
The most beautiful poems, thirteen people and thirteen poems (2022019 issue)!

The most beautiful poems, thirteen people and thirteen poems (2022019 issue)!

1. About the author: Zhang Meiman, pen name: Qiwu Angyue, born in Quanzhou, Overseas Chinese Township, Fujian Province, member of the Communist Party of China, member of Quanzhou Poetry Society, member of Quanzhou Writers Association, director of Quanzhou Fengze Writers Association, executive director of Quanzhou Tourism Literature Professional Committee, contracted writer of Fujian Province Traveler Culture, poetry, His prose has been scattered in "Philippines and China Writers Album", "Quanzhou Literature", "Quanzhou Poetry", "Fengze Literature", "Xiamen Literature and Art", "Young Literary Artists", "Chang'an Wenyuan", "Chinese Contemporary Creative Love Poems", "Chinese Poets Annual Poetry Anthology 2018", "Chinese Soul", "Chinese Contemporary Classic Poetry" and "Haisi Shang Bao", "Quanzhou Evening News", "Southeast Morning Post", "Quanzhou Youth Daily" have been published in the "World Journal" for many times and have been awarded the reputation of "Love Poetry Female Poet".

Poetry: If I were a small stone, it would be cast in your dreamlike heart lake, and let your life ripple like poetry...


To put it bluntly

Like a breeze

Only the surface layers of the earth's crust are wiped

Even if you gallop through the ocean

Finally, I can't hold back the amazing waves

Desire and pursuit

A little by the scale of the wise man

Poets have been romantic since ancient times...

Always use ink to water the spring of the half-city

It is also customary to brew a tree for autumn

Xu is afraid to frankly strategize

Or to be an idiot who can't afford to be a lover

Weak life

If it's the sky—"

Birds that cannot be manipulated to spread their wings and soar

A casual trip to the world

See through, no simpler than euphemisms

In fact......

It's more like an occasional and lame sneaking party

The most beautiful poems, thirteen people and thirteen poems (2022019 issue)!

2. About the author: Liu Ruijin (pen name also milk name: Haiming), post-60s, Tianjin Binhai New Area people, university culture, vice president of Tianjin Haiyun Poetry Society. Since childhood, he has loved poetry, and has written more than 4,000 poetic texts in various print media and networks. Motto: Strive to forge ahead, face it calmly, and enjoy it with heart. Style of acting: romantic in dreams, realistic rationality. Poetry: Poetry, can not make real life luxurious, but enough to make people spiritual world noble.


If the poet is plucked out

He will never be a poet of his own

Regardless of flowers, plants, trees

As soon as you pass through the city, there is no smell of grass and trees

The same goes for poets...

The most beautiful poems, thirteen people and thirteen poems (2022019 issue)!

3. Poet Profile: Li Xinhua (pen name: Tang Man) is a native of Shaoyang City, Hunan Province, a civil servant. He began publishing poems in 2010. He has published more than 120 modern poems (the first) in national, provincial and online platforms. His major works include "Ode to Daxing", "Father's Potato", "Breaking the Night with Bones", "My Roses Bloom Only Once" and so on. The poetry is dignified and close to the land.

Sim ugly

The regressive ugliness left too much behind

Mutated strains, Typhoon Sea storms

Unburned bones by the Ganges

The articulate speaker is the highlight of the screen

Language shells are fired at each other

Create spiritual victory

The stock market is still a high-speed shearing machine

I was surrounded by people who were testing for nucleic acid

Red code Green code

Sit next to the old machine

Brush up on time

The people who gave me food are old

Father handed over hoes, mixed wine, and an old water pump

I handed over my father

But I refuse to hand over women with rivers

I used the method of locking down the city

In the right arm of the Terracotta Army, a third shot was inoculated

The most beautiful poems, thirteen people and thirteen poems (2022019 issue)!

4. About the author: Tianshan Xuelian, female, a native of Pingxiang, Jiangxi, a poetry lover, whose works have been published in Southwest Literature, East China Poetry Garden, Northern Shaanxi Poetry Newspaper, etc., and have been stationed on multiple literary network platforms. Poetic view: The eye is the window of the soul, recording the bits and pieces of life.

On a cold moonlit night

Winter Cold moonlit nights

The time distance is lengthened

I'm on this end

Look in the direction of having you

Is it the same as my city

Neon streets shine

Naughty kids Wind is very quiet

Be quiet enough to hear your own heartbeat

I don't know for whom the acacia is and for whom the tears are

The long night is telling

Allow me to wait, wait

The most beautiful poems, thirteen people and thirteen poems (2022019 issue)!

5. About the author: Don't forget the poetic heart, pen name Black Stone. A scavenger in a poem, picking up the words of mountains and rivers. Poetry: Write poems to the heart for you to read.

Some poems have been published in books and magazines such as "Selected Poems of The Great Desert Qingge", "Xinjiang Daily", "Junggar Times" and so on.


There was always a sound coming from the back of the mountain

The birds began to open the sky

Live in a cloud of fire

The water will not go

Neither will the mountains

The flock came back

Hit the grass for feeding

Stew a pot of lamb ribs

Call Haiyan

The cooking smoke drifted into a big question mark

The most beautiful poems, thirteen people and thirteen poems (2022019 issue)!

6. About the author: He Zonglin, Yi, a native of Huili City, Sichuan Province, senior teacher, member of China Education and Teaching Research Association, member of Sichuan Wenjiang Micro-article Literature Association, member of Huili City Writers Association. There are news, poetry, essays, papers published in newspapers, websites, and works have won awards. His works have been scattered in newspapers and websites such as Yi People's Network, Prose Network, Prose Online Network, Sichuan Fangzhi, Poetry Magazine, Micro Literature, Liangshan Daily, Xichang Metropolis Daily, Liangshan Education Research, Huili Literature and Art, etc., and some works have been selected for books and periodicals.


What is a wild wind? What is the thickness of snowfall?

What is Lu Yao? What's hard to do with the ride?

How can you stop the pace of going home

It's cold and heart-warming

The direction of the front of the car

There is the call of Daddy

The anticipation of wives and children

Let's go, let's go

Home is the harbor of the heart

Where is the port of entry where I am moored

Let me go back

This is the moment when dreams become reality

It was as if it was echoing in the ears

A shout

Come back! Come back!

What familiar words

That long-departed hometown

That beloved loved one

Time of reunion

It's about to be under the wheels that are spinning

Shorten it a little bit

The most beautiful poems, thirteen people and thirteen poems (2022019 issue)!

7. About the author: Decadent Tian, former name: Tian Xiyun. He has published more than 3,000 essays, poems, novels, essays, essays, papers, news, photography, TV feature film commentaries and other works in more than 60 newspapers, periodicals and stations across the country, amounting to more than 3 million words. His representative works are "The Sea of Years", "Tonight and The Moon", and "Our Hearts Are the Vast Earth". Some of his works have won awards in national, provincial and municipal areas. In 2021, he published 1479 poems on major online literary platforms across the country, such as China Poetry Network, Modern Poetry Network, Poetry Journal, Small Scripts and Small Dramas, and Great Lakes Literature and Art.

Colored seeds sown in the spring

Turn over the silent dirt

Planting the hope of color

Believe in the dazzling spring flowers

Nurture unlimited dreams

The flowers are bright and dripping

Spit out a mellow fragrance

Butterflies love branches swaying

Imagine in the swallow bushes

Bee embraces the guitar

Sing for my love

My sister's cheeks blushed

My heart pounded

Honest wishes pass away with the wind

Drifting into the desolation of winter

In order to pursue the distant years

Even when I'm older, I'm still trying to find it

The blue spring light at the bottom of the heart

I sow the colored seeds in the spring

When do you

Breaking ground to grow...

The most beautiful poems, thirteen people and thirteen poems (2022019 issue)!

8. About the author: Chen Tao, scholar, professor, poet, doctoral supervisor, social activist, born in Nantong Qidong on November 19, 1947, graduated from the Department of Chinese of Peking University, successively in the State Council Introduction Office, the Ministry of Culture, large enterprises, multi-college teaching, involved in news and publishing, culture and art, education and other sectors of society, good at language expression, interpersonal communication, the founder of "Speech and Eloquence" Speaker Contemporary poetry Hao Half Mu Lotus Lord. Since 1959, he has completed more than 35,000 poems and more than 300 song lyrics, and many works have been widely circulated at home and abroad. The representative works "Enjoy Solitude", "Xiaocao", "Inside and Outside the Courtyard", "Song of Taiji", among which "Long With" won the World Gold Award "Return Me a Chang'an" won the Gold Medal of the Chinese Poetry Competition in the Year of the Dragon. He currently lives in Wangfujing, Beijing, Longwu Road, Shanghai. He is the author of the poetry collection "Their Dialogue", a model of writing that is proud of his bones, and there are many songs of the Sage Oath Alliance. Video Shenzhen Metro with love and righteousness Daji world golden eloquence.



For the rest of his life

It's all lonely...

Solitary Lands

Go alone...

Living alone...

Want to achieve something

All exploring in solitude...

In solitude

Enjoy the desertion

Enjoying the loneliness...


Fearless loneliness

Get used to being lonely

Withstand loneliness

It is not a wasted life

A lifetime of polishing...


We always

Pondering in solitude...

And thinking

Only thinking

to put it

Break through the darkness before dawn!

All right

Then come on

Come on, come on

Enjoy the solitude

Enjoy alone

Enjoy the harvest of thinkers...

The most beautiful poems, thirteen people and thirteen poems (2022019 issue)!

9. About the author: Ma Yanhua (Yanyang Tianlai) is a member of the Chinese Poetry Society and a member of the Liaoyuan Writers Association. His works have been published in "Chinese Folk Short Poems", "Selected Works of Jilin Peasant Writers", "Guandong Poets", "Writers Weekly", "Poetry Sea Tide", "Yangtze River Poetry" and so on.

Old Testament and New Snow

I found them on paper

In addition to the covenant before and its fresh milk

No white pigeons were found that suddenly flew down

Tips for anything

Except for fluttering and shaking off feathers, and uncertain flight directions

The rest, I can only follow their metaphorical faith

Walk through banks, restaurants, pharmacies, churches one by one


The foot surface has been covered

I have to look up at something...

The most beautiful poems, thirteen people and thirteen poems (2022019 issue)!

10. About the author: Chu Xiangping, a native of Shijiazhuang. Member of Chinese Poetics. Published poems "Still Water Flow Deep" prose collection "Still Water Breeze" works appeared in various newspapers and magazines.

When I think of you in this winter, I think of my hometown

In this winter

Thinking of you

I thought of the Old Garden

Thought of butterflies

After all, it flew over the sea

But I'm dazzling from you

The poem seems to be understood

Human Troubles from a Weekly Chronicle

Read your cooking smoke far away from the mountains

Excerpts from the chapter

It's all bloody and tearful peeps

It seems to be again in my hometown

Another kind of illusion

Destitute or bogged down

Lost in the earthly garden

Flee or hold out

The last mess

Emit a faint light

Or fall into darkness

Time goes farther and farther

The east wind rises and the west wind sets

Sleep in solitude

Wake up in solitude

The road is long

Beautiful thoughts leap through the sky

Cross the other shore

The most beautiful poems, thirteen people and thirteen poems (2022019 issue)!

11. About the author: Gao Ganqing, a native of Dafeng District, Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province, is a farmer literature, a literary and art platform group owner, a peasant writer, and a columnist of China Writers Daily. He has published works in more than 100 newspapers and magazines such as Writers Daily, Poetry China, and Nanjing Writers. He has published works from many platforms.

Sister Ping ~ ~ my first love in junior high school

Forty years have passed in a hurry

However, you will appear in every dream

Slightly chubby figure, pink face with two dimples, will make you fascinated

In the first year of junior high, you and I began to light the flame of love

You and I at the same table have endless love

Every Sunday, I always take you out on my bike to the streets

Buy you clothes and pants that you think look good

Then sit in the movie theater and make love

Once, we walked people's park into it

I'll pick a flower for you

You wear flowers on your head, which are more beautiful than flowers

After three years of junior high school love

Due to the opposition of both parents

Had to tears apart

How clingy

The most beautiful poems, thirteen people and thirteen poems (2022019 issue)!

12. About the author: Zheng Chengmei, female, Rizhao, Shandong, later went to Heilongjiang, and now lives in Beijing. Member of the Standing Committee of the Women's Working Committee of the Heilongjiang Poetry Association, Executive Director of the Heihe Poetry Association, and Director of the Women's Working Committee of the Nenjiang County Poetry Association. He is a member of the Chinese Poetry Society and a member of the Heilongjiang Writers Association. Published the poetry collection "Mountain Wild Breeze" and the collection "Twelve Houses of Chinese Poetry".

The poems have been published in The Beijing Times, Chinese Poetry, Poetry Writers, Selected Poems, And Poetry of the Yangtze River. Poetry many times

Won a small prize.

Early winter botanical garden

The pond is covered with crooked lotus

The greenery of the past has become a kind of memory

All the flowers and trees show the smell of decay

But traces of life can be seen everywhere

The warm sun dodged in the clouds

The northwest winds are getting tighter

With a cold murderous breath

Icy rhetoric

Let life in the cold get colder

Reeds have white hair

Shiver in the wind

The only bunch of wild chrysanthemums

Hold the autumn to continue

A faint hint of autumn fragrance

Hold on to your beauty in the season of depression

Two brave bees

Share the last beauty on the buds

Qingqing me and I, in love

Inadvertently polished

A bleak soul

The most beautiful poems, thirteen people and thirteen poems (2022019 issue)!

13. Huang Yuanyuan, Slash Weng. The family name was Yuan Chuanyuan, Yuan Tiangang 46th. Diverse, professional artists. Born in Hankou, Yue Yang settled in Hong Kong in 1980 and immigrated to Vancouver in 1992, where he now lives in the Guangdong Bay Area. Graduated from the 9th Actor Training Course of Shaw Brothers Film Company in Hong Kong, graduated from Xiamen University with a major in Chinese Language and Literature, a master's degree from The University of East Asia in Macau, and is a visiting professor at the Wuhan Branch of the Chinese Academy of Management Sciences. He has published a variety of poetry collections, essays and calligraphy collections, which have been translated into six languages, and nearly 600 poems have been published in various newspapers, magazines and public platforms. Former baritone of the Hong Kong Opera House, he is currently the Chairman of the International Youth Art Education Association, the Vice Chairman of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Literary and Art Alliance, the Principal Cellist and Resident Conductor of the Hong Kong Festival Chamber Orchestra, and the President of the Shenzhen LakeView Calligraphy and Painting Society.

I hiked to the end

It's already three more, rain curtains

Drape the lenses in tulle. Tuna

Reincarnation in the haze

The shackles splashed muddy and lonely

Crawling in the swamp

Faith, never move half a step

A dim light in the sky was staring

I hiked to the end. Quiet

Gave the depth of the night

A bolt of lightning split the firmament

The earth bloomed with a loud noise. I see

In the wilderness, the black pressure squirms

So much, so many companions

Before the dawn falls

Silence remained

Follow us, join us, write, draw, sing, dance, make videos...

Anyone who has ten likes in the poetry review area of this edition can get the genuine poetry collection "Love is my only luggage in this life (published and distributed by Changjiang Literature and Art Publishing House, and sold in Xinhua Bookstores and official online stores nationwide)". Private window pile of submissions (please indicate the source for non-first drafts).

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