
mark. Douglas: If you want to trade like an expert, then you have to be able to look at the market from an objective perspective without the distortion of silk; you have to be able to do it without resistance and without at all

author:Trade to support Shh

mark. Douglas:

If you want to trade like an expert, then you must be able to see the market from an objective perspective without distortion; you must be able to act without resistance and without hesitation but with a moderate degree of self-control to counter the negative effects of ecstasy when trading success is ecstatic.

Traders understand the self to synchronize with the understanding of the market, because we can not control the market but can control their emotions, the trading method of Support is also one of the participants in the market for a long time; especially how to treat their own successful trading, after each success is best to summarize the reasons for profit, to facilitate the next successful replication and application, and more importantly, to suppress their inner expansion and impulse, after a big profit, that is, a big loss is currently the norm for many people. If a trader can control his own joy after a successful operation, it is equivalent to a double victory.

The road of trading is nine curves and eighteen bays, the gains and losses of one city and one place are always only short and insignificant, and the fear of the market to overcome the self is the guarantee of long-term victory.

mark. Douglas: If you want to trade like an expert, then you have to be able to look at the market from an objective perspective without the distortion of silk; you have to be able to do it without resistance and without at all

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