
Mate selection is demanding, but once you fall in love, you will never abandon the constellation, are you?

Mate selection is demanding, but once you fall in love, you will never abandon the constellation, are you?

We all hope to have a long-lasting love, but the reality is that many loves have been lost to time, and many loves have been lost to third parties. Whether it is love or marriage, there are always some people who cannot withstand the temptation of material and sensuality, choose others, and do not end from one end.

But there are still people who can not leave after falling in love, but it is very difficult to be selected by them. They are demanding and very discreet. Being able to become their other half requires favorable times and places, and many conditions. But I have to say, they are stable and well worth it.

Mate selection is demanding, but once you fall in love, you will never abandon the constellation, are you?

Today we will talk about these constellations from the perspective of the astrolabe, which will never abandon once they fall in love. It's hard to be chosen by them, but they're equally worth it.

Venus Virgin

People who fall on Venus in Virgo are more emotionally picky. Such people often have a lot of specific requirements when choosing the other half. Specific to height, looks, family affairs, work and so on. Meeting their metrics and requirements is not an easy task.

Therefore, many Venus virgins are relatively slow in the process of marriage, not because their opposite sex is not good enough, but because their requirements and standards are too high. There are very few people who can truly meet all their standards, so the probability of such people being able to choose their beloved object is not high.

Mate selection is demanding, but once you fall in love, you will never abandon the constellation, are you?

However, people who fall on Venus in Virgo will not settle down, and this also leads to them once they really choose a person and fall in love with someone, they will not give up. It must be hard for them to choose, but they are a very stable type of person. They are demanding, very high, so very few people are able to get into their range of choices.

Coupled with the fact that venus falls on Virgo people are not only picky, but also have the sense of responsibility of the earth sign. Therefore, this kind of person, they are inclined to be stable, and they will not abandon the people who have accompanied them for a long time because of a momentary novelty. Therefore, the people of Venus Road in this position are more trustworthy, and they are also more reliable in their feelings.

Mate selection is demanding, but once you fall in love, you will never abandon the constellation, are you?

Moon Scorpion

Although the moon falling in Scorpio is the location of the moon's crash, people who fall on the moon in Scorpio are often more persistent and dedicated to their feelings. However, people whose moon falls on Scorpio have more emotional problems. It is very easy to be suspicious, jealous, and not to trust each other.

But that doesn't mean they're prone to change hearts in their relationships. Not only are they not easy to change their minds, but they are also very single-minded, very affectionate kind of people. But it is not an easy task to get into their hearts. Because Scorpios are naturally distrustful of feelings and human nature, they have a skeptical attitude towards everyone.

Mate selection is demanding, but once you fall in love, you will never abandon the constellation, are you?

When the other person approaches them, they will subconsciously consider the other party's true purpose. Only after many tests can they truly relax their hearts and accept each other. In the process of getting along, they will always try to verify the authenticity of each other's words.

But the Moon Scorpion has the advantage that once they really pass their test, they will love very deeply. But the love of the Moon Scorpion is not something that everyone can bear. Their love is paranoid and extreme, and it is intolerable to many people who love freedom and like to have space.

Mate selection is demanding, but once you fall in love, you will never abandon the constellation, are you?

But in the relationship is like this, turnip greens have their own love, some people like to respect each other and have a distance of love, but some people like the moon scorpion this extreme and paranoid love

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