
Expectant mothers need to stay away from second-hand perfumes

According to the data, most perfumes currently contain 50 to 150 kinds of ingredients, of which many perfumes add chemical fragrances (or artificial fragrances) have a certain degree of toxicity. Although pregnant mothers no longer use perfume, they cannot prevent people around them from using perfume. In fact, the harm of this "second-hand perfume" is no less than that of pregnant mothers using perfume directly.

"Second-hand perfumes" are highly toxic

Generally speaking, the smell of perfume that is irritating from elsewhere or in the environment is called "second-hand perfume". Many people's indirect allergic reactions to "second-hand perfumes" are very similar to "second-hand smoke", especially in closed environments, the taste is too strong and easy to make people who spray perfume and people who inhale "second-hand perfume" appear dizzy, tearful, sore throat and other symptoms.

The harm of "second-hand perfume" to pregnant mothers

Expectant mothers need to stay away from second-hand perfumes

For pregnant mothers and fetuses, "second-hand perfume" may be more worrying than "second-hand smoke". Some people believe that the hormone levels in pregnant mothers change greatly, and the use of perfume is more likely to occur allergies, so it should be kept away from perfume during pregnancy. Once a pregnant mother used perfume, the skin of the perfumed person quickly turned red and hot, and began to darken a few days later. Doctors warn: pregnant mothers will have various changes in the body during pregnancy, usually there is no problem with the normal use of perfume, and there may be problems in the use of pregnancy.

Second-hand perfumes are very toxic to pregnant mothers and fetuses.

The harm of "second-hand perfume" to the fetus

Exposure to "second-hand perfumes" during pregnancy and breastfeeding mothers can also affect the fetus. For example, for pregnant mothers, toxic components in perfume can affect the normal development of the fetus; for nursing mothers, harmful chemical components in perfume will hinder the health of babies through milk.

Therefore, pregnant mothers should refuse to use perfume and stay away from the harm of "second-hand perfume".

Perfect Father-to-Be Training Camp: Place some fragrant fruits at home, such as apples, oranges, oranges, pineapples, etc., to create a fragrant home environment for pregnant mothers who are accustomed to the smell of perfume.

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