
What to pay attention to in the first trimester of pregnancy? Pregnant mothers should pay attention to these points!

What to pay attention to in the first trimester of pregnancy? Pregnant mothers should pay attention to these points!

What to look out for in the first trimester of pregnancy

What should pregnant mothers pay attention to in the first trimester of pregnancy?

1. Continue to supplement folic acid

The first three months of pregnancy, but also the critical period of neural tube development of fetal babies, just 30 days after pregnancy need to continue to take folic acid tablets to prevent fetal development of neural tube malformations.

2. Eat less and eat more meals, and eat lightly

In the early stages of pregnancy, many pregnant mothers have a bad appetite, at this time you can choose to eat fewer meals and more meals, and the three meals a day are mainly light.

3. Pay attention to rest and avoid fatigue

Many pregnant women in the early stages of pregnancy are easy to feel tired and sleepy, pregnant women must not be strong, rest when they should rest, do not let themselves feel tired, and can not do strenuous exercise, including intercourse.

4. Avoid environmental pollution

Including the environment, harmful exhaust gases, harmful substances and other pollution, to create a good environment for the baby.

5. Maintain a relaxed and pleasant mood

If the pregnant mother is in a bad mood, has large emotional fluctuations, and is long-term nervous and anxious, it is also harmful to the fetus and the baby.

What to pay attention to in the first trimester of pregnancy? Pregnant mothers should pay attention to these points!

What are the dietary considerations for the first trimester of pregnancy?

The first three months of pregnancy are the key time for fetal development, and there is also a lot of attention to the daily diet of pregnant mothers.

First of all, avoid eating foods that have blood-activating effects, such as ejiao, lychee and guiyuan, etc., nor can you eat foods that promote uterine contractions, such as hawthorn.

In addition, cold foods should also be eaten as little as possible, such as kiwifruit, watermelon, cold drinks, etc., so as not to induce diarrhea and trigger threatened miscarriage. Also do not eat spicy and irritating foods to prevent gastrointestinal discomfort.

In the first trimester, the diet of pregnant mothers should be as light and nutritious as possible. Eating more foods rich in protein and vitamins for three meals a day can help improve your own immunity.

At the same time, pregnant mothers can eat more vegetables and fruits rich in folic acid to prevent fetal neural tube development defects. Be sure to pay attention to a balanced and reasonable diet every day.

What to pay attention to in the first trimester of pregnancy? Pregnant mothers should pay attention to these points!

Summary: In the first three months of pregnancy, the fetus has just implanted is not stable enough, so pregnant women should pay more attention to it, and the daily diet should also pay attention to the mouth, so that the fetal development is more smooth.

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