
The Spring Festival is approaching, parents of the "Children's Anti-Abduction Guide" please check it!

The Spring Festival is approaching, parents of the "Children's Anti-Abduction Guide" please check it!

Every year during the Spring Festival, the high incidence of children's disappearance is a time period, and children's disappearance affects the hearts of every family and teacher.

The flow of people during the Spring Festival is complicated, parents cannot take care of their children at all times, and the opportunity for children to go out is relatively increased, resulting in abduction and loss of incidents. Therefore, we must teach children to identify dangerous information in life and do a good job in children's anti-abduction safety education.

First, high-risk places where children are vulnerable to loss

Here are 6 places

It is a high-risk place for children to easily get lost

Please be sure to pay attention to parents

Take good care of your own children

【Shopping Mall】

Many parents tend to ignore their children when trying on clothes or shopping for goods, so that they can leave their line of sight.

【Park or Square】

These places are relatively open, there is a lot of traffic, and children are easy to run away and lose.

【Doorstep or in the community】

Traffickers disguise their identities and trick children who are alone at home to open the door or kidnap children who play alone in the neighborhood.


Every day, people come and go, fish and dragons are mixed, and children are easily targeted by human traffickers.


There are many people in the holiday playground, there are many game projects, children are easily distracted, and it is easy to get separated from their parents.


There are many shelves in large supermarkets, children are not easy to distinguish, and they cannot see each other, which is a very dangerous thing.

Second, the tricks commonly used by abductors

The tricks commonly used by abductors are the following 6

Parents should be vigilant

Cultivate your child's safety awareness

【Impersonating an acquaintance】

Pretending to be an acquaintance, such as saying to the child: "I am a friend of your parents, he has something to do today, let me pick you up and take you home." ”

【Material Inducement】

Children's favorite candies, toys, electronic devices, etc. are often used as bait to attract children to be deceived.

【Theft and robbery】

Bad people steal or cheat children when adults are not strictly guarded, and bad people snatch children directly from the back seat of the car or the arms of the elderly.

【Use of Kindness】

Take advantage of the innocence and kindness of the child and let them lead the way to abduction.

【Coercion and Inducement】

By intimidating and scaring the child, the child is forced to obey.

【Targeted abduction】

For example, understand your child's interests and hobbies in advance, and take your child away from food or favorite toys.

Third, parents must learn children's anti-abduction knowledge

The child is young and has a weak sense of safety

Parents must cultivate their children's safety awareness

Prevent abduction

1, no matter what the situation, parents should be cautious! Do not keep your child out of sight.

2. Memorize the child's physical characteristics and clothing characteristics of the day, so as to prepare for urgent use.

3. Teach children to remember the city, community and house number, and remember the name and phone number of their parents.

4. When going out, wear a brightly colored dress for the child, which is easy to find.

5, tell the child not to listen to strangers, do not lead the way for strangers, can not take strangers' cars, and do not eat food, drinks and so on given by strangers.

6. Teach children to memorize and know how to use 110 and 119 to ensure that children can seek help in case of emergency.

7. Tell your child that if there are bad people who want to catch them, they should try to kick, shout, resist, and break free to attract the attention of the people around them.

8. Let the child remember the relatively reliable object of help: pregnant women or parents with children, groups wearing military and police uniforms, a group of students, and people uniformly dressed in shopping malls or supermarkets.

9. When you are forced to leave your child alone at home, tell your child that someone knocks on the door and does not open it, and do not tell them that their parents are not at home, nor do they respond.

10, children in public and parents lost, do not cry panic, and do not walk away without authorization, stay in place, you can ask the nearby staff to help find parents.

The Spring Festival is approaching, parents of the "Children's Anti-Abduction Guide" please check it!

Fourth, anti-abduction and picture book education

We can also use picture book stories to teach children not to walk with strangers, teach children effective ways to save themselves, and improve children's skills in preventing abduction and loss.

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