
Can't hold back? Multiple brand officials announced price increases!

Can't hold back? Multiple brand officials announced price increases!


New energy vehicles are widely sought after by car owners

As vehicle prices gradually plummeted

More and more owners are buying new energy vehicles

Many netizens once sighed

Didn't buy a new energy vehicle

Feel like you're missing out on hundreds of millions

Can't hold back? Multiple brand officials announced price increases!

Neighbors who are paying attention to new energy vehicles

Xiao Yu'er is going to tell you today

A bad news

Recently, new energy vehicle companies have announced

want! Rose! price!

The latest addition is BYD

Earlier, Tesla and Xiaopeng Motors

Nezha Automobile, GAC Aean, etc

New energy vehicle companies have announced price increases

A number of car companies announced price increases

On January 21, BYD officially announced that due to the sharp rise in raw material prices and the decline of new energy car purchase subsidies, BYD Automobile will adjust the official guidance prices of new energy models related to Dynasty Network and Ocean Network, ranging from 1,000 to 7,000 yuan. The price adjustment will take effect from February 1, and customers who have signed up for the deposit before this time will not be affected by the price adjustment.

Can't hold back? Multiple brand officials announced price increases!

The problem of rising raw material prices

It has plagued many car companies

Except for BYD

Tesla, Xiaopeng Motors,

Nezha Automobile, GAC Eian and other new energy vehicle companies

Price increases have also been announced earlier

Tesla announced on December 31, 2021, that the rear-wheel drive versions of the Model 3 and Model Y will be priced up by 10,000 yuan and 21,000 yuan, respectively;

Not long ago, Xiaopeng Automobile announced a price increase of the whole series, with a price increase of about 4300-5900 yuan;

The price of Nezha auto products rose by about 2000-5000 yuan;

Since January 1, 2022, the price of Eian LX has increased by 4,000 yuan.

Some analysts said that the price increase of new energy vehicles may also be related to the rise in raw material prices, which has led to an increase in battery costs. At the same time, the shortage of chips also has a certain impact on new energy best-selling vehicles, and some new energy vehicle companies have solved the contradiction between supply and demand through price increases.

How much impact will subsidies have?

The decline in subsidies for new energy vehicles will not only affect car companies, but also closely related to consumers.

According to the Financial Associated Press, an industry analyst believes that the market may appear "more and more buy" phenomenon, "next year subsidies will be reduced, the pressure on car companies will be greater, car companies will also produce relatively more." From the perspective of overall consumption expectations, the person said that the demand for automobiles is relatively rigid, and the current terminal price increase has a limited impact on demand, at the same time, there may be relevant policies to promote consumption on the policy side.

Cui Dongshu, secretary general of the Association, said that most of the new energy vehicle companies are still in a state of loss, the competition in the new energy vehicle market is more fierce, BYD and Tesla have largely mastered the pricing power, and their competitiveness is relatively strong and has a certain benchmarking effect. If they raise prices, other car companies are likely to follow suit.

According to a research report released by Guohai Securities, the decline was clearly mentioned in the new energy vehicle subsidy notice issued as early as April 2020, so many consumers bought in advance and had certain psychological expectations for future car price increases. The new energy vehicle market has shifted from policy-driven to market-driven, in the face of strong downstream demand, the subsidy decline has a limited impact on the overall market growth of new energy vehicles, and the overall growth of new energy vehicles in the future is still showing a state of steady growth.

It is worth noting that after the above-mentioned announcement of price increases, the stock prices of Tesla and Xiaopeng Motors have fallen to varying degrees. Among them, the official announcement of Xiaopeng Automobile fell by 4.29% on the same day. Since the beginning of this year, the performance of the new energy sector has been sluggish. BYD shares have fallen 21 percent since their October highs.

Source | Daily Economic News, Ningbo Evening News

CBN, Financial Associated Press, NewsRoom

Edited by | Shen Xinjun

Proofreading | Hu Haihua

Review 丨Sun Yiying

Issued 丨 Chen Haisheng

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