
Do pregnant women have stretch marks? How to prevent the appearance of stretch marks, the doctor gives these suggestions

Every mom is great, from the first day of pregnancy.

When a small life is born in the belly, it is extremely happy for most people. But at the same time of happiness, there will also be some troubles, and most of these troubles are reflected in the mother-to-be.

Pregnancy is a very hard thing, it will make a lot of changes in the body of the pregnant woman herself, and stretch marks are the most obvious changes.

Do pregnant women have stretch marks? How to prevent the appearance of stretch marks, the doctor gives these suggestions

So how are stretch marks formed? How can I prevent stretch marks that don't appear? And how do I fade stretch marks that have appeared? I believe that these problems are what many expectant mothers will worry about, and today I will talk to you about the integration.

Do pregnant women have stretch marks? How to prevent the appearance of stretch marks, the doctor gives these suggestions

First, the formation of stretch marks is mostly related to these three reasons:

1. Genetic factors: If the pregnant woman's mother has appeared stretch marks, then the probability of stretch marks in the pregnant woman is much higher than that of other pregnant women.

2. Excessive weight growth during pregnancy: Many pregnant women in order to supplement nutrition and supplement too much, will make the weight suddenly increase in a short period of time. The stretch marks themselves belong to a kind of growth stripes, the weight increases in a short period of time, the belly puffs up, it will cause the skin fibers to break, and lead to the appearance of stretch marks.

Do pregnant women have stretch marks? How to prevent the appearance of stretch marks, the doctor gives these suggestions

3. Related to the age of pregnant women: According to relevant studies, the younger the pregnant woman, the greater the possibility of stretch marks. Especially in pregnant women over the age of 30, the probability of stretch marks is extremely low.

Second, how to prevent stretch marks that do not appear?

1. Do a good job in pregnancy weight management: pregnant women themselves can properly carry out some sports, try to keep the weight during pregnancy at a uniform rate of growth, and avoid growing too fast in a short period of time. Throughout pregnancy, it is best for pregnant women to control their weight gain at 11-14 kg.

2, do a good job of skin care: pregnant mothers should do a good job of skin care in the first trimester, you can choose their own moisturizing oil, pregnant body milk, etc., apply and massage appropriately every day, increase skin ductility, reduce the occurrence of stretch marks.

3. Diet adjustment: Pregnant women can eat more foods with high protein content to increase skin elasticity. As well as during pregnancy, you can take in some vitamins, minerals, etc. Avoid excessive consumption of high-fat, high-fat foods, which are harmful and non-beneficial to both the growth and development of the baby and the pregnant woman herself.

Do pregnant women have stretch marks? How to prevent the appearance of stretch marks, the doctor gives these suggestions

Third, how to fade the stretch marks that have been formed?

At present, there is no specific treatment for how to completely fade stretch marks. Once stretch marks grow, it is difficult to disappear completely, and even if the color fades, it will not disappear completely.

However, if it is really troublesome, laser treatment can also be used to promote the rearrangement of collagen fibers and fade stretch marks.

Finally, with regard to stretch marks, prevention should be greater than treatment. For the stretch marks that have appeared, I also hope that all expectant mothers can treat them with peace of mind, do not be depressed, and affect the mood during pregnancy. Stretch marks are also called the mark of maternal love, so mothers should be proud and regard it as a mother's medal

Do pregnant women have stretch marks? How to prevent the appearance of stretch marks, the doctor gives these suggestions

Hope this article can be helpful to you, pay attention to me, I am skin Coro handsome cold day, your beautiful little guard.

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