
Winter vacation is coming, and it is more important under the "eyes"! Myopia prevention and control listen to island city experts to support

Qingdao News Network, January 25 (reporter Zhang Xueru) myopia, now has become the number one killer of children's eye health, according to the current medical technology, once children are trapped in the "cage of myopia", it is difficult to get rid of, once myopia is formed, the anatomy of the eye changes, in addition to some conventional myopia control products and means, there is no scientific, reasonable, effective treatment methods, control of myopia only from the prevention of solutions. This is also the most anxious place for countless parents, now the children are in the winter vacation, according to incomplete statistics, in the northern branch of Qingdao Eye Hospital during the winter vacation of the children's visits is generally three times the usual, adolescent myopia prevention and control form is still severe.

Winter vacation life planning early, prevention of myopia can not be ignored

Due to the temporary separation of the winter vacation from the attention of the school and teachers, the children who rest at home have more free space, and the irregular learning posture, playing mobile phones, playing computers, playing iPads, playing games, watching TV, etc., has become the standard of each child's winter vacation, while there are still some parents who fill the whole holiday for their children's academic performance. It is winter, due to the cold climate, many children have less outdoor sports, affected by these factors, many children may have a sudden increase in myopia during the winter vacation...

According to Leng Lin, deputy director of the Department of Optometry in the Northern Branch of Qingdao Eye Hospital, conventional myopia control products and means include orthokeratology lenses, spectacles, atropine, etc., but there is no way to prevent and control myopia 100%, these methods can only delay the growth of myopia to a certain extent, such as myopia is not scientific and standardized after the use of the eye, resulting in unsatisfactory degree control, the annual growth is unavoidable, so the standard eye habit is very important for myopia prevention and control.

Recently, in the northern branch of Qingdao Eye Hospital "small patients" overcrowded, there have been many parents with children to optometry, glasses, according to Leng Lin, myopia is developing towards a younger age, from 10 years ago the peak of myopia at the age of twelve or thirteen to now seven or eight years old on the myopia problem, which is closely related to the close use of the eye, the first step in the prevention of myopia is to avoid excessive use of eyes at close range. In this regard, parents have a misunderstanding, some parents think that do not let children contact electronic products, and instead replace it with learning to play Lego, playing Go, chess, reading picture books, painting, watching the piano and playing the piano, etc. can do a good job in myopia prevention and control work, Leng Lin to these parents to ring the alarm bell, such a long time close to the eyes, will cause a burden on the eyes, eye fatigue and then accelerate the early occurrence of myopia, parents can let children participate in housework, social practice, public welfare activities, etc. Enrich children's winter vacation life, enrich the holiday and avoid the occurrence of myopia.

Eye health needs to be protected from close contact with electronic products

Leng Lin said that with the increasing use of electronic products, dry eye disease in adults in their twenties and thirties is more common, but surprisingly, there are many 3-year-old children who have dry eye disease, and after understanding the medical history, it is learned that in the winter heating room, the dry environment coupled with long-term exposure to electronic equipment leads to dry eye disease.

The high incidence of myopia is concentrated in children aged 8-14 years, and the reason is prolonged exposure to electronic products. Although dry eye syndrome has nothing to do with myopia, it is inseparable from electronic products and close eyes. For such smaller children in the kindergarten stage, with the start of the winter vacation, the children rest at home, and the parents are busy in the unit, many parents will choose to give the child to the custody class, Leng Lin reminds the parents, there are now 4-year-old children during this period of sudden myopia up to 200 degrees, in order to avoid children falling outdoors, convenient management of children, let the child learn more knowledge, many custodial classes will let children in the indoors for a long time to learn to read picture books, do not know that it is because of this that leads to the problem of myopia in young children, Leng Lin said, This kind of children have myopia is more troublesome, the minimum age to wear orthokeratology is 8 years old, too young children have myopia, can only slow down the growth rate by wearing glasses, and the subsequent development of myopia is more difficult to control than that of older children.

There are many ways to prevent and control myopia, and parents and children need to cooperate

1. Outdoor activities in the sun for at least 2 hours a day are helpful for myopia prevention and control.

2, a reasonable diet and balanced nutrition is a good way to prevent myopia.

3, parents in the child's homework to correct the sitting posture, follow the "one punch, one inch, one foot" principle, one punch, chest and table between a punch (a fist distance); one inch, holding a pen finger and the tip of the pen to be an inch away; a foot, the eye and the book distance of one foot (33 cm distance).

4. In the writing industry or looking at electronic products for 20 minutes, you need to look 5 meters away for more than 20 seconds, and myopic children and adolescents are recommended to be longer.

5, the combination of work and leisure, to avoid lasting a long time with the eyes, during the winter vacation try to avoid writing homework and eyes at night, if you have to write homework at night when the lamp to avoid dim. In addition, it is not advisable to use glare-type nude lighting without a lampshade.

6. Do not stay up late, work and rest regularly, and avoid disorders that affect the biological clock.

Winter vacation is coming, and it is more important under the "eyes"! Myopia prevention and control listen to island city experts to support

Leng Lin also reminded the majority of parents that looking at electronic products should be large and not small, can watch TV, do not look at iPads, can watch iPads without looking at mobile phones, the smaller the electronic products the greater the damage to the eyes, while viewing the screen as far away as possible away from the screen, away from the spacing to follow the principle of screen diagonal 5 times the principle is safer.

Parents who prevent and control myopia have played a vital role, reducing the burden on their children, playing less mobile phones, accompanying children to participate in more outdoor sports, and observing their children's eye health more is what every parent must do. If your child appears to see things closely, squints, and frowns, beware that your child may have had myopia problems. Many parents can not accept the fact that children are myopic, for children wearing glasses there is resistance, Leng Lin said that parents think that myopia will wear glasses the degree will be higher and higher, this is actually a misunderstanding, choose to wear ordinary glasses is no control effect, wear or not will make the eye power normal increase, even do not wear glasses are easier to make eye fatigue and accelerate the growth rate of the degree, parents need to correctly look at and wear glasses reasonably, there are now peripheral out-of-focus glasses and contact lenses can help myopic children The special myopia prevention and control design can play a 30%-70% effect in delaying the development of myopia, reducing the average annual growth of 100 degrees to 30 degrees-70 degrees, which can greatly reduce the speed of myopia development.

Finally, Leng Lin reminds everyone that suspect that children with myopia should not wear glasses on their own, and children may also have pseudo-myopia in the early stages, and wearing glasses at will may make pseudo-myopia turn into "true myopia", and pseudo-myopia can be restored to normal through adjustment training and appropriate rest. If the problem of myopia is found, parents need to choose a regular hospital for treatment at the first time, and the doctor will judge whether the child is myopic according to the mydriatic refraction situation, and at the same time pay attention to vision detection, so that early detection, early prevention, early intervention, scientific correction, and effectively undertake the task of "preventing proximity" in the family environment is the most important part of the myopia prevention and control work.

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