
Motivate yourself in the midst of difficult situations

1. Say two words, comfort yourself, speak coldly, and insist on yourself!

2. In your desire to succeed, don't give up on your dreams because of the influence of others.

3. There will be many unsatisfactory things in life, and we must face them strongly, because it is the wind and rain that make the world full of moisture, and it is the sunshine that makes the world full of warmth.

4. Therefore, we cannot rely on heaven or earth, but only on ourselves.

5. To pursue success, we must believe in success, and only by believing in success will we go all out every moment, rather than occasionally going all out, after all, success and failure are only a little bit different.

6. In life, there are often various difficulties that cannot be overcome immediately, and at this time, the effective way is to grit your teeth and persevere.

7. In life or career, if you want to be ahead of others, don't wait for "things will improve" or "things will correct themselves" and let yourself live in a vague future, but act in time.

8. In life, who looks at those scenery more on the way forward, who takes a few more steps on the bumpy road, these are the values of living in the world. Life, which carries too many regrets and helplessness, gives others a smile, has nothing to do with the lack of a full moon, regardless of fate.

9. The key to success lies in how to do things, do everything carefully, in order to achieve every big thing, the cause can be truly successful.

10. Always be clear that you are not alone in your efforts.

11. Therefore, as long as you are interested in something, you will succeed if you persist in it for a long time, because the time and wisdom that God has given us is enough for us to accomplish a thing perfectly.

12. A man who does not know what he wants will not get anything for the rest of his life.

13. The weak are weak not because they don't have dreams, but because they don't turn their dreams into reality.

14. A cowardly person will be crushed by the power of ridicule to bend the original upright backbone; People with strong hearts will regard the ridicule of others as a force to improve themselves.

15. Many times, it is not because things are difficult to do that we dare not do, but because we dare not do them, things seem difficult to do.

16. We often feel sorry for missing something, but in fact, the mysteries of life are often beyond your expectations, and at any time, you must believe that everything is the best arrangement, persistence, hard work, and courageous pursuit, so that there will be sudden surprises in your world.

17. The strong expect good things to happen, but they never wait. Anticipation is a motivator, waiting is a pain, and waiting can make you a failure.

18. People who can clearly describe their goals are bound to live a full and energetic life and will never be bored by doing nothing.

19. The philosopher said that when you want to rely on others, you don't know that the only person you can really rely on is yourself. No matter when, no matter what the situation, only you are the most reliable.

20. Life needs games, but life cannot play. Life requires singing and dancing, but you can't get drunk and dream of death.

21. Life, love, and freedom are not the most expensive, and it is probably wrong to spend a lifetime pursuing any one. It is better to test love than to believe in love, and since you have chosen to be with someone, it is better to choose to believe than to doubt and try to deny it with doubt.

22. The greatest things in the world are made by people who do not know in advance that they can do them. Although they didn't know it beforehand, they were able to still move forward and did. So don't think there's anything you can't do, just do it and you're close to success.

23. Today is cruel, tomorrow is even more cruel, the day after tomorrow is beautiful, but the vast majority of people die tomorrow night.

24. Stepping on the footprints of the past does not add new footprints.

25. Minions wear suspender pants without shoulders, glasses without ears, and don't complain about the shortcomings of your world.

26. The most important thing for a person to live is to find the jungle that represents the green of life and the hope of mankind, and then choose a tall branch, stand there and watch life, digest pain, give birth to songs, and enjoy the world.

27. Let the past pass, then let it go with the wind. Although we missed the cloud, we can still have the month; Missed the wind, we still have rain; Missed yesterday, we still have today. Be the master of your own life and let your heart guide you.

28. Don't ask about the harvest, but ask about the cultivation! Hard work pays off.

29. What is the definition of a strongman? Right hand career left hand love.

30. If you use your energy in your career, you should add one to the word; The energy used to eat and wear should be subtracted by one on the fewer words.

31. True love is not to hold him in your arms, but to teach him to walk.

32. Those who say that the stars are bright must not have seen your eyes.

33. Dream cans have no shelf life, only whether they are opened or not.

34. There are two more words between thinking and getting, and that is to do.

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