
Bad movies also have unspoken farces, and rumors of directors and Gail Gadot are pushing DC into the abyss

author:Gossip Marvel

No one expected that the "scandal" behind the scenes of a bad film would have a new reversal.

In an interview with New York Magazine on January 17, Justice League director Joss Whedon said that he had never "unspoken rules" of "Wonder Woman" Gal Gadot.

Bad movies also have unspoken farces, and rumors of directors and Gail Gadot are pushing DC into the abyss

And what Gale Gadot said, that the director had threatened her on the set and insulted her in the hotel, was nonsense.

In the interview, the filmmakers also said:

English is not her mother tongue (referring to Gelgadot), and when communicating, there will inevitably be misunderstandings.

Bad movies also have unspoken farces, and rumors of directors and Gail Gadot are pushing DC into the abyss

And Joss Whedon also said that he was even more inexplicable, he just said something about her acting skills on the set.

I don't know how it came out later, he tied up Gal Gadot (referring to the binding of Gal Gadot to the rails), which is an X harassment of her, and X hints.

Bad movies also have unspoken farces, and rumors of directors and Gail Gadot are pushing DC into the abyss

As soon as the news came out, the relevant actors and news of "Justice League" once again attracted the attention of many DC fans and some melon-eating masses.

"Justice League" is a bad movie, which has become the perception of many people.

Bad movies also have unspoken farces, and rumors of directors and Gail Gadot are pushing DC into the abyss

But this old bad film, did not expect that some of the "melons" involved behind it, but there are still quite a lot, and the rumors about director Jos Whedon, and the actor Gal Gadot of "Wonder Woman", have also attracted the attention of many people.

After the release of Justice League, Gale Gadot once accused director Joss Whedon, not only on the set, but also threatened her on the set: if she did not obey, she would "ruin" her career as an actor in Hollywood!

Bad movies also have unspoken farces, and rumors of directors and Gail Gadot are pushing DC into the abyss

Still in the hotel also had verbal insults to her: just such a bear airport, also play Wonder Woman?

Bad movies also have unspoken farces, and rumors of directors and Gail Gadot are pushing DC into the abyss

At that time, because of the popularity of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, super British movies received much attention, and DC as Marvel's home for many years, so the every move behind the scenes of "Justice League" was also very interesting.

Coupled with the fact that a greasy fat director with a beard and a sexy Hollywood actress with a beautiful plate are naturally more interesting.

Bad movies also have unspoken farces, and rumors of directors and Gail Gadot are pushing DC into the abyss

At that time, some people speculated whether Josweiden had hinted at Wonder Woman in private, but Galgadot ignored him, so the angry Josweiden had such a performance.

Because in the entertainment industry, there is an axiom: female stars will fall into the vortex of unspoken peach scandal controversy.

It is not that female stars have their own "unspoken rules" aura, but because in the entertainment industry, the identity of female stars, plus the entertainment industry as Vanity Fair.

Bad movies also have unspoken farces, and rumors of directors and Gail Gadot are pushing DC into the abyss

The collision of the two will naturally arouse people's imagination.

As the world's most well-known vanity fair, Hollywood has even more unspoken rumors.

Bad movies also have unspoken farces, and rumors of directors and Gail Gadot are pushing DC into the abyss

Later, the actor of "Steel Bone", Refischer, also followed close behind, accusing Joswhedon of "disgusting", "unprofessional" and "abusive" behavior on the set.

Directly let Josweiden fall into the whirlpool of controversy.

Bad movies also have unspoken farces, and rumors of directors and Gail Gadot are pushing DC into the abyss

Because before Joswhedon took over the filming of "Justice League", he used to shoot the world's blockbuster movie "Avengers 1, 2".

Therefore, at that time, it also caused some extreme Marvel fans and extreme DC fans to "match the line".

Bad movies also have unspoken farces, and rumors of directors and Gail Gadot are pushing DC into the abyss

Extreme Marvel fans: Taillights (take Joss Whedon) to shoot Marvel is the world's top ten, how come it became a bad movie once it arrived in DC? You DC can't do it.

Extreme DC fans: Who doesn't know that Marvel is a popcorn family movie, making this kind of low-intelligence movie, he can definitely do it, but shooting DC will show his feet, the level is not good.

Bad movies also have unspoken farces, and rumors of directors and Gail Gadot are pushing DC into the abyss

As the world's second superhero cinematic universe: DCEU, many people originally had great expectations for it.

Because there's not just Superman, the first superhero in the history of this world.

Bad movies also have unspoken farces, and rumors of directors and Gail Gadot are pushing DC into the abyss

There is also Batman, a superhero whose popularity has been in the top three of the "superhero popularity list" for many years.

In particular, "Justice League" is also the first superhero group in history, and Marvel's Avengers were born long after.

Bad movies also have unspoken farces, and rumors of directors and Gail Gadot are pushing DC into the abyss

So such an IP, many people still want to see on the movie screen.

But unfortunately, due to some decisions by former director Zach Schneider, the development of the DCEU is difficult, and now it is half-dead, struggling with several heroic personal films.

Bad movies also have unspoken farces, and rumors of directors and Gail Gadot are pushing DC into the abyss

Therefore, there are many DC fans who have become daily "insults to Warner" behavior.

There are also actors in DC, who also have some scandals.

Bad movies also have unspoken farces, and rumors of directors and Gail Gadot are pushing DC into the abyss

Like the queen of the sea, Aimepa, the divorce lawsuit with her ex-husband Depp, has been known to the world. Even the scandal of her hooking up with a rich man in marriage has come out and so on.

There is also Aquaman Jason Momma, who also announced on his personal platform some time ago that he divorced his wife who was 12 years older than himself, was ridiculed as "Hollywood Chen Shimei", and could not wait to abandon his wife and children soon after he became famous.

Bad movies also have unspoken farces, and rumors of directors and Gail Gadot are pushing DC into the abyss

The future of the film universe itself is uncertain, coupled with the scandals of directors and actors, and even film companies.

The development of DC in the field of film has made many DC fans less optimistic.

Bad movies also have unspoken farces, and rumors of directors and Gail Gadot are pushing DC into the abyss

It is even believed that the DC Cinematic Universe can develop normally, which is already a "lifetime" series.

So, some argue that these scandals are pushing the DC Cinematic Universe into the abyss.

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