
Why is the current post-8090 more and more reluctant to go to relatives?

Why is the current post-8090 more and more reluctant to go to relatives? Even in the New Year, I like to stay at home, and I prefer to stay at home rather than go to relatives?

Why is the current post-8090 more and more reluctant to go to relatives?

Now more and more relatives two words are just cloaked in a blood relationship, some relatives are not as diligent as the communication between friends, many relatives do not contact for a year, the New Year's meeting, the relationship is also dependent on part of the money, pressure money to maintain, it seems that some labor hurt the people, hypocrisy.

Why is the current post-8090 more and more reluctant to go to relatives?

So what is it that makes more and more people reluctant to go to relatives?

First, the three questions of death that relatives think they care about, what is the three questions of death? Simply put, how much money did you make? Married? Did you buy a car or a house?

Now the life pressure of the post-8090s is very high, just imagine, when you have been busy for a year and finally been able to rest, how it would feel to be suddenly asked these questions? It is nothing more than depressed, irritable, and do not want to say, but many relatives are happy to do it.

If relatives only care about the younger generations, it is understandable, but the reality is that most of the questions hide each other's comparison psychology. In addition, the relatives' concept of marriage and love is also the reason why young people are disgusted. Due to the influence of different generations, some relatives will have a generation gap with their descendants, and the two sides often have conflicts on the issue of marriage and love. Young people don't want to listen to the education of their relatives and can only stay away.

Second, with relatives three views of discord, do not want to waste time, contemporary people are most afraid of is ineffective social networking, relatives are also, when you are looking forward to interacting with relatives, but find that the other party and your three views are not in line, or even disagree, even if it is a strong blood relationship, it is difficult to maintain close contact. The development of any relationship should be based on value exchange, and if the other person does not make you feel warm, but brings displeasure, most people will choose to keep their distance from them. Since the two sides are not in tune, getting together is also a picture. Why should troubles torment each other?

Third, there is no time, too lazy to go to relatives. In the adult world, everyone is in a hurry, busy with work, exhausted, and doing their best to maintain the surface of the bright and beautiful. Life is really hard, only self-transit. Everyone who struggles outside is struggling to move forward, they spend most of their time struggling, and it is really difficult to have time to stop and communicate with family affection. Adults have their own world, desperate when busy, prefer to be alone when they are idle, they don't want to spend their time running relatives, they just want to keep moving forward and become better people. And after several times of wind and rain, they have already seen human nature clearly and looked down on meaningless exchanges. Such adults live soberly, sincerely, and unpretentiously.

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