
Zhang Guimei's hands were covered with plaster, and she suddenly felt tears

Zhang Guimei's hands were covered with plaster, and she suddenly felt tears

On June 29, Zhang Guimei was helped to the stage by the staff to receive the award, and she was awarded the July 1st Medal.

Zhang Guimei's hands were covered with plaster, and she suddenly felt tears

A close-up brings our attention to her hands, hands covered with plaster.

These hands convey knowledge, inspire the children, and guide the dreams of 1804 mountain girls.


Zhang Guimei was born in Heilongjiang in 1957 to an intellectual family.

After her mother died, she followed her sister to Yunnan to work, and also met her husband in this place, the husband and wife were affectionate, and life was very happy.

But fate is difficult, her husband died of stomach cancer, let her be devastated, in order to prevent herself from being hurt every day, Zhang Guimei decided to move and come to Huaping County as a middle school teacher.

Looking at the children's curious eyes, Zhang Guimei felt a positive force, she put her energy into teaching, but fate once again joked with her, she felt unbearable stomach pain one day, after going to the hospital for examination, the doctor told her to do surgery.

She fulfilled the dream of 1804 girls, set a 25-word rule, and Zhang Guimei went to receive the award with a plaster in her hand

Zhang Guimei was reluctant to leave the children who wanted to take the middle school entrance examination, she took painkillers while attending normal classes, insisted until the children were sent to the middle school examination room, she went to the hospital, because it delayed the best operation time, increased the difficulty of the operation, and also brought greater pain to her body.

A student looked at her pain in her eyes and said that she would work hard when she grew up, studying a medicine that Zhang Guimei would no longer have pain, so that Zhang Guimei had a little joy in her heart, and the children's understanding was the best cure for her.

In 2003, Zhang Guimei took over a special class, this class because of the frequent change of teachers, the discipline of students is not good, and some children have dropped out of school.

After she entered the class, one by one to understand the situation of the children, went to the village to call back the children who had dropped out of school, worried that the children were not self-disciplined at night, she moved her bed to the children's dormitory, ate and lived with the children, and everyone's spirit quickly condensed, chasing each other to learn.

Seeing that the children were weak, she promised to take turns taking the children out to eat, to supplement their nutrition, she had a limited salary every month, she was only willing to fry green vegetables for her own meals, but it was very generous to buy food for the children, and once when she checked out, she went through her pockets to make up enough for the meal.

Zhang Guimei uses her love to influence the children, so that everyone understands that reading is the best way to change their destiny.


A reporter interviewed Zhang Guimei, and she said an interesting thing.

When she came to receive the award, the children of the orphanage were reluctant to let her leave, so they asked her when she would come home, and she replied, "Mommy will be back tomorrow." ”

The children of the orphanage called her mother, and she also gave everyone warm maternal love.

In 2001, Zhang Guimei became the director of an orphanage in Huaping, with a total of 54 children, ranging from 2 to 12 years old.

When she first took over, the children were very naughty, she took the children to do hygiene, teach them to read, give the children a hug, the fate of these children is already very pitiful, she wants to use knowledge to give the children a good starting point.

Years later, there was a girl who grew up and got married, she took the children to decorate the boudoir, and attended the girl's wedding as a parent, although she did not have her own children, she was the mother of 136 children, who grew up with stable jobs and became her pride.

What prompted Zhang Guimei to start a girls' high school was inspired by a home visit.

She went to look for a girl who had dropped out of school, and when she arrived at the girl's home, she found that the girl who was in the third year of high school was doing housework at home, while her brother, who was in junior high school, was studying.

Zhang Guimei was very angry and asked the mother: "Your daughter is going to take the college entrance examination, you don't let her study, but send your son to tutor?" ”

The mother replied, "Because he is a son." ”

Zhang Guimei finally understood that in the hearts of some parents, sons and daughters are not the same, they can read to their sons, but hope that their daughters can contribute to the family.

In order to improve the fate of the girls, she decided to run a girls' high school, so that girls in the mountains have the opportunity to go out of the mountains, in order to find funds for running the school, she sought the help of local enterprises again and again, and worked hard to build the school.

The girls who came here to study cherished this hard-won opportunity, everyone studied hard, and also formed a deep relationship with Teacher Zhang Guimei, who called Zhang Guimei "old mother".


There is a slogan in Huaping Women:

"I was born a mountain not a stream, I want to look down on the mediocre ditch with the peaks of the peaks, I was born a man and not a grass, I stand on the shoulders of great men and despise the lowly cowards."

This slogan inspires one huaping female student, who carries the hope of Zhang Guimei, who is the first to get up every day, turn on the first lamp in the darkness, and illuminate the children's way forward for more than ten years.

In order to understand every child, Zhang Guimei will visit home, the road in the mountain is rough, her health is not good, several times she fell on the mountain road, fainted due to pain, but Zhang Guimei has always insisted, she believes that only home visits, can really understand a child.

A girl once looked for Zhang Guimei, saying that her family was difficult, learning and a little unable to keep up, she wanted to give up, Zhang Guimei did not say anything, stretched out her hands, she told the child: "My hands hurt every day can not be straight, must be plastered, I am insisting, why can't you insist?" ”

The girl was deeply moved, and continued to study hard after going back, Zhang Guimei's hands were because of a long period of high-load work, which led to joint pain, and she was reluctant to go to the hospital to see, so she insisted on going to class with plaster, and for a long time, she fell to the root of the disease.

Over the years, she has sent away batches of college students, a total of more than 1800 girls have come out of the mountains, and she has also become a "lamplighter" in the hearts of children, burning herself and lighting up the future of students.

She set a 25-word rule for the students: "After you walk out of this school, don't look back at this school, you have to move forward." ”

It is not easy for girls to do their best to get out of the mountain, and she hopes that the children can gain a foothold in a broader world, realize their dreams in life, and be a talent useful to society.

Someone once made such a comparison photo, 17-year-old Zhang Guimei has fair skin, a pair of water spirit eyes, and is very beautiful with youth. The 64-year-old Zhang Guimei is full of vicissitudes, and the years have carved a mark on her forehead.

Knowing that Teacher Zhang Guimei was going home, the children laughed, netizens cried, and were deeply touched by Teacher Zhang's love.

Teacher Zhang Guimei truly loves students like children, her mother loves broad and far-sighted, she gave her youth to the cause of education, let us praise her.

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