
Where does the source of the epidemic in many places come from? Some areas are related to overseas, and the traceability of many places is still in progress

Source: Health Times reporter Xu Shiyu

Since January, the epidemic has occurred in many places, where does the source come from? The Health Times reporter sorted out the epidemic information in various places and found that the source of the epidemic in Shaanxi Province was inbound flights, and the source of the epidemic in Henan, Tianjin, Ningbo, Zhejiang, Shenzhen, Guangdong and other places was not clear; the epidemic in Tianjin, Anyang in Henan Province, and Dalian in Liaoning Province was of the same origin, but the source was still under investigation.

Where does the source of the epidemic in many places come from? Some areas are related to overseas, and the traceability of many places is still in progress

Anti-epidemic volunteers. Green Pavilion drawing.

Shaanxi: The source of the epidemic is pakistani inbound flights, which spread through quarantined hotels

According to the press conference on the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in Shaanxi Province, the source of the local epidemic in Shaanxi Province is imported from abroad, and the sequencing results of the local confirmed cases are highly homologous with the imported cases reported by the PK854 inbound flight in Islamabad, Pakistan on December 4, which is the VOC/Delta-India strain (B.1.617.2).

"We are still in a closed state, and students are managed in a closed dormitory. However, everything is proceeding in an orderly manner, and all sectors of society are donating materials to us, hoping to defeat the epidemic as soon as possible and look forward to spring! On January 13, Xiao Yang, a third-year student at Xi'an Jiaotong University, told the Health Times reporter that 18 rounds of nucleic acid testing had been completed on campus. After the outbreak, students enthusiastically signed up for volunteers, and three groups of 2,000 people were filled up in an instant. Now that the epidemic situation has leveled off, she is very grateful to the teachers and classmates around her for fighting in the front line, guarding the campus and fighting the epidemic.

Where does the source of the epidemic in many places come from? Some areas are related to overseas, and the traceability of many places is still in progress

Anti-epidemic volunteers of Xi'an Jiaotong University. Courtesy of respondents

Tianjin: The source of the outbreak is still being traced back to investigate, which may be spread by people, things or the environment

In December 2021, Tianjin became the first city in China to detect the Omiljung variant of the new coronavirus from the arrivals. Zhang Ying, deputy director of the Tianjin Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said that the two cases initially confirmed on January 8 were not related to imported cases, there was no departure from Tianjin in the past 14 days, and there was no history of travel in medium- and high-risk areas. The whole genome sequencing of the virus further confirms that the two indigenous cases belong to the same chain of transmission, but they are different from those imported from abroad. At present, Tianjin is intensively carrying out the work of tracing the origin of the virus.

Zhang Ying said that on the one hand, the possibility of the virus being directly imported into Tianjin from abroad cannot be completely ruled out, in addition to people, there is also the spread of objects and the environment; on the other hand, it is also possible that inbound cases have been introduced into Tianjin through other regions and are digging further around clues.

On the evening of January 12, Tianjin conducted another round of screening. Volunteer Xiao Wang wrapped three pairs of cotton pants, wearing the thickest scarf and cold hat, and sandwiched between the cotton pants was the newly purchased warm baby. As a post-95, this is Xiao Wang's first time to participate in the fight against the epidemic and is responsible for the maintenance of order on the spot. Xiao Wang told the Health Times reporter: "There is a grandfather who came to do nucleic acid testing, and every time he sees me, he will say 'Hard!'" Hard work! I'm afraid I didn't hear it, and said it over and over again. This was the most touching moment I had at the nucleic acid testing point. ”

Henan: The source of the virus in Yuzhou, Zhengzhou and other places is not yet clear

According to the press conference on the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in Henan Province, after genetic sequencing analysis and comparison, the epidemic situation in Xuchang Yuzhou City is homologous to the epidemic situation in Zhengzhou City, and the virus gene sequencing is a Delta strain. At present, the source of the virus is not clear, and the situation of prevention and control is grim and complex.

The source of this round of epidemic in Anyang, Henan Province, was basically locked, and a college student returned to Anyang from Jinnan District of Tianjin City on December 28, and was included in isolation and control on January 8, which belongs to the Aomi Kerong variant.

On January 13, Wang Ying (pseudonym), a medical worker in Liangbei Town, Yuzhou City, completed nine rounds of nucleic acid screening, and half of the 42 health center staff were in isolation.

At six o'clock every morning, Wang Ying and other medical nurses took a bus to the nursing home for nucleic acid collection, and wrapped garbage bags and hand-disinfected bags around their waists with scotch tape. The rubber gloves were not warm, and Wang Ying's hands were red and swollen; when she returned to the health center, the mask was also soaked with water vapor. "Now that the weather has improved and the epidemic has gradually eased, I have to rush to the front every time I have a task to protect my city and my family." Wang Ying said.

Zhejiang: The epidemic in Beilun District of Ningbo is an independent outbreak, and the traceability work is continuing

According to the press conference on epidemic prevention and control in Zhejiang Province, the epidemic in Beilun, Ningbo belongs to the evolutionary branch of the Delta variant AY.57, which can exclude the association with the recent epidemic in Hangzhou, Yongshao, and is an independent epidemic. The epidemic situation is highly concentrated in Shenzhou Company in Beilun District, Ningbo, and no positive infected people have been found in other areas of Zhejiang. Traceability is ongoing.

From 11:00 on January 8, 2022, the emergency response level of Beilun District will be adjusted from Level I to Level II emergency response, and the temporary closure management measures in Beilun District except for the sealing and control area and the control area will be lifted, and the control requirements will be implemented according to the level II emergency response.

Shenzhen, Guangdong: The source of the epidemic may be related to overseas items

Where does the source of the epidemic in many places come from? Some areas are related to overseas, and the traceability of many places is still in progress

Shenzhen anti-epidemic volunteers. Green Pavilion drawing.

According to the Shenzhen Municipal Epidemic Prevention and Control Press Conference, case 1 of this epidemic is engaged in international goods supply chain work, and has a recent history of contact with overseas goods, and comprehensively analyzes the local epidemic situation caused by overseas imports, and the possibility of infection caused by exposure to overseas new coronavirus contaminants is large. The current flow of the epidemic and the traceability of the virus show that the strains infected in the four cases are all Delta variants (AY.103 evolutionary branch), and 100% homologous.

In the summer of 2021, Shenzhen had a round of epidemics, and Qingting drew a sketch after seeing the anti-epidemic photos of volunteer friends in the circle of friends. Subsequently, Qingting received an invitation to paint for the volunteers. In January 2022, the epidemic broke out again, and Shenzhen conducted nucleic acid testing every two days, and medical staff and volunteers fought on the front line, day and night. Qingting told the Health Times reporter: "Thanks to their hard work to protect everyone, what I can do is to draw the most beautiful moments of each person as soon as possible and record them in the book." ”

Where does the source of the epidemic in many places come from? Some areas are related to overseas, and the traceability of many places is still in progress

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