
What happened to the most loving twin sisters who were born hand in hand?

Children with siblings will be more interesting than the childhood of the only child, the most enviable is the twins, there is no age difference between them, they can accompany each other to grow up, the two can have "blessings to enjoy together, there are disasters to fight together."

Speaking of twins, we have to mention the "most friendly" twin sisters of that year. They were born hand in hand, which surprised the medical staff in the ward and warmed their hearts, and quickly recorded this magical scene with their mobile phones.

What happened to the most loving twin sisters who were born hand in hand?

The sisters are also known as the most friendly sisters in the world because of this hand-in-hand photo.

Now that 4 years have passed and the sisters have grown up, many people are curious about how their feelings have become, and whether they are still as friendly as they were when they were born.

It is understood that when they grow up, the sisters have diametrically opposite personalities, often contradict each other, and sometimes "fight each other". It can be seen that even twins are two different individuals after all, and contradictions are inevitable.

It is normal for there to be contradictions between brothers and sisters, and if there are contradictions, if they are not resolved in time, the problems will only increase.

Therefore, this requires parents to come forward as peacemakers and help their children regulate their relationships, so that they will not become more and more distant.

How do parents deal with conflicts between their children?

What happened to the most loving twin sisters who were born hand in hand?

1. Understand the causes of contradictions

The contradictions between children can be large or small, and some can be resolved by themselves, without the need for parents to appear.

However, some of the more serious contradictions have been between them for a long time, which affects the feelings between brothers and sisters, and then parents should find a way to solve them. If you want to resolve the conflict, you must understand the ins and outs of the matter.

If you do not understand the whole process of what happened, just listen to the one-sided words of one of them, may make another child wronged, the so-called "palms of hands and backs of hands are meat", the wrong blame which child is not good.

Therefore, the whole thing should be understood in advance, so that a fair and just judgment and decision can be made.

2. Prescribe the right medicine

Understand the reason for good things, and the next job is to prescribe the right medicine. Parents should objectively deal with conflicts between children.

For children who are wrong, they should point out their mistakes and guide them to correct them, while for children who have been wronged, they should also learn to forgive their brothers and sisters.

What happened to the most loving twin sisters who were born hand in hand?

But "one slap does not make a sound", if there is a contradiction between children, generally speaking, it will not be one person's fault, and both children have done something wrong.

Parents should point out their mistakes, be patient and explain to them why this is not right, and when children realize each other's mistakes, the contradictions between them may be resolved.

3. Create opportunities for children

Some children are more "arrogant" or introverted, and when they do something wrong, they always can't pull down their faces to apologize to their siblings.

Therefore, parents should take more pains to create opportunities for children to help each other and let them feel each other's good. When children feel the other person's love for themselves, they will naturally reflect on what they have done.

Although this method is more circuitous, it can subtly help children untie the knot. It is best not to leave a knot between brothers and sisters, because it will become more and more serious with the passage of time, and eventually it will make each other go farther and farther.

What happened to the most loving twin sisters who were born hand in hand?

It is not easy to become flesh and blood relatives, and everyone should cherish the fate between each other. If you have a conflict with your brothers and sisters, think more about each other's goodness, and maybe you can resolve the contradiction.

Brothers and sisters grow up close or not, the bridge between parents is very important, if parents indoctrinate children from an early age to the idea of brothers and sisters loving each other, timely deal with contradictions, although children can not grow up as close as when they were young, but not like a stranger.

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