
How is the difference between a elective caesarean section and an emergency caesarean section

When Xiao Li was 37 weeks pregnant, he had already discussed the way of childbirth with the doctor. Because B super estimated that the fetus baby weighed 9 pounds, and Xiao Li was not tall and the pelvic conditions were not very good, Xiao Li directly chose caesarean section and made an appointment with the doctor for 39 weeks of same-day surgery. Xiao Li's mother-in-law looked for someone to calculate, that day was just a "good day" suitable for childbirth, and the family was waiting for that day to meet the baby.

However, the plan could not keep up with the changes. When Xiao Li was 38 weeks old, she suddenly broke the water and had regular contractions, and she was urgently admitted to the hospital. The doctor said that the caesarean section was originally scheduled for 39 weeks, and now it needs to be pre-caesarean section, but the mother-in-law disagrees, saying that today is not a good day. Eventually, under the persuasion of the doctor, it was agreed to have a caesarean section immediately.

Xiao Li originally set a good date for surgery, which belonged to the elective caesarean section, but then the sudden emergency, can not wait for the planned time, must be immediately caesarean section, that is, it belongs to the emergency caesarean section, can also be called emergency caesarean section.

How is the difference between a elective caesarean section and an emergency caesarean section

Today, Dr. Huang will talk about the different situations of elective caesarean section and emergency caesarean section.

Elective caesarean section

Elective caesarean section refers to: because the pregnancy examination meets the indications for caesarean section, can not give birth smoothly, in the third trimester of pregnancy, the doctor will judge according to the comprehensive situation of the pregnant mother and fetal development, choose the most appropriate time for surgery, set the time, this is the elective caesarean section. Generally, in a mother-fetal safe state, elective caesarean sections are performed after 39 weeks of gestation.

Caesarean section is indicated by abnormal fetal position, cephalic asymmetry, scarred uterus, multiple pregnancies, central placenta previa, pregnancy with tumors, etc.

Pregnant mothers who have elective cesarean sections should pay attention to:

Those who originally planned to have a selective caesarean section may need to be hospitalized early due to various factors, such as: regular contractions, or stomach pain; premature rupture of membranes; fetal heart monitoring is not passed. When these conditions occur, the pregnant mother needs to go to the hospital in time to let the doctor make a comprehensive assessment and re-determine the time of caesarean section.

How is the difference between a elective caesarean section and an emergency caesarean section

Emergency caesarean section

Emergency caesarean section refers to: due to unexpected circumstances, resulting in greater risks to the health of the mother or fetus, continued pregnancy is likely to lead to adverse outcomes, the need to end the pregnancy as soon as possible, at this time the doctor will decide to perform emergency caesarean section surgery.

There are many situations that require an emergency caesarean section, such as:

Dystocia: When a difficult birth occurs during childbirth, resulting in the inability to continue childbirth, or the fetus is hypoxic and cannot end the delivery immediately, emergency caesarean section surgery is required to deliver the fetus as soon as possible and save the life of the fetus.

Placental abruption or placental previa bleeding: heavy bleeding will endanger the health of the mother and child, and immediate caesarean section surgery is required to ensure the safety of the mother and child.

Fetal distress: When the fetus ischemia and hypoxia are caused by an emergency, the situation is very critical, and if the delivery must be completed immediately, a cesarean section will be performed urgently to let the baby deliver as soon as possible and strive for more rescue time.

Cord prolapse: When the fetal membrane is ruptured prematurely, the umbilical cord prolapse occurs, which is also very critical, and strives to deliver the fetus within 8 minutes.

How is the difference between a elective caesarean section and an emergency caesarean section

Q: As we all know, caesarean section surgery requires anesthesia, so it is necessary to fast for more than 6 hours before the operation. What if it is an emergency caesarean section and the fasting requirements are not met?

When the doctor asks when to eat and drink, it should answer truthfully, and tell what to eat, how much to eat, and then the doctor will see if it is possible to extend it for a few hours before doing the operation according to the urgency of the disease.

If you really can't wait, pregnant mothers don't worry, give this problem to the anesthesiologist, the anesthesiologist will observe the intraoperative situation more closely to ensure the safety of the pregnant mother.

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