
Thursday, January 27 Daily Eye Care Tips【Pay attention to eye health and prevent myopia】

Thursday, January 27 Daily Eye Care Tips 【Pay attention to eye health and prevent myopia】

Thursday, January 27 Daily Eye Care Tips【Pay attention to eye health and prevent myopia】

Detect your child's vision problems in a timely manner

Children's vision develops gradually during the period of 3-6 years old, and it is completely stable by the age of 12. Usually the best cure period for children's vision diseases is also before the age of 6, and some vision diseases miss the best treatment period, and the probability of cure will be greatly reduced. Therefore, parents should pay as much attention as possible to their children's vision problems and achieve early detection and early treatment. However, due to the child's relatively young age, low cognitive level, and lack of expression ability, the detection of vision diseases becomes more difficult.

Thursday, January 27 Daily Eye Care Tips【Pay attention to eye health and prevent myopia】

Develop a good habit of using your eyes

Pay attention to your child's eye hygiene. From infancy to pay more attention to the child's eye habits, many parents are accustomed to hanging colored items in front of the children's bed or above the stroller to attract the child's attention, what needs attention is to change the suspension point frequently, adjust the distance and orientation of the suspension, and do not let the child stare at a place for a long time.

Keep your child away from the TV, don't let your child use electronic products for too long every day, try to arrange more entertainment activities for your child, such as drawing, listening to stories, going out, and most importantly, parents should lead by example.

Take your child to an eye examination regularly, establish an optometry file from an early age, and once a problem is found, take the child to correct it in time.

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