
Height has become a new anxiety point for teenagers, and experts have given parents how to grow taller

Height has become a new anxiety point for teenagers, and experts have given parents how to grow taller

Hello everyone, I am a big brother, and at the end of the year, the age is also a year older, for children, the end of the year is also the key time for height development, if half a year is not long, parents will not be very anxious, if you see a doctor said, if you intervene early, you will not be very anxious, today the big brother invited experts, and parents to share, how to grow tall correctly.

Height has become a new anxiety point for teenagers, and experts have given parents how to grow taller

So, what kind of child exactly needs to intervene in height? Dr. Wang Xiumin, a famous expert, comprehensively interpreted the "growth and development" of those things.

Height has become a new anxiety point for teenagers, and experts have given parents how to grow taller


Short stature?

We can take a look at the description of dwarf:

Height has become a new anxiety point for teenagers, and experts have given parents how to grow taller

Look at the criteria for the classification of height development levels for children aged 7-18 years

Height has become a new anxiety point for teenagers, and experts have given parents how to grow taller

From the table point of view, there are not many children who are really sick, but the general anxiety of parents and children about height.

Height has become a new anxiety point for teenagers, and experts have given parents how to grow taller

However, if some parents are anxious about their future height, do not listen to the advice of doctors, continue to promote seedlings, and use irregular non-increasing means, it may have an irreversible impact on their children.

A child's height is a stage of dynamic development, just like failing the first grade exam, so it must not be admitted to college. There are many factors that affect the height of children, such as exercise, sleep, mental stress, etc.

Bone age is only a monitoring indicator, and height is actually affected by many factors. Is the child exercising well? Got a good night's sleep? Is there an emergency in the middle and what disease is there? When did his development begin? Is the pressure to study tense? These will affect the child's height. Some parents are worried that their children are now developing precociously, and it will be difficult to grow taller after puberty, but according to the survey, although the overall trend of children's development is now in advance, the height of the body is also gradually improving. Generally after puberty, boys may grow an average height of 25-28.5 cm, girls may grow an average of 20 cm tall, more and less is possible.

Putting aside genetic factors, comprehensive consideration can make accurate judgments, and only after comprehensive evaluation by relevant institutions can we judge whether we really want to intervene in the height of children and what way to intervene is more appropriate.

Height has become a new anxiety point for teenagers, and experts have given parents how to grow taller

In fact, the big brother wants to say that every child has great growth potential, and what parents have to do is to maximize the potential potential of the body.

To ensure that children are balanced nutrition, not picky eaters, not partial to food, meat and vegetarian collocation, supplementing enough trace elements, plus adequate sleep, is essential. In addition, it is to urge children to participate in sports, especially during the holidays, do not let children lie in bed with mobile phones all day, go outdoors to exercise, play basketball, volleyball, jump rope, etc., and participate in more vertical sports. After exercise, the cells are stimulated to divide and proliferate, resulting in the epiphyseal lengthening and height.

Height has become a new anxiety point for teenagers, and experts have given parents how to grow taller

Finally, the big brother wants to say that the pressure of parents is too much now, so really don't worry too much about the height of the child, and do your best to help the child to do a good job of assistance, which is the right way.

At what age did you start worrying about height issues? Have you made any effort for your child's height?

This article is original by the parent-child life big brother, welcome to pay attention, take you along with long knowledge! Follow the author, forward the comments, like and collect valuable information!!!

Height has become a new anxiety point for teenagers, and experts have given parents how to grow taller

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