
Because of this incident, Qin Dong, the first secretary of Rongshui Antang Village, received two pennants →

author:Beautiful meltwater style Miao Township
Because of this incident, Qin Dong, the first secretary of Rongshui Antang Village, received two pennants →

"Thank you Secretary Qin for running around for our family, implementing the subsistence allowance, applying for medical assistance and temporary assistance, and solving our worries." Jia Yinghao, a villager from Huangtiantun in Antang Village, Hemu Town, Rongshui Miao Autonomous County, came to the village committee with his wife and children in high spirits, and presented Qin Dong, the first secretary of the village, and the two village committees with two pennants printed with the words "thinking about the people's livelihood, solving people's difficulties, doing practical things, warming the people's hearts" and "removing worries for the people and caring for the people", in order to thank Secretary Qin and the cadres of the two village committees.

The "Secretary Qin" in Jia Yinghao's mouth is Qin Dong, the first secretary of the county Beijianghe Forest Farm stationed in Antang Village, Hemu Town. In July 2022, Qin Dong actively responded to the call of the organization and served as the first secretary of Antang Village, a weak and sloppy (backward) village. In the two years of living in the village, he took the village as his home and the people as his relatives, focusing on the responsibility and mission of "building strong grassroots organizations, developing village-level collective economy, and doing practical things for the people", taking root at the grassroots level, entering the village and households, and interpreting responsibility and responsibility with practical actions.

Because of this incident, Qin Dong, the first secretary of Rongshui Antang Village, received two pennants →

After Qin Dong took office, he quickly entered the state of work, and the first thing he did was to bend down and go to the village, organize the cadres of the two village committees to visit the three party branches in the village, and communicate with the old party members, old cadres and the masses. After visiting the household, he had a clear understanding of the construction of the party member team, established the work idea of grasping the party building and cohesion of the party branch, focused on the internal construction of the party branch in view of the problems of non-standard organizational life, and adopted measures such as establishing a learning system and strengthening the education of the party spirit and discipline concept of village cadres, so as to further enhance the cohesion of the party organization. Since he was stationed in the village, he visited 39 party members in the village, carried out 4 party classes, and actively mobilized 5 outstanding talents such as retired soldiers, returned college students, and wealthy leaders to move closer to the party organization and develop 7 party members.

Because of this incident, Qin Dong, the first secretary of Rongshui Antang Village, received two pennants →

▲Send education to the door for old party members. Qin Dong's work in the village is not limited to grasping the team and strengthening the party building, he has always taken the development of industry as the key point of rural revitalization, and actively promoted the upgrading of traditional industries such as sugarcane and rice and the development of characteristic industries such as fungus and hemp and bamboo. We will continue to make efforts in traditional industries, grasp the favorable opportunity of the country to increase sugarcane farmers, and continuously expand the planting area of sugarcane, and the whole village is now planting more than 3,000 acres of sugarcane. At the same time, make full use of the location advantages and resource endowment, closely follow the snail flour raw material industry chain, and adopt the industrial chain model of "company + cooperative + farmer" to develop about 200 acres of hemp and bamboo planting; Make good use of the understory resources according to local conditions, develop the "Lingbei Flying Chicken", transfer from courtyard breeding to the core demonstration area of woodland breeding development of 300 acres, with annual sales of more than 60,000 birds and sales income of more than 2.4 million yuan.

Because of this incident, Qin Dong, the first secretary of Rongshui Antang Village, received two pennants →

In addition to devoting his energy to the work of industrial development, Qin Dong also kept in mind the needs and desires of the people's lives. Jia Yihui, the son of Jia Yinghao, a villager in Huangtiantun, needed to go to Xinhua Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine for surgery due to illness, and he had to pay more than 70,000 yuan after medical insurance reimbursement, and there were follow-up regular review fees, but only Jia Yinghao had economic income in the whole family, and the road to treatment was very difficult. After Qin Dong learned of this situation, he actively applied for subsistence allowance to the civil affairs department for him, and at the same time, according to the relevant policies, he applied for medical assistance to the county medical insurance bureau for medical assistance of 26,000 yuan, and applied to the town civil affairs department for temporary assistance of 3,800 yuan, which solved the family's worries.

Because of this incident, Qin Dong, the first secretary of Rongshui Antang Village, received two pennants →

▲Cotton clothes were sent to the extremely poor.

For a long time, Qin Dong has taken the satisfaction of the people as the fundamental criterion for judging work. He often went into the homes of the masses to gain an in-depth understanding of the "urgency, hardship, and hope" of the masses, and tried his best to solve them. Since he was stationed in the village, he has carried out 38 work for the people, benefiting more than 130 people.

Because of this incident, Qin Dong, the first secretary of Rongshui Antang Village, received two pennants →

Source丨Correspondent: Lian Hong

Proofreading on duty丨Huang Xingqiao

Editor丨Liang Liming

Responsibility audit丨 He Cheng

Responsible Producer丨Gong Xiangyou

Produced by丨Rongshui Miao Autonomous County Rong Media Center

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Because of this incident, Qin Dong, the first secretary of Rongshui Antang Village, received two pennants →