
15 days after the baby is born, why must I eat cod liver oil!? (Mom must see)

Cod liver oil is mainly vitamins A and D. They play an important role in the growth and development of the baby, so how old can the baby start eating cod liver oil? When is the best time of day to eat?

15 days after the baby is born, why must I eat cod liver oil!? (Mom must see)

Consequences of vitamin A and D deficiency

The main function of vitamin A is to maintain the body's normal growth, reproduction, vision, epithelial tissue soundness and anti-infection immune function;

Vitamin A deficiency can cause: pediatric skeletal growth retardation; affect the development of tooth enamel cells, teeth are not sound; epithelial tissue structure is damaged; immunocompromised can easily cause various infections of the respiratory tract, digestive tract and urinary tract;

The main function of vitamin D is to promote the absorption of calcium and phosphorus by the mucosa of the small intestine; to promote the reabsorption of calcium and phosphorus by the renal tubules;

Vitamin D deficiency can cause: calcium and phosphorus transintestinal decrease, bone-like tissue calcification disorders; rickets, osteomalacia.

15 days after the baby is born, why must I eat cod liver oil!? (Mom must see)

When do I need to supplement with cod liver oil?

1. The mother has insufficient breast milk and belongs to the mixed feeding baby;

2. After weaning, the supplementary food did not add egg yolks, animal livers and other vegetables and fruits rich in vitaminS A and D, as well as carotene-rich vegetables and fruits;

3. Respiratory and digestive tract infections, dry eye, corneal softening and dry skin caused by vitamin A deficiency;

4. Babies who stay at home and are less sun-basking.

How old can your baby be to eat cod liver oil

Cod liver oil is generally eaten after 15 days.

If the nursing mother is nutritionally adequate and the diet is balanced, the vitamin A in the milk can mostly meet the needs of the baby. Vitamin D is less in breast milk and cow's milk, so infants, whether human or cow's milk,000 units of vitamin D must be given a daily preventive dose of 400 units from 2-3 weeks after birth, especially for premature babies, twins and children with the above factors that cause vitamin A and D deficiency.

After the age of 3, children's growth rate slows down, diet varieties and outdoor activities increase, and there is generally no need for additional cod liver oil supplementation.

15 days after the baby is born, why must I eat cod liver oil!? (Mom must see)

The best time of day for cod liver oil supplementation

The best time to eat cod liver oil is after drinking milk in the morning, if you can take your baby to the sun after drinking cod liver oil, it can effectively promote absorption.

Nowadays, many parents and doctors confuse vitamin AD drops with cod liver oil, but in fact, the two are different, and vitamin AD drops and cod liver oil have essential differences.

If you are interested, you can take a look at it to understand the difference between the two and the correct way to use it!

(Source: Maternal and Infant Vision)

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