
There must always be a little hope in my heart, otherwise how to go this long way

The world is big, and there is always darkness. But everything has a gap, and that's where the light comes in! The darker the road ahead, the brighter the light will be. Take a firm step forward, the bleakness of life will turn into a brilliant light, and all the boredom will turn into the most interesting memories to light up life.

There must always be a little hope in my heart, otherwise how to go this long way

The march is always harvested, like the flowers of March, always with a fruity aroma in September. There has never been easy success, and there is no happiness that falls from the sky. Without the pace of progress, even the best wishes will be castles in the air. The slowest pace is not slow, but wants to take shortcuts back doors; there is no secret to the fastest success, only hard work can prosper. Before the arrival of summer, do not give up because of a momentary setback and do not return because of a momentary fog, plant a seed of dreams, step by step, do one thing after another, without the dreams we cannot complete, and there is no distant place that we cannot reach.

There must always be a little hope in my heart, otherwise how to go this long way

Life is boring, and if you want a refreshing wind, you have to look forward to running. If life does not have a little love, how to withstand this long night. Instead of bowing your head and asking questions, life is better to break the waves. Brave to climb, climb over mountain after mountain; run happily, cross one stream after another. The sun will eventually illuminate the darkness, and the dream will be reflected in the dreamer's body forever!

There must always be a little hope in my heart, otherwise how to go this long way

Life is not only the present, but also poetry and far away. Strive to run the present, owe the trip, life will eventually return to ourselves; be the best of yourself, do not do the defined wind, this is our life!

There must always be a little hope in my heart, otherwise how to go this long way

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Graphic | Youth Media Center Yang Wenxiao Shao Xiaoli

Edit | Youth Media Center Liu Xiangben

Audit | Youth Media Center Zhang Lei Shen Yaqi

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