
240,000 Rolls-Royce logos were broken by bear children, the owner demanded compensation, parents: want money crazy

We often say that behind every bear child, there must be a bear parent.

These bear children will always do something jaw-dropping, but bear parents often disagree, and even repeatedly protect their children and denigrate others.

240,000 Rolls-Royce logos were broken by bear children, the owner demanded compensation, parents: want money crazy

Mr. Xu worked hard in foreign companies for many years, and finally saved the first bucket of gold in his life, and he liked cars since he was a child, so he gritted his teeth and bought a Rolls-Royce, which can also be regarded as the realization of his childhood dream.

However, a week later, Mr. Xu found that his luxury car was incomplete, because the most eye-catching logo was missing.

After some inspection, Mr. Xu found that the car logo was broken, and it may even be deliberate.

He waited by the car for a while, hoping that someone would take the initiative to apologize to him, but no one came.

Angry, Mr. Xu found the property of the community, and with the help of monitoring, it was found that a little boy broke his car logo.

240,000 Rolls-Royce logos were broken by bear children, the owner demanded compensation, parents: want money crazy

Mr. Xu finds the boy and his parents, and the boy quickly acknowledges what he has done.

However, the boy's parents did not have any apologies for the child's behavior, but felt that Mr. Xu was making a big fuss, and a car logo was such a big move?

Mr. Xu said his car logo was worth 240,000 yuan and asked the boy's family for compensation.

The boy's family was immediately anxious when they heard this number, and scolded Mr. Xu for wanting money and going crazy.

Helplessly, Mr. Xu chose to call the police, and under the mediation of the police, Mr. Xu finally agreed to reduce 240,000 to 100,000, and the boy's parents also accepted.

240,000 Rolls-Royce logos were broken by bear children, the owner demanded compensation, parents: want money crazy

How did the bear child appear?

1. Demonstration of parental error

We all say that parents are mirrors of children, and that every word and deed of parents will directly affect children to a large extent.

If parents can pass on positive energy to their children and play the right role model, then the children will naturally be better.

But if parents do not pay attention to their words and deeds in their daily lives, they even do something that violates moral norms.

Then it will inevitably have a bad impact on the child, and in their wrong demonstration, there will naturally be bear children.

240,000 Rolls-Royce logos were broken by bear children, the owner demanded compensation, parents: want money crazy

2, too doting on children

Every parent should love their children, but that doesn't equate to spoiling them.

There is an essential difference between love and coddling, and children who grow up in love will become humble and courteous, while children who grow up in coddling are likely to be arrogant and do whatever they want.

When children feel that everyone should be centered on them, it is easy to have a wrong perception.

Once they find any unsatisfactory, they will show dissatisfaction through various extreme ways and become bear children that everyone dislikes.

240,000 Rolls-Royce logos were broken by bear children, the owner demanded compensation, parents: want money crazy

What should parents do when children make mistakes?

1. Stop and let the child have the courage to admit it

If the child is in the process of making mistakes, then the parents must stop it in time after discovering it, tell the child that such behavior is wrong, and let the child know what kind of consequences will occur, so as to prevent the child's behavior from continuing to occur.

If the child has already made a mistake, then the parent must let the child bravely admit it, not to avoid or back down.

We must not let the child shirk the responsibility, otherwise it will only make the child a person who has no responsibility.

240,000 Rolls-Royce logos were broken by bear children, the owner demanded compensation, parents: want money crazy

2. Teach children to control their emotions

Each of us has our own emotions, especially children.

For children, sometimes they make mistakes unintentionally, but sometimes they deliberately behave irrationally because they are out of control.

Parents should let their children know how to control their emotions, because this can prevent their children from making mistakes.

When the child becomes a person with self-control, he will naturally stay away from the name of bear child.

Parents should pay as much attention to their children as possible, lead by example, and play a good role model for their children, only in this way can it be possible for their children to become more and more excellent.

Otherwise, it will only lead to the child becoming another kind in the eyes of others, and even being rejected and isolated by others, believing that this must not be what parents want to see, nor is it the child's intention.

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