
Ice and snow sprint, Beijing crowns you (four) snowflakes, the completion of the Winter Olympic medal Luo Luming global weather forecast: heavy snow fell in China from the high dome of the white elves are white pigeons, white gulls

author:Listen to the sound of the rain falling

Ice and snow sprint, Beijing crowns you (four) snowflakes, the completion of the Winter Olympic medals

Luo Luming

Global weather forecast: Heavy snow falls on China

White elves flying down from the tall dome

It's white pigeons, white gulls, egrets, white swans

They have been patrolling the heavens and the earth for many years

Choose branches to live in - Beijing, Zhangjiakou, Yanqing

Ice clean jade branches, swaying and colorful

The Bird's Nest, which once released auspicious pigeons from the Olympic Games

Fuwa's torch has been passed down to this day

The sharp blade of the Tibetan antelope cut through the cloudy sky

Fireworks in the east soared into the sky, illuminating the universe

Today's nest unleashes the spirenes of Aquila, Agaricus and Peacock

The tentacles of light pass through the man-made stratosphere, the malign Cumulonimbus clouds

Pandas and snowflakes blend, and the ice piers smile from all sides of the guests

Red lanterns are photosynthetic with ice and snow, and snow melts to bless athletes

The ice pier and the snow melted into the bird's nest and greeted the world

Release the pure bird into the sky and let the dream phoenix come to the ceremony

White is the background color of the season, and the concentration of ice and snow is quiet and cold

Red is the pulsating flame, the plum blossom of the turi, and the smiling face

The Olympic high-speed rail flies between the lofty mountains

Spit out the shadow of skiing, skating, ice hockey, curling

The snowy track rises and falls with athletic eagles

The volley of alpine skiing, the wildness of the sleigh

Synchronized skiing is a dreamlike sight

Cast swords into ploughs, smelting copper and silver gold from the furnace of sweat

Forged a series of glittering gold and jade medals

Follow the Greek goddess of victory standing with her wings

In the chest of the successful person - into a butterfly

The sun, moon and stars do not turn off the lights

Nor can the lithosphere imprison the Olympic spirit

The magma that breaks out of the earth's crust is blooming with flowers

The airflow from the cold layer is also warmed by the Olympics

The cold ice of the deep ravine was turned into hot tears by the competition

We believe that the winter of mankind will eventually pass

The leopard leading the pack of wolves will surely disappear on the grassland

The buds of the spring flowers will surely fill every pair of eyes

The world moves forward, like a tidal wave, like a rolling wheel

Mankind is a community with a shared future, and everyone has become a friendly and good neighbor

It is like the Olympic five-ring emblem arm in arm

Let's go to the future together, and move forward to the future together

Ice and snow sprint, Beijing crowns you (four) snowflakes, the completion of the Winter Olympic medal Luo Luming global weather forecast: heavy snow fell in China from the high dome of the white elves are white pigeons, white gulls

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