
What factors are involved in maternal depression?

On August 31, 2017, in Yulin City, Shaanxi Province, a pregnant woman Ma Moumou asked for a cesarean section to end the delivery due to severe pain during labor, but was rejected for various reasons, and finally the pain was unbearable and he committed suicide by jumping off a building in the hospital. In this tragedy, we witness the "painful death". In fact, this may be a symptom, and there is a very important thing behind the pain, that is, maternal depression. We cannot assert that ma Moumou suffers from depression, but pregnancy and childbirth are the most complex and unpredictable physiological or pathological processes that women experience. "October pregnancy" is a long-term stress process, the clinical manifestations of the emotional disorder or hidden, or obvious, and "a childbirth" becomes an abnormal and strong stress source may lead to the outbreak of pathological stress, resulting in the aggravation of emotional disorders and even the emergence of mental disorders, the ability to destroy the body and mind of pregnant women may far exceed the "killer" of birth pain. The traumatic experience of childbirth, such as complications, unhappiness, and hope that childbirth analgesia cannot be achieved or partially realized during childbirth, will become the "straw that overwhelms the camel", leading to tragic events, and the Yulin incident only makes us wake up to the crisis lurking around us. It should also be noted that the above pathological stress during pregnancy and childbirth is also a high risk factor for postpartum depression.

There are many causes of maternal depression (both during pregnancy and postpartum depression), and although cultures and customs vary from country to country, the underlying risk factors are broadly the same. Risk factors for depression during pregnancy and postpartum depression overlap and have their own characteristics, which are summarized below:

What factors are involved in maternal depression?

It should be noted that the correlation between these risk factors and depression may not be causal, but may be a causal relationship – that is, depression is preceded by these problems. In any case, if there are risk factors and depressive symptoms, bao mom must seek medical treatment in time; if she has diagnosed depression, she must also take effective methods to treat it, otherwise, the above problems that did not exist will hurt you more and more severely. ——" Out of Despair: The Psychiatrist Teaches You to Get Rid of the Torment of Depression

What factors are involved in maternal depression?

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