
Oil prices plummeted by 235 yuan! After the price adjustment on May 16, the price of No. 92 gasoline, soybean meal, and glutinous rice are how

author:Farmland Chronicle

Soybean meal market: Recently, the domestic soybean meal spot price is relatively "firm", from the agency data to understand, in Shandong, Jiangsu, Guangdong and Tianjin, the domestic mainstream oil mill soybean meal spot price in 3410 ~ 3470 yuan / ton, the price is stable and small, compared with the end of April 3240 ~ 3330 yuan / ton, the price still has a large increase!

Oil prices plummeted by 235 yuan! After the price adjustment on May 16, the price of No. 92 gasoline, soybean meal, and glutinous rice are how

At present, the domestic spot soybean meal bottom support is strong, although, in the near future, the scale of imported soybeans into the port has gradually increased, the agency previously predicted that in 5~6 months, the average monthly import of soybeans into the port is about 10 million tons, and the inventory of soybeans and soybean meal in domestic oil mills will gradually show a cumulative trend, and the spot supply pattern of soybean meal is gradually relaxed!

However, due to the floods in Brazil and the strong weather speculation in the new soybean planting stage in the United States, the soybean market in the international market has risen, which has led to the strengthening of domestic continuous meal prices! At present, the main force of domestic continuous meal has reached 3536 yuan/ton, compared with the average spot price of 3515.43 yuan/ton, and the premium is 20.57 yuan!

In addition, due to the impact of flooding in Brazil's producing areas, soybean production is expected to decline, limited transportation and logistics, farmers are reluctant to sell, domestic imported soybeans may be postponed, and Brazilian soybean discount quotation remains high, which also exacerbates the situation of high dutiable price of domestic imported soybeans, and has strong support for the domestic soybean meal market!

Therefore, the soybean meal market is facing strong cost support, however, the domestic spot supply is loose, the downstream demand is sluggish, in the short term, the price may maintain a narrow range of shocks, the market "easy to rise and difficult to fall" trend or will be obvious!

Glutinous rice market: Recently, the domestic glutinous rice market price has fallen frequently, although the Dragon Boat Festival is coming, but the market is more worried about the prospect of glutinous rice!

Oil prices plummeted by 235 yuan! After the price adjustment on May 16, the price of No. 92 gasoline, soybean meal, and glutinous rice are how

At present, the cycle of stocking before the Dragon Boat Festival is gradually coming, the rhythm of glutinous rice purchase and sales has improved, which has a certain support for the market, from the grassroots feedback, previously, the price of round grain glutinous rice in some areas of Anhui was 1.6 yuan / jin, compared with the previous increase of 0.15 yuan; Heilongjiang glutinous rice rose to 1.63 yuan / jin, the ex-factory price of glutinous rice in some enterprises is about 2.1 ~ 2.3 yuan / jin, the market rhythm has improved, and the festival is slightly cashed in advance!

However, after a short period of strong market, the purchase and sale of sales again cold, due to the lack of terminal capacity, the demand to follow up slowed down, which may overdraft the good performance of the festival in advance, and the price is slightly downward pressure!

Judging from the current summary quotation, the price of glutinous rice in Heilongjiang in Northeast China fell to about 1.52~1.57 yuan/jin, and the price of glutinous rice in Anhui fell to 1.55~1.6 yuan......

Oil prices plummeted by 235 yuan! After the price adjustment on May 16, the price of No. 92 gasoline, soybean meal, and glutinous rice are how

From a rational point of view, due to the weakness of the demand side and the sluggish operating rate of rice enterprises, the market is becoming more and more cautious, and the market is full of "buying up and not buying down", and traders are mostly cautious, some channels are in the bag, and some companies are waiting to see the market outlook, but due to the rise in temperature and the weakness of consumption follow-up, it is difficult for the glutinous rice market to improve significantly, and the price is still at risk of further decline!

Oil price market: oil price adjustment, in accordance with the domestic refined oil management, at 24 o'clock on May 15, the 10th oil price adjustment of the year, domestic gasoline and diesel prices may usher in the "third fall", and the decline will also record the largest single ......

Oil prices plummeted by 235 yuan! After the price adjustment on May 16, the price of No. 92 gasoline, soybean meal, and glutinous rice are how

The reference to crude oil in this round of the cycle is April 29th ~ May 14th, according to institutional data, WTI crude oil quotation fell from $83.85 to $78.02 / barrel, Brent crude oil fell from $89.5 / barrel to $82.38 / barrel, during the cycle, WTI crude oil fell 6.74%, Brent crude oil 7.96%.

Affected by the decline in international oil prices in this cycle, in accordance with the management of domestic refined oil products, on the last working day of the round of pricing cycle on May 15, the rate of change of crude oil was -5.01%, and the prices of gasoline and diesel fell by 235 yuan/ton and 225 yuan/ton respectively, equivalent to 92 gasoline down 0.18 yuan, 95 gasoline down 0.19 yuan, and No. 0 diesel down 0.19 yuan!

The fall in oil prices landed, the rise and fall of oil prices during the year showed a situation of "5 up, 3 down and 2 stranded", among them, the price increase of gasoline narrowed to 570 yuan / ton, the price of diesel narrowed to 550 yuan / ton, the domestic price of 92 gasoline, there is still an increase of 0.47 yuan / liter during the year, however, the price of 92 gasoline at gas stations in various provinces and cities will also generally fall below 8 yuan / liter......

Taking Shandong as an example, after the price adjustment is completed, at 24 o'clock on May 15, the local 92 gasoline price may fall to about 7.97 yuan/liter, and the mainstream quotation is sideways at 8 yuan/liter! The specific price is subject to the actual price of gas stations around the country after the price adjustment is completed!

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