parents will find out whether the baby can recognize the kindness of others in the absence of "privileges" and "preferences" in the situation, whether it can respond to the kindness of others, and if there is a situation that does not go well, how can the baby's adaptability be. These can reflect the level of the baby's "love mood quotient" and help parents to cultivate the baby's skills to express love in a targeted manner.

In addition, the harmonious coexistence of infants and young children with the flowers, plants and animals of nature is also an indispensable content for cultivating baby love, and it is a shortcut to exercise the baby's love migration ability. Example: Although Long Long is less than 3 years old, he is particularly "righteous" to the people he likes. He often played with Jingjing, once feeding the pigeons in the square, and Jingjing was pecked by a small pigeon and cried in fear. The dragon chased after the pigeons with "deep hatred", and the pigeon that pecked quietly did not know where to go, so he chased after all the pigeons. The pigeons in the square thus "flew wildly" and danced. Mother found out, after asking about the situation, taught the dragon to express love correctly: blow quiet little hands, help her wipe her tears, but do not pick up the pigeons, because quiet and dragon dragons like pigeons, uncles and aunts in the square also like pigeons, we must love small animals. In this kind of live drill, the dragon learned to love both "people" and "animals".

How to train your baby's left and right brains at the same time!

The baby's whole brain intellectual development

Surveys show that more than 95% of people use only half of their brain, the left brain. Why is this happening? This is mainly related to human living habits, human beings are always accustomed to using tools with the right hand, and the left brain is stimulated to varying degrees every day, plus the language center, logical analysis, number processing, memory, etc., are processed by the left brain, so the left brain is running at full capacity; On the other hand, due to the traditional test-taking education, children lack the education of non-verbal thinking ability, and many schools and families do not attach importance to the development of the right brain and do not pay attention to the cultivation of logical thinking ability.

Therefore, a large number of left-brain-type people who only follow the rules and lack the ability to adapt and create have been cultivated. The following is a strongly operable method for the development of right brain potential in foreign media.

(1) Cultivate children's creativity

Most of people's memories are to store the scene in the right brain as a vague image. The so-called thinking is the process of the left brain observing the image depicted by the right brain while symbolizing and linguisticizing it, so the left brain has a strong instrumental nature, which is responsible for converting the image thinking of the right brain into language.

The creative idea we often say "intuition" and "flash of thought" is that the intuitive, comprehensive, and figurative thinking function of the right brain can play a role, and the left brain should cooperate well.

Cultivating children's creativity is one of the ways to develop the right brain. Educational toys are the best tool for developing the right brain. Educational toys are mainly in the form of mosaics, assemblies, games and other activities, through children's own knowledge of the map, according to the diagram to assemble, this is a creative activity, but also to inspire children to carry out right brain thinking in a form.

(2) Exercise children's image thinking ability

The image thinking process is essentially to produce an image from the right brain first, and then to linguisticize it through the left brain. Therefore, consciously exercising image thinking can achieve the purpose of activating the right brain.

If you don't pay attention to active exercise, your image thinking ability will gradually decline. Therefore, for young children, they should consciously exercise their image thinking ability.

For young children, fairy tales are the best way to develop right-brain image thinking skills. Fairy tales are full of fantasy, which can inspire children to read while associating a living scene in their minds, which requires image thinking ability.

Watching sports games can also exercise the child's right brain and improve the image thinking ability. Every thrilling shot will bring a series of attractive imaginations to your right brain, which is the result of the benign stimulation of watching a sports game on the right brain.

When watching the game, it is necessary to inspire children to constantly speculate about possible situations according to the changes on the field, rather than making logical inferences based on the impressions and data already in the brain.

People's dreams are actually the stories depicted by the right brain in the unconscious, waking up from a dream, immediately writing down the content or telling it to others, which is equivalent to reproducing the image of the right brain and is conducive to stimulating the right brain.

At the same time, it is also an effective means of coordinating the left and right brains, which will have a positive impact on the activation of the brain as a whole. People who use the abacus to calculate, sometimes they can also use mental arithmetic to dial the abacus beads in their minds, which is image thinking. Even people who are not so good at abacus can exercise their right brain in this way.

(3) By replacing language with graphics, the right brain can be developed

How to train your baby's left and right brains at the same time!

When explaining problems to children, use more graphics to tell, such as using a large circle and a small circle to tell who is big and who is small; When you tell your child about the math problem of "23=5", you can draw two "", draw three "" symbols, and then calculate, which are all good ways to develop the right brain.

In daily life, people pay more attention to the use of language for expression, and gradually forget about graphic expression. That is, people rely too much on the left brain. Therefore, we should consciously use the method of graphic expression so that the right brain can also participate in daily life.

Computer game consoles are also a good tool for exercising your child's right brain. Parents should choose a graphics-based game for their children. Playing games is a child's favorite activity, and playing video games will make the right brain exercise in a pleasant atmosphere.

(4) Exercise the child's memory of shape characteristics

The right brain has type recognition, and in a crowded crowd, you can immediately recognize people you are familiar with. This is the human brain relying on the accumulation of past memories to quickly depict various images of the person, and then match them with the impression characteristics obtained by the vision, and judge who the person is in an instant. Therefore, consciously exercising this ability can bring stimulation to the right brain.

Playing chess is a great way to exercise the right brain type recognition ability. When children play Go or chess, their focus is not on thinking about tricks, but on remembering the "shape" and "posture" of the dotted and interlaced teeth on the chessboard. Exercising your child to try to remember the situation of fighting on the chessboard will produce a good stimulus for the child's right brain.

In everyday life, similar right-brain "activation" can be done everywhere. At a high place, the head is slightly deflected to the right, using the left field of vision to observe the vehicles on the street, remembering its color and shape, and arranging them in the mind. Take the child for a walk, see a small pet of interest, you should let the child try to remember it, and then let the child try to recall its cuteness, maybe at first the child will feel that it is difficult to recall, but after repeated training, the child can grasp the characteristics of the other party.

(5) Exercise children's spatial cognition ability

How to train your baby's left and right brains at the same time!

When we come home at night, we don't have to turn on the lights, and we can walk around without hitting a wall or wrestling. This spatial perception ability is the function of the right brain.

You can put your child into a new environment, let him look around, cover his eyes with a cloth, and play a game of catching people with him, which is a good way to exercise his right brain.

The ability to remember the way is also the ability to recognize the space, you can take your child for a walk in the park, and then let the child take you back along the same road.

You can also let your child look out at the sky and watch the clouds in the sky. Gradually, the child will feel the three-dimensional image and three-dimensional level of the clouds.

These are the best ways for children to use space recognition to exercise their right brain.

(6) Cultivate children's ability to appreciate

The right brain has the ability to paint sensory. Paintings and natural landscapes, allowing children to enjoy and revel in them, is a good way to develop the right brain.

Taking children to visit exhibitions such as flower exhibitions and bonsai exhibitions to intuitively appreciate the works as a whole is conducive to activating the right brain. The stimulating effect of the right brain will be more pronounced. When painting, you should do whatever you want, not limited by any box.

Letting children practice painting is very useful for cultivating children to consciously observe and strive to remember the diversity of nature, and will also form a good stimulus to the right brain.

Improves the baby's brain power

How to train your baby's left and right brains at the same time!

If you don't exercise, your muscles will be difficult to develop. Similarly, if you don't help your baby "run the brain," the baby's brain won't be fully developed. There are nine easy ways to help your baby develop intellectually, let's take a look.

1) Love

Babies desperately need love, especially in the first weeks and months. Babies aren't meant to manipulate or control you; biologically, she just needs your love. Reflecting on his crying does not spoil the child.

If you keep acting on the baby's crying, the baby will trust you and will feel a strong sense of self-respect. She knows her needs will be met without feeling nervous, while learning to love and building relationships. If not cared for in the first few weeks or months, babies may grow up to be introverted and withdrawn.

Things to do: Always react to the baby's crying and calm her down by touching and making sounds, rather than letting her continue crying.

2) Chat

Talking to babies, fast and vague words are useless, gentle and loving voices are the most appropriate. Mom's words are her favorite voice... She listened all the time when she was a 5-month-old embryo.

What to do: Use as many words as you can in the language you do best. Infants' ability to learn should never be overlooked. If you make an exaggerated expression, the baby will be more willing to communicate with you.

3) Touch

Touching is a powerful stimulus and learning tool. It also has a good effect on calming the baby down. It has been reported that preterm infants who received massage grew faster, had less anxiety and were discharged from the hospital earlier than preterm infants who did not receive massage.

Things to do: Feed her tightly and hug her often. After bathing the baby, gently massage the whole body, sing and talk to her as she is nearby. You will enjoy this moment with her.

4) Imitation

How to train your baby's left and right brains at the same time!

Babies are interested in looking at your face. From the moment she was born, she constantly analyzed your face. She may imitate expressions such as smiling and frowning.

Things to do: Encourage babies to imitate you. Keep a distance of about 8 inches when holding the baby and make a grimace, such as spitting out your tongue. To your surprise, this newborn child will stick out his tongue too!

5) Experience

The more colorful the experience you bring to your baby, the more stimulated her brain will be. Let babies experience a variety of different environments.

Things to do: Go out for a walk and take her to different places such as supermarkets, sports fields and commercial streets. Expose her to different things and sounds.

To avoid: put the baby in front of the TV for a few hours; It wouldn't irritate her. What she needs is a real, not a virtual, experience!

6) Probing

How to train your baby's left and right brains at the same time!

Provide a safe environment for babies to explore, such as the living room floor. She needs a lot of room to discover and explore on her own.

What to do: Put dangerous items out of your child's reach, cover all the socket covers, and put all the sharp corners on the furniture. Provide safe and appropriate toys.

7) Read

Babies start reading to her at a very young age. She may not understand the story, but is happy to listen to you and look at the pictures.

What to do: Use bumpy pictures or interactive books with tactile stimuli to show the baby different textures in the instruction manual, so that she can touch and experience different feelings.

8) Music

How to train your baby's left and right brains at the same time!

Even singing and playing music to babies before birth is beneficial for their brain development. In general, music with continuous rhythms is the best. Mozart's music was found to stimulate neurons that would later be used in mathematics.

Things to do: Singing nursery rhymes and listening to music is a great way to share fun with babies. Create a peaceful mood with music boxes or recorded music when eating, and use cheerful music when playing.

9) Play

Play is fun, play is work – babies are learning while enjoying! When you play with your baby, you're also helping her develop, more than you realize.

What to do: Use contrasting pictures to help babies improve their concentration skills and attention span. The baby explains the color of the picture to her when she studies the picture.

Play finger games with the baby from the beginning to help her "ignore" the instinctive "grip reflex". Only by learning to "let go" can babies learn to use their hands and fingers. Through finger games, babies learn language and fine motor skills.

Balanced development of the left and right brains makes children smarter

"Love the child, is to let him win at the starting point", want to let the baby at home have excellent performance in all aspects, left and right brain training go hand in hand, strive to practice "whole brain development", and expect to shape the child to become a "whole person" who "attaches equal importance to the left and right brains".

If so, do you want your child to be like Einstein and have superior logical reasoning; If you can, do you want to train your children to be a little Beethoven and have amazing artistic creativity. Watching the baby grow day by day, in addition to hoping that he is safe and healthy, I also expect him to be superior. "Love the child, is to let him win at the starting point", want to let the baby at home have excellent performance in all aspects, left and right brain training go hand in hand, strive to practice "whole brain development", cultivate "Yunwen Yunwu" little genius, absolutely not a dream!

Left brain tube logic, right brain tube creativity; Left palm rationality, right brain palm sensibility, is most people's established cognition. In a highly competitive social environment, many parents want their children to be better than others, and from the age of 0, they are eager to take their babies to various left and right brain development courses.

In the impression of most parents, the traditional education model often focuses more on the training of left brain functions such as memory, logic, and language, and seems to ignore the development of right brain parts such as imaging, creation, and art. Therefore, it is common to hear that there are so-called "potential development" and "right brain development" teaching materials or training courses. But can left-right brain development really go separately? Does the child's potential inspiration rely on special teaching materials? What role do the left and right brains play? Does the child need to develop a left brain advantage? Or is there a right-brain advantage that is the smart king? Experts believe that brain development is not divided into left and right, "whole brain development" is king!

Can't be said secretly 1 - the brain structure is precise and complex

The brain is the most delicate and wonderful organ in the human body. For example, the shallow response of mortals to external stimuli, to the deep thinking and judgment, all rely on the complex structure of the brain tissue to issue orders, in order to complete all the behaviors in life.

Experts point out that from the moment the fertilized egg implants in the mother's womb, the precise construction of brain cells begins. When the baby is born, the number of brain nerve cells has been roughly fixed, and the "number" of brain cells in the baby at this time is almost the same as that of adults; That is to say, when a small baby is born, it already has the same intellectual potential as an adult.

Some medical studies have also found that the mature human brain has more than 200 billion brain cells, which can process and store nearly 100 billion messages; On average, up to four thousand thoughts can be produced a day, so it is not an exaggeration to say that the brain is the most mysterious organ in the human body.

Secret that cannot be said 2 - the left brain and the right brain perform their duties

How to train your baby's left and right brains at the same time!

Experts mentioned that the human brain is divided into left and right hemispheres, and the left brain hemisphere is mainly responsible for controlling the movement and sensory response of the right side of the body; The right cerebral hemisphere is the left side of the body. Under the callosum connection, the left and right hemispheres of the brain respond in completely different ways. Left brain main language, logical thinking, it will replace the messages transmitted by our five senses with language expression, which takes a long time; The right brain main image, mental image thinking, the transmission of the message processed as an image, the time taken is very short. The two demigocephalic functions seem to be independent of each other and do not interfere with each other, but in fact, the operation of the left and right brains is not divided into divisions, but a complementary mechanism of mutual support and coordination is established.

The brain is divided into left and right, and under the influence of different factors such as congenital genetics and acquired training, the left and right brain development is also strong and weak. For most people, the "strong hemisphere" in the brain is mostly the "left cerebral hemisphere" that is in charge of language, comprehension, reading, calculation, etc.; The "non-strong hemisphere" mostly refers to the "right brain hemisphere" that affects creativity, spatial sense, art and musical ability. And what are the abilities of the left and right brains that control human beings? What is the difference in functionality? Let's demystify the brain together.

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