
In 2022, the village cadre team will be re-"rectified", and these four types of cadres are dangerous. At present, villagers in rural areas understand the importance of village cadres more and more clearly, and they change cadres every time they go to the village

author:Bao Ge Studio

In 2022, the village cadre team will be re-"rectified", and these four types of cadres are dangerous.

At present, villagers in rural areas understand the importance of village cadres more and more clearly, and they will attract widespread attention every time they go to the election of village cadres. Village cadres in rural areas of the mainland are voted by the villagers, long past the age of village elders.

The residents living in the countryside deeply felt the changes in the village cadre team over the years, and at the beginning most of the village cadres were held by the elders of the village who were highly respected, and at that time they had absolute right to speak, but at that time most of the villagers were busy with production, and the village cadres were responsible for grasping production, so there was not much clutter.

Now there is a big difference, the team of village cadres began to gradually become younger, and in order to attract talents to join the management of the village, the salary and welfare, social security have increased a lot, through these we can clearly feel the state's determination to vigorously develop rural areas.

Through the management of the village, a large number of good cadres who do good things and do practical things for the villagers have emerged, but there must be good and bad, and the village cadres who do not do practical things under the background of good cadres are gradually revealed, and enter 2022, when the state will clean up and rectify the village cadres who do not do practical things at the same time as developing the countryside, let's see if there is a village in your village!

1. Successful village cadres through special channels

2022 is the year of the change of village cadres in most areas, and the new batch of elected village cadres has begun to take up their posts for a month, although the voting has been over for a period of time to begin to solve things for the villagers, but it does not mean that the village cadres who have successfully run through informal channels will be thoroughly investigated.

For example, through bribery, bribery and other means to induce villagers to vote for him, in general, this situation is not very expensive in the countryside, give the villagers a little welfare and are all from the village, for the sake of face will also choose to vote for him.

2. There is a village cadre with a criminal record

In the past, the state's management of the contingent of village cadres was not very strict, and many of the initial policies for rural areas were difficult to implement, which directly led to too many problems in the village cadre team, and it was easy to say that it was easy to be a village cadre in the countryside.

3. Village cadres who have engaged in triad or village bullying behavior

In our country is now a society ruled by law, in a very early period of time the governments of various regions have carried out actions to sweep away criminal syndicates and eliminate evil, especially in rural areas, the phenomenon of village tyrants being village cadres can never appear, I believe that what village cadres do does not need to be explained too much, the village tyrants themselves will have an impact on the normal lives of villagers, if they become village cadres will definitely "harm one party", for such village tyrant cadres will definitely be cleaned up.

4. Village cadres have illegal operations

"No one is a saint or a saint can be blameless" is not to allow village cadres to make mistakes, but for those village cadres who have made major mistakes, they will also clean up. After such a long period of hard work, the team of village cadres has gradually improved in the minds of the villagers, but because such a person eventually led to the waste of all the preparations made in the early stage, it will clean up those village cadres who have made major mistakes, and it cannot be because one person has affected the entire team of village cadres.

It can be seen that the state has become more and more strict in the management of village cadres in rural areas, and now the state is constantly implementing various policies to benefit the people in rural areas, and if there is a problem in the ranks of village cadres and implementing workers, it will directly lead to villagers not being able to enjoy these welfare policies.

Is there such a village cadre in your village? Discussions are welcome in the comments section.

In 2022, the village cadre team will be re-"rectified", and these four types of cadres are dangerous. At present, villagers in rural areas understand the importance of village cadres more and more clearly, and they change cadres every time they go to the village
In 2022, the village cadre team will be re-"rectified", and these four types of cadres are dangerous. At present, villagers in rural areas understand the importance of village cadres more and more clearly, and they change cadres every time they go to the village
In 2022, the village cadre team will be re-"rectified", and these four types of cadres are dangerous. At present, villagers in rural areas understand the importance of village cadres more and more clearly, and they change cadres every time they go to the village
In 2022, the village cadre team will be re-"rectified", and these four types of cadres are dangerous. At present, villagers in rural areas understand the importance of village cadres more and more clearly, and they change cadres every time they go to the village
In 2022, the village cadre team will be re-"rectified", and these four types of cadres are dangerous. At present, villagers in rural areas understand the importance of village cadres more and more clearly, and they change cadres every time they go to the village
In 2022, the village cadre team will be re-"rectified", and these four types of cadres are dangerous. At present, villagers in rural areas understand the importance of village cadres more and more clearly, and they change cadres every time they go to the village

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