
During the winter vacation, half of the students were killed by these 10 bad habits! Making up habits is more important than making up lessons!

Winter vacation life is what children look forward to the most. However, without the teacher, if the parents are not restrained, children without self-control can easily develop bad habits.

Remind parents, in the winter vacation, let the children stay away from these 10 bad habits, I hope that parents will pay attention to it!

During the winter vacation, half of the students were killed by these 10 bad habits! Making up habits is more important than making up lessons!

In a familiar and comfortable area, people will habitually become lazy, and then fall and fall again until the end of the holiday.

How many of the following behaviors do your children occupy?

I didn't get up until noon

"It's almost twelve o'clock when we get up to eat." At this point, you shout out to your child to get up with your loudest voice.

Within a few days of the holiday, the child's life schedule was completely disrupted.

Don't eat breakfast, don't want to wash your hair; don't want to go out, don't want to exercise.

Every day, the child is "sleeping until he wakes up naturally".

Getting up late became the norm for holidays, and the day always started at noon.

I fell asleep in the early hours of the morning

Say good to go to bed early, get up early, good body, say good self-discipline, as soon as the holiday comes, it will be left behind.

Sleeping late and getting up late, completely disregarding health.

Many children find various reasons to sleep after midnight in order to play games or watch a TV series, to chat about homework that has not yet been written.

Mobile phones are life

During the winter vacation, many parents are reflecting a common phenomenon: children are at home, either playing with computers, iPads, or holding mobile phones to watch endlessly. Always the phone is not in hand, lack of holiday life planning.

Without a reasonable holiday life schedule, children have become veritable "low-headed people" and "mobile phone control". While electronic devices bring a fresh and fun experience, they also pervasively tempt children's immature minds, and it is easy to get lost in them if they are not careful.

During the winter vacation, half of the students were killed by these 10 bad habits! Making up habits is more important than making up lessons!


Opening your mouth must say "no energy", and shutting up is "not interesting", you are not interested in anything, you don't know what you like to do, you don't know what you don't like to do.

Bored but unwilling to take the step of finding interest. Say what you want to do, what you want to learn, in the end, no one thing can stick to.

I haven't read a book for more than 24 hours

Every time I come home from vacation, the most confident thing I do is prepare a bunch of books and think I will read well.

As a result, I didn't finish reading a single book.

Spend a lot of money

During the Spring Festival, every child will receive money from the elders, and for this money, each parent's solution is different.

Most parents confiscate their children's old age money, and the excuse is usually: Mom and Dad help you collect it first, and then return it to you when you grow up.

Some parents will let their children be free at their disposal, and their children have no financial concept, and they will spend money lavishly.

In fact, pressing the old money is a sharp tool for cultivating children's financial quotient, and parents can cultivate their children's financial concepts by pressing the old age money.

Parents can let the child save the money for the age and let the child dispose of it freely, but the parents should play a supervisory role, and the parents can also help the child to take the financial management, but to discuss with the child, and the child to explain clearly, with the consent of the child, you can do this, so that the child has both a sense of participation and cultivates the child's financial concept.

During the winter vacation, half of the students were killed by these 10 bad habits! Making up habits is more important than making up lessons!

Addicted to the game

Electronic products are the biggest enemy of children's holidays, long-term staring at mobile phones, computers, televisions, will affect the child's vision, but also affect the child's self-motivation.

In this regard, parents must strictly control the time of their children's use of electronic products and resolutely follow the agreed rules.

In addition, the best way to avoid children indulging in electronic products is that parents accompany their children more and accompany their children to do meaningful things, such as going out to play, chatting with children, etc., which will divert children's attention from electronic products.

Unbalanced diet

Meals are uneven, breakfast is moved to noon, lunch is moved to afternoon or dinner. Then you need to add a late night snack at night.

This is a common disease of many students during the holidays, in addition to the irregular diet, it is a serious partial diet, and excessive intake of meat products.

Vegetables and fruits are relatively small, snacks and drinks are consumed too much, boiled water is drunk less, and physical health problems occur from time to time.

During the winter vacation, half of the students were killed by these 10 bad habits! Making up habits is more important than making up lessons!

Lack of communication

I don't know when it started when children started to hate their parents' nagging...

There are many practices that parents have made children unaccustomed to, and even made children unaccustomed, and parents who were originally close seem to become strangers overnight.

Children may be reluctant to communicate with their parents, when they are young and crazy, they always ignore the role of home, when they grow up, they are often deviant, more and more knowledge in the brain, the more they feel that their parents are nagging or even a little naïve, the more parents persuade the more disgusted they are, and even often take hostile measures with them.

Getting lazier

Winter vacation is cold, and many children like to stay at home and not go out, watch TV every day, and play video games to pass the time. So getting lazier!

Therefore, parents should take time out every week to take their children out, they can play some sports with their children, and they can also visit the park with their children, which not only exercises the body, but also enhances the parent-child relationship.

During the winter vacation, half of the students were killed by these 10 bad habits! Making up habits is more important than making up lessons!

During the winter vacation, it is more important to make up habits than to make up lessons

Many parents are concerned about whether to make up lessons for their children during the holidays!

In fact, there is such a phenomenon:

For the first time, when they know that their children's grades are not good, the first reaction of parents is "make-up lessons!" ”;

The second time the parents knew that the grades were not good, they began to worry;

The third parent-teacher meeting, directly express doubts: the child made up the class! Why don't you see progress?

In fact, the gap in academic performance between children is ultimately the gap in their learning habits. During the winter vacation, it is better to let the child make up for these habits first.

1. Make up reading habits

The role of reading in language learning is needless to say, and winter and summer vacations are the best periods for reading a lot.


1. Read the content and choose what your child is interested in.

2. Master the most basic reading methods, learn to browse, skim, intensive reading and other reading methods.

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