
Never doubt the meaning of hard work

Never doubt the meaning of hard work

At present, some people have just finished the re-examination of the graduate school entrance examination, and some people are working hard for the college entrance examination in more than 50 days. Are you also giving your all for your dreams? In this process, it is inevitable that because you can't see hope, you will doubt the meaning of your efforts and have the idea of giving up. Today, I would like to share four sentences with you, please believe that every effort you put into your dreams will not be in vain.


Everyone has to work through hard work

In order to decide what your life looks like

Having seen such a sentence, it does not matter who you were ten years ago, who you were a year ago, or even who you were yesterday. Importantly, who are you today? Even if you were frustrated and lonely yesterday, as long as you are working hard today, you will not repeat the same mistakes in the future; even if you were lazy and confused yesterday, as long as you are working diligently and earnestly today, the future you will not be defeated.

The world is fair, and if you want to get it, you have to learn to give and persevere. Choose comfort when you should not work hard, and eventually you will get the life you want because of your efforts.


Effort does not necessarily succeed

But not trying is necessarily unproductive

Human growth is like a plant with a schedule, spring planting, summer long, autumn harvest, winter hiding, what to do in any season. You don't have to force yourself to reach what height at what time, but if you want to get the best harvest, no matter who it is, you should absorb the sunshine and water at the best time, take root and sprout, and strive to grow.

Success is never all in one go, but in the accumulation of bits and pieces. There's a saying that goes something like this: "The best time to plant a tree is ten years ago, followed by now." ”


Try a little more

There will be fewer regrets

There are many things in life that we cannot decide on our own, there will be many things that we can't ask for, and there will be many involuntary. We may not be able to control the pace of fate, but we can control the extent of our efforts.

When you want to give up, tell yourself to hold on a little longer. The most regrettable thing in life is not "I can't do it", but "I could have done it". Believe me, there is no road in vain. If you can't see the dream goal for the time being, it's a big deal, take two more steps.


Just work hard

In the future, you will definitely become a better you

We work hard, not everyone will shine in the end, but you will grow armor and become stronger on the road, so that you can face difficulties more positively and optimistically, so that you can have more confidence to care for what you like.

More importantly, you will eventually understand the meaning of hard work, and in the best of times you really became a better you, not living up to the time, not living up to yourself.

Never doubt the meaning of hard work
Never doubt the meaning of hard work

Source: People's Daily WeChat

Editor-in-Charge: Hao Duo

Editor: Chen Weiping Chen Jingchao