
"Ren Zhongping" political short video "The Power to Change China" is the world's next chapter: Far away is also a home for realizing dreams

author:International Online

In different eras, people always like to look up at the sky, deduce the picture of the future, and try to see the appearance of fate. On February 14, 1990, Voyager I took a famous astronomical photo at the edge of the solar system 6 billion kilometers from Earth, "Dim Blue Dot".

In the pillar of light on the left side of the photo, the inconspicuous little dot is the earth we live on. Astronomer Karl Sagan wrote: "We have a responsibility to get along more amicably, to protect and cherish this pale blue point of light – the only home we have ever known."

Throughout the ages, the yearning for a happy and beautiful life has always been the dream of everyone on this planet. Today, with the rapid development of science and technology, the progress of human life is unprecedented, but the number, scale, depth and difficulty of the global problems facing mankind are unprecedented.

On this lonely planet, how can we use wisdom to solve problems, use dreams to lead reality, and let the destinies of all countries and peoples be more and more closely linked?

【Simultaneous Sound】

We call on the people of all countries to work together to build a community with a shared future for mankind and build a world of lasting peace, universal security, common prosperity, openness, inclusiveness, cleanliness and beauty.

Yiwu, a small city in eastern China, thousands of kilometers from the North Pole, is the real "workshop" of Santa Claus - from the glowing Christmas tree to the red Christmas hat, Yiwu produces more than 60% of the world's Christmas ornaments.

It is the world's largest distribution center for small commodities, attracting more than 500,000 merchants from all over the world every year. The goods here have traveled to 219 countries and regions.

"Buy the world, sell the world" is a depiction of Yiwu and a portrayal of this era of globalization. In 2020, the total import and export value of Yiwu reached 312.95 billion yuan. The country has a border, and trade has no borders. The world economy has long been you have me, I have you, become an inseparable whole.

Every second we experience today is a global moment in what Marx called "world history." At such moments, the destinies of humanity are interconnected.

Amar is from Yemen, but Yiwu has become his second home, and he and his family live in this small but colorful city. Here, Arabic restaurants and Arabic faces can be seen everywhere, making it easy for Amar to find the feeling of home.

Amar had always dreamed of becoming a doctor, a childhood experience that led him to decide to study medicine in China at the age of 18.

【Interview: Amar, Chief Physician of the Department of Brain, Chouzhou Hospital, Yiwu City, Zhejiang Province】

When I was young, my father had an illness because we still had a Chinese medical team in our country, and my father said that he must go to a hospital with Chinese doctors.

Amar has lived in many cities in China, from undergraduate to doctoral studies. After that, he chose to practice medicine in Yiwu and became a foreign doctor.

In this small eastern city, Amar felt that he was no different from the local citizens. He is most proud that as a special representative, he participated in the "two sessions" in Yiwu.

In Yiwu I was elected to participate in the "two sessions" for two consecutive years, such a very honored job, it seems that the Yiwu government did not treat us as outsiders, and indeed can see that Yiwu is constantly launching a lot of initiatives, such as the international business card, and now the medical insurance, the solution of education problems and so on.

Since 2015, Yiwu has launched a series of measures to enhance the internationalization of the city every year, such as visas, medical treatment, children's schooling, etc., to facilitate foreigners to live and start businesses in Yiwu.

Today, 13,000 expatriates from more than 100 countries and regions live in Yiwu.

Yiwu, where different skin tones converge, presents a colorful culture at the same time, reflecting the open and inclusive mind of a city.

Like many expatriates settled in China, today, more and more Chinese who have gone abroad have also opened up new career space around the world.

Zhijie Hu holds a Master of Management degree from Monash University, Australia. After graduation, he worked as a management consultant at Accenture, a Fortune 500 company. However, no one expected that this young man, who had a smooth career, would suddenly quit his job on his 32nd birthday and become a professional beekeeper.

【Interview: Melbourne bee farm operator Hu Zhijie】

Australia first has no large and small mites, which is a big advantage, and there are very few pests and diseases, so its queen bee can be exported to other countries without restrictions, and is most popular in the world.

The queen is the only female bee that can lay eggs and is the core of the colony. Without a queen bee, it is impossible to form a colony.

Due to the shortage of queen bees, the Australian beekeeping industry has been slow to develop. So, the "most popular" queen bee, why doesn't anyone cultivate it in large quantities?

Hu Zhijie then specifically consulted his uncle who had experience in beekeeping.

[Interview: Hu Zhijie's uncle Zhu Li]

Australian beekeepers, 80% are amateur beekeepers, raising a box, two boxes, three or five boxes, as a hobby to raise, feel that he raises this bee, is a very happy thing, to hedonistic mainly.

There are not many professional beekeepers, and even fewer specialize in breeding queen bees. Finding the root of the problem means finding a business opportunity. Therefore, Hu Zhijie resolutely resigned, determined to break through the world in this field. In 2015, he and his uncle jointly started a beekeeping farm, mainly engaged in the breeding of queen bees.

We are now breeding queen bees, about three and a half years, which is particularly tight and in short supply.

Today, the Chinese-operated bee farm is Australia's largest queen bee breeding base, which has greatly promoted the development of the Australian beekeeping industry.

Today, many young people with knowledge and ideas like Hu Zhijie, with their new life concepts and intelligent labor, have blossomed all over the world, flourished, and integrated into the trend of globalization.

"The friendship of the country lies in the affinity of the people, and the affinity of the people lies in the communication of hearts." Friendliness, tolerance and trust can enable people of different nationalities and different countries to live in peace and friendship; we can make different faiths and cultures coexist on an equal footing and develop cooperatively. This is the power of exchange among civilizations and a beautiful picture of peaceful development.

The ideal of "being a builder of world peace, a contributor to global development, and a defender of international order" has always been deeply embedded in the history of this country.

Looking back at the Spring and Autumn Period more than 2,500 years ago, our ancestors issued an ideal vision of one family and one world. The Zhou Li says: "He Ze'an"; the Analects say: "The use of rituals is the value of harmony"; the I Ching says: "Baohe Taihe, Nai Li Zhen; the first out of the Shuwu, the Xianning of all nations". For thousands of years, the ideal of harmony between the near and the far, and the ideal of harmony and difference, beauty and commonality has always flowed in the blood of the Chinese nation.

The beautiful picture of the world's family once appeared in the Sheng Tang Dynasty more than 1400 years ago.

In 717 AD, the 19-year-old Japanese Abe Nakamaru came to China as an envoy to the Tang Dynasty, and he not only studied Chinese culture, but also took the imperial examination, and even entered high school and became a senior official of the Tang Dynasty.

This is not an isolated case.

Under the historical conditions at that time, there were more than 70 countries with which datang had exchanges, and more than 100,000 foreigners worked as officials, studied, and did business in Chang'an, living, marrying, and having children here, which greatly promoted ethnic integration and cultural exchanges.

Today, as the world's largest exporter of commodity trade, the largest inflow of foreign capital and the largest foreign investor, China has become the largest trading partner of more than 120 countries in the world.

On the one hand, globalization has closely linked the interests of all countries and made the whole earth safe and secure; on the other hand, the global development imbalance has intensified, the gap between the rich and the poor has become increasingly large, the risk of international conflicts has risen, protectionism and unilateralism have been repeatedly fermented, and trade and investment disputes have been frequent... People can't help but worry, will economic globalization be reversed?

To be open or closed, to cooperate or to confront, to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results or to play a zero-sum game, mankind once again stands at the crossroads of history.

Letting the flame of peace be passed on from generation to generation, letting the impetus for development flow continuously, and letting the light of civilization shine brightly is the expectation of the people of all countries, and it is also the responsibility of our generation of politicians. China's plan is to build a community with a shared future for mankind and achieve win-win sharing.

The grand concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind has given 7 billion people the possibility of common development and sustained prosperity of the planet.

This is an old nation's new vision of the world.

Source: Chinese Communist Party News Network

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