
She is the only daughter of Zhang Zizhong, graduated from Fudan University, and later became the vice chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference

The famous anti-Japanese general Zhang Zizhong was born in Shandong in 1891, his father was an official of the Qing government, so zhang Zizhong's family conditions were very good, his father paid great attention to Zhang Zizhong's education, of course, Zhang Zizhong was also very competitive, and his academic performance was very good from an early age, at the age of 20, Zhang Zizhong successfully entered the Beiyang Law and Politics School.

Here, Zhang Zizhong was influenced by advanced ideas, at that time, the advanced people in the school often propagated the Three People's Principles, Zhang Zizhong was very inspired after hearing this, and soon he gave up his studies and joined the League, and from then on embarked on the road of revolution. At first, together with several classmates, he joined Feng Yuxiang's revolutionary ranks. In the army, because of his outstanding performance in peacetime, he was quickly recognized by Feng Yuxiang. Later, in order to further train him, Feng Yuxiang sent him to a military academy for training and study, where Zhang Zizhong further enriched his knowledge of military theory.

She is the only daughter of Zhang Zizhong, graduated from Fudan University, and later became the vice chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference

After graduating from the military academy, Feng Yuxiang promoted Zhang Zizhong to regimental commander and arranged for him to be by his side, and soon Zhang Zizhong became his right-hand man. Later, Feng Yuxiang was unfortunately killed in a war, and Zhang Zizhong was taken in by the Kuomintang along with the remaining soldiers.

Soon after, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression broke out, and General Zhang Zizhong fought bravely against the Japanese army, defeating the Japanese army many times and becoming a great general who made Japanese soldiers feel frightened. However, in one battle, the troops led by General Zhang Zizhong were ambushed by the enemy, and when Zhang Zizhong found out, his army had been attacked by the enemy on three sides.

At that time, Zhang Zizhong and his soldiers did not retreat because of this, but struggled to resist, and when the ammunition ran out, General Zhang Zizhong still led the soldiers to fight with the devils to fight for bayonets. However, the gap between the two sides' troops was huge, and after several battles, Zhang Zizhong and his soldiers were unfortunately killed, and Zhang Zizhong was only 49 years old that year.

She is the only daughter of Zhang Zizhong, graduated from Fudan University, and later became the vice chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference

At the age of youth, General Zhang Zizhong heroically sacrificed his life for the great national righteousness, but left behind his wife and only daughter. Zhang Zizhong's sacrifice only brought a fatal blow to the originally happy family of three. After his wife Li Minhui learned the news of her husband's death, she was very sad and cried several times until she fainted. Because the birth of a daughter caused a serious physical injury, coupled with the death of her husband, it was undoubtedly worse for Zhang Minhui, who was already very weak.

For a long time, she could not accept the fact that her husband had died, because of the long-term grief, the body could no longer bear it, and soon after, she died, leaving the only daughter of the two.

She is the only daughter of Zhang Zizhong, graduated from Fudan University, and later became the vice chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference

When the two died, their daughter, Zhang Lianyun, was just 17 years old. In the face of her parents leaving her one after another, Zhang Lianyun is very sad, she does not know how to live alone in this world without her parents, so she thought of suicide several times, so that he can be reunited with his parents.

Zhang Lianyun is the only daughter of Zhang Zizhong and Li Minhui, Zhang Zizhong is very fond of his daughter, because he has been fighting outside for a long time and rarely has time to accompany his daughter, so every time he mentions his daughter, Zhang Zizhong is full of guilt. Now that her father had died and her mother had left her forever, she was truly heartbroken to the extreme.

She is the only daughter of Zhang Zizhong, graduated from Fudan University, and later became the vice chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference

Fortunately, her uncle patiently enlightened and comforted her, which made Zhang Lianyun reinvigorate. She understood that her father had sacrificed to defend the people, so she must work hard to be a person as useful to the country as her father. So she studied desperately, one was to have an explanation for her deceased father, and the other was to use what she had learned to save the country and save the people.

In 1945, when the War of Resistance was victorious and the Japanese were out of China forever, Zhang Lianyun first shared the good news with his father, who wanted to let him know that his sacrifice was worth it. Moreover, through her own efforts, Zhang Lianyun was successfully admitted to Fudan University, where he obtained a double degree in journalism and medicine, and he also successfully joined the Communist Party of China.

She is the only daughter of Zhang Zizhong, graduated from Fudan University, and later became the vice chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference

Every holiday, Zhang Lianyun would come to his father's tombstone to accompany his father to talk and talk about the development and changes of the country. Later, she converted her former home into an elementary school and named it "Zizhong Elementary School" after her father. It was this elementary school that became an important underground contact point for our Party during the civil war and made a great contribution to the victory of the war.

After the founding of New China, Zhang Lianyun returned to the Zizhong Primary School he founded, as the principal, where he ate and lived with the students, personally taught, and at the same time he also paid great attention to cultivating students' innovative ability, under her careful cultivation, Zizhong Primary School has stepped out of a large number of national pillars. Later, because of her outstanding performance, the state assigned him to work in the Education Bureau.

She is the only daughter of Zhang Zizhong, graduated from Fudan University, and later became the vice chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference

In addition to the development of education, Zhang Lianyun has also made important contributions to the development of medicine in China. Zhang Lianyun paid great attention to the study of infectious diseases, but at that time, the level of medical conditions was limited, and people did not have much concept of what was an infectious disease, so Zhang Lianyun started from the aspect of publicity, and through his unremitting efforts, the public's awareness of the prevention of infectious diseases has been greatly improved.

In 1993, Zhang Lianyun was successfully elected vice chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and when she learned of her election, she was left in tears of excitement. Zhang Lianyun will go to visit her father's grave every year, and she will also say to her father: "Your daughter has not disappointed you, and your unfinished business daughter has completed it for you." ”

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