
In addition to steaming black glutinous rice on April 8, the people of Rongshui can also make ......

author:Beautiful meltwater style Miao Township
In addition to steaming black glutinous rice on April 8, the people of Rongshui can also make ......

On May 15, the traditional folk festival "April 8" of Rongshui, the staff of various townships and towns took advantage of the opportunity of the festival to gather people to carry out anti-cult, anti-narcotics and other propaganda activities. Tonglian Yao Township launched an anti-cult propaganda campaign with the theme of "Clearly Understanding the Essence of Cults and Resolutely Resisting and Cracking Down on Cults." Through on-the-spot lectures on the dangers of cults, the types of cults, and the relevant laws and regulations on anti-cults, as well as the distribution of anti-cult propaganda pamphlets, the masses are guided to understand the harmfulness of cults and to create a good atmosphere of pursuing civilization and advocating science. During the event, more than 400 copies of anti-cult propaganda materials were distributed, more than 300 cadres and people were educated, and more than 200 on-the-spot consultations were answered.

In addition to steaming black glutinous rice on April 8, the people of Rongshui can also make ......
In addition to steaming black glutinous rice on April 8, the people of Rongshui can also make ......

Dongtou Town organized a black glutinous rice competition, and the masses spontaneously took out their own steamed black glutinous rice to the basketball court of Longcaitun in Jiaduo Village for a black competition, and the scene was very lively. The staff members of the town's comprehensive management center, the town's community drug rehabilitation (rehabilitation) work station, and the two committees of Jiaduo Village have seized this opportunity to carry out anti-cult and anti-narcotics propaganda activities, and have guided the masses to consciously join in the nationwide anti-cult and anti-narcotics campaign by hanging banners, distributing propaganda materials, distributing small gifts, and explaining anti-cult and anti-narcotics knowledge to the masses in dialects, thus enhancing the awareness of the masses at the grassroots level in opposing cults, recognizing, preventing, and rejecting narcotics.

During the event, more than 200 anti-cult and anti-narcotics pamphlets and more than 200 handbags were distributed.

In addition to steaming black glutinous rice on April 8, the people of Rongshui can also make ......
In addition to steaming black glutinous rice on April 8, the people of Rongshui can also make ......
In addition to steaming black glutinous rice on April 8, the people of Rongshui can also make ......

Source丨Correspondent: Yang Jianzhen Guan Hongli

Proofreading on duty丨Huang Xingqiao

Editor丨Liang Liming

Responsibility audit丨 He Cheng

Responsible Producer丨Gong Xiangyou

Produced by丨Rongshui Miao Autonomous County Rong Media Center

"Drunken Beauty Melt Water" APP and "Xiumei Melt Water Style Miao Township" WeChat public account are all rights reserved, and the work may not be reproduced, excerpted or otherwise used without written authorization.

In addition to steaming black glutinous rice on April 8, the people of Rongshui can also make ......

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