
How to relieve constipation during pregnancy?

1. Pay attention to drinking water

Pregnant women are prone to frequent urination in the third trimester of pregnancy, in order to reduce the number of times to go to the toilet, many pregnant mothers have less drinking water, which is actually harmless, not only easy to cause less amniotic fluid, but also because of insufficient hydration and lead to dry stools, aggravating the degree of constipation, so pregnant women must pay attention to drinking water, maintain intestinal lubrication to reduce constipation.

2. Insist on walking

Pregnant women also need to exercise properly, but many pregnant mothers feel that they are usually at work, there is no time to go to the gym, and there is no time to ask the coach to help them make a sports plan, in fact, the simplest and most reliable way to exercise is to walk, through walking can make the pregnant woman's whole body achieve a coordinated exercise effect, intestinal peristalsis function will also be strengthened, thereby reducing the trouble of constipation during pregnancy.

3. Put down the phone

Going to the toilet with a mobile phone can easily lead to a distraction when pregnant women defecate, the more distracted the more difficult it is to defecate, so you can not go to the toilet when there is no intention of defecation, wait until you have a defecation to go, but concentrate a little, do not play mobile phones, and concentrate on helping you reduce constipation during pregnancy.

4. On-time obstetric examination

Constipation during pregnancy may also be caused by complications during pregnancy, pregnant mothers should participate in obstetric examinations on time, if there is constipation, you can explain to the doctor, through the obstetric examination can find the cause in time, symptomatic treatment, alleviate some of the troubles of pregnant women during pregnancy.

5. Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits

Fresh vegetables and fruits not only provide a wealth of vitamins and minerals, but also full of dietary fiber that can promote intestinal peristalsis, which can effectively alleviate constipation.

Among fruits, prunes, pears, peaches, and plums are all "artifacts" for relieving constipation, while some seeds such as dragon fruit, kiwi fruit, strawberries, and mulberries are even more dietary fiber households.

Among vegetables, enoki mushrooms, fungus, kelp, onions, green peppers, etc., are rich in soluble dietary fiber, which can prevent and alleviate constipation while also controlling the rise of blood sugar after meals.

6. Increase the intake of coarse grains and potatoes

The Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents recommend that the intake of coarse grains should account for more than 1/5 of the staple food of pregnant mothers, and the intake of 50g of potatoes should be guaranteed every day.

Coarse grains are rich in dietary fiber that can promote intestinal peristalsis, such as oats, brown rice, corn, whole wheat, black rice, millet, buckwheat and kidney beans, flower beans, mung beans, red beans, etc. Pregnant mothers can usually eat with refined white rice noodles.

Potatoes contain more cellulose, hemicellulose and pectin, which have a very positive significance for promoting bowel movements, coupled with a sweet taste, it is best to replace snacks.

At the same time, it is also necessary to establish good bowel habits: colon activity is most active in the morning and after meals, and it is recommended that patients try to defecate in the morning or within 2 hours after meals.

Constipation can not be underestimated, especially during pregnancy constipation, not only affects the health of pregnant women, but also may cause irreversible effects on the fetus, so it is very meaningful to maintain a healthy diet and good living habits during pregnancy.

How to relieve constipation during pregnancy?

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