
In winter, the lake freezes, but it is not deserted, but waiting for the spring rains to melt. In winter, the weeds wither and yellow, but do not decay, but wait for the spring breeze to wake up. In winter, it is cold and freezing, but not

author:Laughter fades

In winter, the lake freezes, but it is not deserted, but waiting for the spring rains to melt.

In winter, the weeds wither and yellow, but do not decay, but wait for the spring breeze to wake up.

In winter, it is cold and frozen, but it is not depressed, but waiting for the warmth of spring.

In fact, every winter is filled with cold winds and warm suns, with its own coldness and warmth, its own joy and story.

Encourage your friends.

In winter, the lake freezes, but it is not deserted, but waiting for the spring rains to melt. In winter, the weeds wither and yellow, but do not decay, but wait for the spring breeze to wake up. In winter, it is cold and freezing, but not

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