
"Perfect Partner": Is Lin Qingkun worth marrying a woman? Not worth it, capable, but not character

author:Listen to the snow and tell the shadows
"Perfect Partner": Is Lin Qingkun worth marrying a woman? Not worth it, capable, but not character

Wen 丨 listens to the snow and says the shadow

In the hit drama "Perfect Partner", the elite male Lin Qingkun attracted everyone's interest, as a man, he has the ability, courage, and super money-making skills, the key is that he is also clean and self-sufficient, never touched the flowers and grass.

Such a good person is simply the perfect marriage partner for a woman, but such a perfect man, his wife lives a life of washing her face with tears.

In order to leave him, his wife Wu Min can ask for nothing, not his money, not his house, and even more without his everything, why?

Of course, some people will say that Wu Min is making trouble without reason, saying that she is in the blessing and does not know the blessing, men have earned money like this, do you still not know satisfaction in taking care of a child at home?

But in marriage, can one party make the other happy for a lifetime by simply giving money? Is marriage measured and defined only by money? If so, then where is the woman's own value, apart from being a tool of fertility and the nanny of the family?

"Perfect Partner": Is Lin Qingkun worth marrying a woman? Not worth it, capable, but not character

Lin Qingkun can earn money, but in addition to his money, this person is really not worth marrying, or even worthy of socializing.

There is no love for the family, only control and desire

Let's take a look at Lin Qingkun's home, yes, his wife and children live in a villa of tens of millions of levels, looking at what they want, they have everything, the material is extremely rich, but what about their spiritual world? It's really pathetic and can be described as having nothing.

Wu Min gave birth to a child, her husband Lin Qingkun is not there, she is confinement, the in-laws and husband are not alone, the child is sick and she takes care of her alone, the child learns that she is shouldered alone, the child grows she accompanies the whole process, she has a husband but is like a widow, the son has a father but almost single parent.

No matter how big the house is, it is bigger than a man's chest, no matter how many tickets there are, there is no father's company, the home is not a pile of money, it needs the joy and laughter of a family, and the nourishment of family affection and love.

Lin Qingkun, who had earned some money on his own, had long stopped thinking of the woman who had been held in the palm of his hand as his lover.

"Perfect Partner": Is Lin Qingkun worth marrying a woman? Not worth it, capable, but not character

In his eyes, the wife is just the mother of his son, a qualified nanny in his family, at first, he still has some guilt for his wife and children, but as his wife's attachment to him grows, and he takes more and more tickets to go home, after that, all his previous guilt has become a matter of course and zhenzhen.

That home, he can leave anytime and anywhere, but the wife can not leave half a step, for the wife to call to him, he wants to answer, do not want to answer will not pay attention to at all, and the wife can not have any complaints, if there is, immediately she will be strongly refuted by him, the reason must be that he is at work.

Yes, his work involves all money and material things, and those are visible and tangible, and everything can be measured by numbers, but what about his wife?

Her phone should be kept open 24/7, and her own affairs should not affect his need to find her, in a word, his things are not small, they are all the same big things as the sky, and his wife's things are all small things.

"Perfect Partner": Is Lin Qingkun worth marrying a woman? Not worth it, capable, but not character

Marriage to this part, there is no equality, no dialogue, no love, think of Wu Min, she proposed divorce is really excusable.

But some people also said that although Lin Qingkun was not very concerned about his family, he gave money, yes, he gave money, but look at how he gave money.

He gave Wu Min a card, which could be used for shopping at will, but that card was just a secondary card in his Lin Qingkun main card.

And this secondary card, in fact, does not have any value, because it is not Wu Min's name, it can not withdraw cash, can not transfer money, to put it bluntly, it is just a means used by Lin Qingkun to monitor Wu Min.

Because that card can only be used for shopping, and it is always subject to the limitations of the main card, the main card can decide at any time, and when to stop authorizing it.

"Perfect Partner": Is Lin Qingkun worth marrying a woman? Not worth it, capable, but not character

Look at poor Wu Min, she has paid so much for that family, and in the end she only has this secondary card that she does not have any control over.

Last time, she had an awkward quarrel with Lin Qingkun, she got into a taxi, but when she got out of the car, she found that she didn't even have money for a taxi in her hand, no money in her mobile phone, and she didn't have a bank card of her own, and the only deputy card was also deactivated by Lin Qingkun.

This is the relationship and marriage she has given twenty years, at the beginning, she was also a scholarly figure, she was smart and studious, and her college major was business administration.

Originally, she could have had her own career, and with her looks and abilities, she would definitely have a good future.

But at that time, she was overwhelmed by Lin Qingkun's sweet words, Lin Qingkun's sentence "I raise you." "It made her completely defiant.

"Perfect Partner": Is Lin Qingkun worth marrying a woman? Not worth it, capable, but not character

She thought that this was the most romantic love of a man, in fact, this was the most ruthless calculation of a man, and this sentence made Wu Min pay all his youth and vitality.

Because, the days of relying on people's sniffles are not good, it seems that Wu Min has gained a lot in materials, but in fact, she has lost more, she has lost a good year and all the good hopes.

"Perfect Partner": Is Lin Qingkun worth marrying a woman? Not worth it, capable, but not character

And what did marriage bring her? It gave her, a husband she hadn't seen for years, a big empty house, a card that could only shop, and a heart that no longer cared about her!

Fortunately, Wu Min, who had lived to be almost forty years old, woke up, her life still had a long way to go, and if she didn't leave the home that suffocated her, she would go crazy.

Therefore, she proposed divorce, she can no longer consume indefinitely for the man who does not love herself, she wants to realize the value of her life.

A woman, she must first be herself, and then she is the wife and mother, if a person is not even herself, then what is the meaning of her other identities?

Only when I wrote this did I really understand the truth that Wu Min desperately wanted to divorce, and their marriage was not a temple of love for a long time, it was just a lifeless grave used to bury Wu Min.

"Perfect Partner": Is Lin Qingkun worth marrying a woman? Not worth it, capable, but not character

Yes, money and material things are very important for people, but spiritual needs are more important, a person can have nothing, but if he has an optimistic and healthy attitude, then he can have the whole world.

But if a person, although he has enough money, is mentally destitute, then his life is not worthy of envy, because he is so poor that he has only money left.

"Perfect Partner": Is Lin Qingkun worth marrying a woman? Not worth it, capable, but not character

Unscrupulous means for the sake of the end, there is no bottom line

Lin Qingkun, this person, in fact, his character is really very poor, he does not know how to care and love for his wife, he does not have an inclusive heart for colleagues and partners, in his eyes, interests are his ultimate choice.

The child was poisoned and he could ignore it, his wife miscarried him and he did not care, and the partner Chen Shan's words were not in place, and he could immediately turn his face.

"Perfect Partner": Is Lin Qingkun worth marrying a woman? Not worth it, capable, but not character

Such a person, in order to achieve his own ends, can deceive his wife, completely disregard her feelings, in order to achieve business, he can use all the love and trust of all people by any means.

In the latest episode, in order to quickly get the company listed, he actually made up the pretense that Jinjie's husband had cancer, and his purpose was only to take advantage of Jinjie's sympathy.

"Perfect Partner": Is Lin Qingkun worth marrying a woman? Not worth it, capable, but not character

Such a bottomless person, no wonder Chen Shan will not look up, he is no matter how good she is, she will not be rare, look at people really have to look at character.

Because, a person who has no moral bottom line, his heart is extremely dark and despicable, he may bring you some short-term benefits, or he may be full of sweet words to you, but you will not get his true heart, let alone see his true intentions.

After watching Lin Qingkun, let's take a look at Sun Lei, it seems that Sun Lei is not so unbearable, although he does not have the responsibility and responsibility of a man, but at least he is still upright and kind.

He knows where his bottom line is, he knows what can be done and what cannot be done, from this point of view, Sun Lei is still handable.

"Perfect Partner": Is Lin Qingkun worth marrying a woman? Not worth it, capable, but not character

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