
43% of births in 2021 will have two children! Do you really understand the second child?

The birth rate of the second child is going to catch up with the first child?

A few days ago, Ning Jizhe, director of the National Bureau of Statistics, pointed out at a press conference that the total number of Chinese mouths in 2021 continues to grow!

Among the birth population, the proportion of second-child births rose from about 30% in 2013 to about 43% in 2021.

In the future, the total population of the mainland will remain above 1.4 billion for a period of time, and the effect of the three-child policy is gradually emerging.

43% of births in 2021 will have two children! Do you really understand the second child?

The data proves that more and more families have joined the ranks of having a second child.

But at the same time, some couples have also found that the preparation for pregnancy is obviously very smooth, why is it difficult to have a second child?

43% of births in 2021 will have two children! Do you really understand the second child?

In fact, many families have unconsciously crossed the 35-year-old "mark" when giving birth to a second child and become an elderly person.

This means that pregnancy preparation will face problems such as reproductive organ decline, fertility decline, reduced quality of pregnancy and increased fertility risk.

For example, advanced age can have an impact on a woman's ovarian health!

As an important reproductive organ for female fertility, the main function of the ovary is to promote the development and maturity of the follicle and the smooth production of eggs.

However, as women age, ovarian function will also show a "hump" from low to high, then from high to low, and finally until it disappears.

Especially after crossing the 35-year-old mark, the irreversible decline trend of ovarian function will become more and more obvious.

Therefore, for women with fertility needs, it is extremely important to pay attention to the age factor and choose "age-appropriate childbearing"!

43% of births in 2021 will have two children! Do you really understand the second child?

Not only that, many couples often ignore contraceptive behavior after giving birth to a child, resulting in unintended pregnancies.

Since there is no birth plan, in most cases it is necessary to solve the "trouble" with the help of abortion.

If you choose an irregular institution to perform surgery, or do not pay attention to hygiene, it is easy to cause infection or inflammation, which will affect reproductive health and trigger the risk of infertility.

43% of births in 2021 will have two children! Do you really understand the second child?

In addition, excessive fertility pressure and decreased sperm quality in men are also common factors that hinder pregnancy preparation!

Excessive fertility pressure can lead to negative emotions such as worry, depression, fear, and uneasiness in women.

Once it is not discharged in time, it is easy to cause endocrine disorders, hormone levels are imbalanced, menstrual disorders, and even amenorrhea.

43% of births in 2021 will have two children! Do you really understand the second child?

The decline in male sperm quality is a factor that cannot be ignored.

Studies have shown that the quality of semen in human men is declining at an average rate of 2% per year.

For half a century, the "Male Sperm Quality Health Standards" developed by WHO have also been continuously lowered!

43% of births in 2021 will have two children! Do you really understand the second child?

Probably many men feel that it doesn't matter if they are older, it will not affect normal fertility.

However, in fact, Dr. Liao Xi, president of Beijing Jiayuan Hospital and head of the Fertility Center, clearly pointed out: "When men are more than 35 years old, their fertility will gradually decline and the abortion rate will increase accordingly, and the aging of men will also affect the genetic changes of offspring, resulting in a linear increase in genetic risk with the age of the father." When these mechanisms work together, it is natural to affect the health of pregnancy and offspring. ”

43% of births in 2021 will have two children! Do you really understand the second child?

Fertility is not easy, and it is good and cherished. In addition to the above factors, couples who are preparing to conceive a second child should also pay enough attention to the "hidden dangers" left behind when giving birth to a child!

Women like caesarean sections may have risks such as pelvic adhesions, tubal obstruction, uterine descent, and scar proliferation.

Therefore, in order to improve fertility efficiency, reduce fertility risk, and ensure the quality of pregnancy, pre-pregnancy examination must be done in advance

43% of births in 2021 will have two children! Do you really understand the second child?

Finally, I wish you all a smooth pregnancy preparation, a successful test tube, a big pregnancy in the Year of the Tiger, and a happy family!

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